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Movie recommendation - Don Jon

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I think this movie is a good example of peaceful relationship by contrast. It also illustrates how our physical attraction does not serve our long-term interest well.

I'm curious what other FDR listeners thought about it and whether you would have recommendations for similar movies.



Below is my review:

This movie is only superficially about porn addiction. Instead it is about empathy and reason in relationships. Spoilers ahead.
On one hand, you have a girlfriend (Scarlett Johansson) which suffers from the pretty girl syndrome (the beautiful, wealthy and the powerful never hear the truth). She is used to guys bending over backwards to her wishes and she expects it. She throws tantrums and threatens to break up whenever there is a significant disagreements, which leads the boyfriend (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, main character) to not be honest. Most importantly, she avoids any depth of discussion to understand where the conflict comes from. She holds irrational beliefs which she is not ready to reason or argue about.
On the other hand, a more mature and wise woman (Julianne Moore), who is not afraid to speak the truth, helps him towards self-knowledge. She asks questions (in a Socratic way), isn't afraid of taboo topics, and does not punish him for being honest. She cares more about the person and the connection, and less about appearances or preconceptions. She helps him understand himself and grow.
This movie offers a stark contrast between those two relationships, the poor role that the main character's family plays and his progress towards self-knowledge and empathy.



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when I saw the movie I didn't expect it to be about how relationships should really be! I didn't expect it to be philosophical at all! I really liked that the movie talks about how having a real connection with someone gives you more pleasure than the superficial pleasure of sex alone, and also about men´s and woman´s unrealistic expectations...


It is a really cool movie! I really enjoy it.

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  • 2 months later...

Just saw this movie, on the recommendation of another thread here, and I loved it!


The most fascinating thing to me watching the movie was my own subconscious "white knighting": I didn't see any bad Scarlett Johannson's character until her first direct confrontation with Jon (the "Swiffer" scene). At that point I caught myself in what I had been doing and saw her more clearly for the rest of the movie. 


NGardner, do you mind sharing why you turned it off? I can understand the gratuitous nudity being off-putting, but I think anyone on this forum can tell you that the rest of the movie is a worthwhile and rewarding watch.

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Maybe I should watch it again. I didn't particularly care for it. I liked Jon's move from the superficial to the intimate, but it didn't seem realistic. People don't make changes like that and it last if it is unprincipled. I also found the family scenes rather unbearable.

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