12baird12 Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 Sad how someone can gloat on a stage in front of an audience about emerging inequality, call it progress and get a round of applause.
Kevin Beal Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 She was part of a recent debate titled something like "Are men still necessary?" (since labor intensive jobs are declining with innovation). She was very much of the opinion that the value men bring is like that of a work horse, cutting wheat in the fields and hauling it off to be stored then processed. And that women are the ones who are best equipped for jobs involving communication since women are obviously (isn't it obvious?) that women are so much more empathetic than men... I'm really not a fan of Hanna > 1
Wuzzums Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 I would like to take this opportunity because it's high time we have a moment of silence for TED Talks. Thank you. 1
J. D. Stembal Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 TED deserves no moment of silence. It's a forum for leftist mouthpieces. Simply look at who founded and funds it. The owner of TED, Sapling, has granted $10M to such groups as Acumen, a cause that seeks to eradicate "global poverty", Environmental Defense Fund, whose organizers pushed for the DDT ban, and PATH (formerly OneWorld Health), a group focused on combating "global health problems". Need I say more? What do I say about feminists like Rosin? She has a husband, father and two sons. How are we letting hatemongers breed like this? If you find a feminist in your family, educate them until they come to their senses. If a woman you are dating is a feminist, dump her faster than a bad check. If you have friends who are feminist, get new friends who have self-respect and examine your own while you are at it. I have a different interpretation of her data about the man-cession. Women are gaining on men in the economic sphere because there are an increasing amount of jobs in the public sector, which women are happy to fill (education and public health care services). Also, women spend 80% of all income, so industries that rely on male dollars are struggling and industries that rely on female dollars are thriving. 2
King David Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 On 7/21/2014 at 5:44 PM, EndTheUsurpation said: TED deserves no moment of silence. It's a forum for leftist mouthpieces. Simply look at who founded and funds it. The owner of TED, Sapling, has granted $10M to such groups as Acumen, a cause that seeks to eradicate "global poverty", Environmental Defense Fund, whose organizers pushed for the DDT ban, and PATH (formerly OneWorld Health), a group focused on combating "global health problems". Need I say more? What do I say about feminists like Rosin? She has a husband, father and two sons. How are we letting hatemongers breed like this? If you find a feminist in your family, educate them until they come to their senses. If a woman you are dating is a feminist, dump her faster than a bad check. If you have friends who are feminist, get new friends who have self-respect and examine your own while you are at it. I have a different interpretation of her data about the man-cession. Women are gaining on men in the economic sphere because there are an increasing amount of jobs in the public sector, which women are happy to fill (education and public health care services). Also, women spend 80% of all income, so industries that rely on male dollars are struggling and industries that rely on female dollars are thriving. Right on the "money" IMO. If they could just make women firefighters they will have eliminated men and the free market from the work force. KD
Frosty Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 I find it amusing that this video has mostly down votes. Fairly dishonest analysis of the facts. She opens by talking about college degrees but what we've seen is a huge increase in women taking college degrees in sociology and media studies among other fairly useless degrees and not coming out of uni with marketable skills or even really looking for a job that has anything to do with what they studied. All the major advancements are in fields which males are still the predominant gender, things like maths, physics, engineering, computer science, robotics, any hard science or type of engineering, they're all male dominated fields. These are the degrees that are high skilled and pay the best, that's why there's a gender pay gap disparity because on average it's men in the higher paying fields. The bell curve for IQ is flatter for men it means that while we have more smart men we also have more dumb men than women, now we're seeing a shrinking requirement for manual labour being replaced with robotics and machines it's harder for low skilled men to get jobs. However we're seeing a boom in things like care work, a huge number of women are being pushed out into some kind of medium to low pay care work looking after the children of women who have gone out to work. Study after study is showing that womens happiness is trending downwards not only over time, but also with age, men are happier now than 10 years ago women are the opposite, men get happier as they get older, women are the opposite. I think part of this is motivation, now that cheap or free entertainment and porn is ubiquitous and the reality for getting married and having kids for men has become nothing but a risk and no strings sex has become relatively easy to acquire, men are living the bachelor lifestyle, and you know what, that doesn't take an awful lot of money, forego the mortgage, no expenses on wife or child, even for a medium wage bachelor life is extremely good. We're seeing this in places like Japan with the grass eaters, this new breed of men with basically little or no desire to get aggressive careers or get pinned down with a relationship, they instead focus on things they enjoy and that's simply not women. I think this is partly why happiness of women is going down, they need the emotional connection more where as men I think are largely kept very content with entertainment, material goods and hobbies/interests. Its why we have a young generation of what people are starting to refer to as child-men, men in so called extended childhood basically enjoying social and economic freedom that comes from abandoning the pursuit of women and spending all your money on them. I'm happy for the all the women who have all this success, best of luck to them, but to suggest it's a problem for men is quite the opposite of reality, we're simply not motivated to over achieve and compete like we once were, that family dynamic is completely fallen apart and isn't desirable at all. But it's women who suffer that problem, not men, on average. 1
J. D. Stembal Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 Don't pretend that feminists care one bit about what men feel or care about, and by extension, what their kids care about. A feminist woman wants three things: a successful career, a family, and a man to facilitate this dream for them financially. If you aren't constantly assisting them in the pursuit of this goal, then you are going to get thrown out with the morning paper. I once lived with a single mother (just as room mates, mind you), who was separated for one year from her husband but not yet divorced, with shared custody of an eight year old boy. This kid was a moody, chronic liar, kleptomaniac, and worse - sometimes physically violent. It never occurred to her to ask her child why he behaves like this. After he elbowed me in the groin once for taking a toy away temporarily, I asked him if his dad ever spanked him as a punishment, using my new knowledge derived from Stefan's anti-spanking videos. It turns out that this woman's estranged husband had been spanking him since they separated without sharing this information with her, but she never cared enough to actually ask her son. The mother was overwrought finding this out from me and her son that it took her ten minutes to actually believe the story. Apparently, her and her husband had agreed when their child was a baby that they could never use corporal punishment. She then attacked me for prying into her family life. It's clear to me that she didn't want to know what was going on in her child's life. She was too focused on other concerns, such as finding a new boy toy, on top of her already demanding career. To put the boy's abandonment behavior into sharp relief, this single mother often worked 70-75 hours a week, spending roughly 30 hours with her son on the weeks she was responsible for custody. The bulk of her son's supervision was provided by the taxpayer, the lowly public teacher, and daycare workers. Her on and off boyfriend provoked severe jealously in her son. This poor kid was so starved for mom's attention, dating and keeping a man was not a reality for her. I also found him to be a very cold and detached human being with sarcastic tendencies and self-deprecating humor, not the kind of male role model most people would choose for their kids, and definitely not a man who had much in the way of self-knowledge. But, hey, the sex was good, or so I heard. The last straw for me was a comment she made about desiring another child. I asked her, "With whom would you raise another child?" Having no steady boyfriend, I thought it a necessary and critical question. She brushed it off saying, "Oh, I don't know. It doesn't matter. I'll find someone." This is the very essence of the glaring problem with women today. They don't know what they want in a man, they don't know what they want in a career, and they have absolutely no concern for the psychological welfare of their own children. Somehow, a male of substance needs to enter their lives and manage all the craziness for them because it's all too overwhelming alone. If I was a potential suitor for this woman, I would say "No thanks, I'm not crazy enough for you." We have to start holding women accountable, and stop letting them get away with this "I deserve the best of all worlds" mindset to raising families. My heart aches for her son, and now that I've moved out, I can do nothing for him. My only wish is that he doesn't end up slaughtering innocents like Elliot Rodger did. 1
J-William Posted July 28, 2014 Posted July 28, 2014 On 7/20/2014 at 5:54 PM, Kevin Beal said: She was part of a recent debate titled something like "Are men still necessary?" (since labor intensive jobs are declining with innovation). She was very much of the opinion that the value men bring is like that of a work horse, cutting wheat in the fields and hauling it off to be stored then processed. And that women are the ones who are best equipped for jobs involving communication since women are obviously (isn't it obvious?) that women are so much more empathetic than men... I'm really not a fan of Hanna > Yup, cuz you know men didn't develop the technology that makes it possible. If all men are good for is MANual labor, then I bet she'd love a world where that's all they did... without any men to maintain the tech infrastructure at least the feminist could burn their bras for something useful, heat!
Livemike Posted July 28, 2014 Posted July 28, 2014 On 7/26/2014 at 5:12 PM, EndTheUsurpation said: Don't pretend that feminists care one bit about what men feel or care about, and by extension, what their kids care about. A feminist woman wants three things: a successful career, a family, and a man to facilitate this dream for them financially. If you aren't constantly assisting them in the pursuit of this goal, then you are going to get thrown out with the morning paper. I once lived with a single mother (just as room mates, mind you), who was separated for one year from her husband but not yet divorced, with shared custody of an eight year old boy. This kid was a moody, chronic liar, kleptomaniac, and worse - sometimes physically violent. It never occurred to her to ask her child why he behaves like this. After he elbowed me in the groin once for taking a toy away temporarily, I asked him if his dad ever spanked him as a punishment, using my new knowledge derived from Stefan's anti-spanking videos. It turns out that this woman's estranged husband had been spanking him since they separated without sharing this information with her, but she never cared enough to actually ask her son. The mother was overwrought finding this out from me and her son that it took her ten minutes to actually believe the story. Apparently, her and her husband had agreed when their child was a baby that they could never use corporal punishment. She then attacked me for prying into her family life. It's clear to me that she didn't want to know what was going on in her child's life. She was too focused on other concerns, such as finding a new boy toy, on top of her already demanding career. To put the boy's abandonment behavior into sharp relief, this single mother often worked 70-75 hours a week, spending roughly 30 hours with her son on the weeks she was responsible for custody. The bulk of her son's supervision was provided by the taxpayer, the lowly public teacher, and daycare workers. Her on and off boyfriend provoked severe jealously in her son. This poor kid was so starved for mom's attention, dating and keeping a man was not a reality for her. I also found him to be a very cold and detached human being with sarcastic tendencies and self-deprecating humor, not the kind of male role model most people would choose for their kids, and definitely not a man who had much in the way of self-knowledge. But, hey, the sex was good, or so I heard. The last straw for me was a comment she made about desiring another child. I asked her, "With whom would you raise another child?" Having no steady boyfriend, I thought it a necessary and critical question. She brushed it off saying, "Oh, I don't know. It doesn't matter. I'll find someone." This is the very essence of the glaring problem with women today. They don't know what they want in a man, they don't know what they want in a career, and they have absolutely no concern for the psychological welfare of their own children. Somehow, a male of substance needs to enter their lives and manage all the craziness for them because it's all too overwhelming alone. If I was a potential suitor for this woman, I would say "No thanks, I'm not crazy enough for you." We have to start holding women accountable, and stop letting them get away with this "I deserve the best of all worlds" mindset to raising families. My heart aches for her son, and now that I've moved out, I can do nothing for him. My only wish is that he doesn't end up slaughtering innocents like Elliot Rodger did. So just to clarify, was her criticizing you for "prying" in front of her son? Because that makes it absolutely perfect. You are assaulted, you do her job and find out why he's behaving badly, you find out that her ex is both breaking their agreement and harming their child and you get blamed, and the kid sees it. Yeah she cares so much about her kid that the person who finds out he's being harmed gets criticized for doing so. The kid probably won't kill people, but look for repeatedly acts of violence, irresponsibility and generally making the world worse.
J. D. Stembal Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 To add clarification, the attack on my prying came one or two days after I first asked her son if he was being spanked. She was visibly troubled and began crying when she finally believed that her son was being spanked against her wishes. If it were not for me inquiring, she would not have found out. It is clear to me that she would rather have continued to remain ignorant, because when I followed up with her to find out if she was going to talk to her son about it, she snapped at me and said that she didn't want to discuss it, but it was not in front of her son. She planned to confront her husband about the spanking without her son there to share his input, and I was of the mind that she needed to include her son, or at least ask his feelings about it. All he had said when asked was that dad hit him only when he was bad (implying that he deserved it). It was perfectly clear that her son had already normalized the abuse. When I took his toy he fought me tooth and nail to get it back, and then asked me if I wanted him to go hard on me. I told him that he was already fighting hard enough and did not need to go any further. That's when he sucker hit me in the dick. He felt that my actions were unjust, even though I told him I would give his toy back later, and he was looking to punish me for acting unjustly (perhaps I was). Instead of negotiating with me with words, he was bullying me with physical aggression. His dad was teaching him to deal with problems in this way, since his mother never hit him. I thought about it for a couple weeks before asking him if his dad spanked him in front of his mother. It was a calculated gambit on my part to get her to see that her child needed help, but she just used it as ammunition against her husband, and did not really care about her son's well-being. I never received any appreciation for uncovering the spanking, and instead, was treated with hostility by the mother when I tried to help. Single moms are one of the greatest threats to the future of the human race. I'm a long way from building a solid case, but we'll get there.
Frosty Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 On 7/28/2014 at 11:16 AM, Livemike said: So just to clarify, was her criticizing you for "prying" in front of her son? Because that makes it absolutely perfect. You are assaulted, you do her job and find out why he's behaving badly, you find out that her ex is both breaking their agreement and harming their child and you get blamed, and the kid sees it. Yeah she cares so much about her kid that the person who finds out he's being harmed gets criticized for doing so. The kid probably won't kill people, but look for repeatedly acts of violence, irresponsibility and generally making the world worse. Some people simply cannot face the reality that they're responsible for the harm of others, especially those they care for, I've met a few people like this before (incidentally all women), they're simply not used to being held responsible for their actions and so it's a shock to their system when they are, that tends to result in emotional outbursts and irrational behaviour to misdirect the issue and put blame on others. What will help this issue is people (mostly men) holding women responsible for all their actions and decisions so they start getting used to the idea, they learn the skills to cope with these issues logically and rationally rather than deflecting.
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