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Someone posted this on facebook.... thoughts?


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Someone posted this on facebook, and I wonder what your thoughts are.

I think I somewhat understand what this guy is trying to say, but it is still confusing as fuck for me; being a traitor to the nationalism of the oppressor? lolwut?!


''Nationalism is not the same if its the nationalism of the oppressed against the nationalism of the oppressor. Making this equivalency is not only false internationalism, but the left-wing version of the liberal "blame both houses" self-righteous yet morally cowardly false neutrality.

True internationalism is being a traitor to the nationalism of the oppressor, and the first to raise the national flag of the oppressed. The path to destroying all nationalism begins with treason to the dominant nations and loyalty to the oppressed nations.

Failing to grasp the bankruptcy of this false internationalism is the age old (As in 19th century) excuse of those starry eyed with Great Nation chauvinism to both sound radical and remain attached to their own chauvinist prejudices and dominant nation burden. The criticism - generally just and correct - of oppressed nation nationalism is a task of self-criticism, not platitudes from the false internationalists.''

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I had to ask google what internationalism is, and I still don't understand :confused:

noun: internationalism; noun: Internationalism
    the state or process of being international.
    "the internationalism of popular music"
    • the advocacy of cooperation and understanding between nations.
    the principles of any of the four Internationals.

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The FB statement becomes more interesting if you strip out all instances of nationalism and internationalism since both concepts are imaginary.


"The oppressed against the oppressor; making this equivalency is false. Truth is being a traitor to the oppressor, and the first to raise the flag of the oppressed. The path to destroying all begins with treason to the dominant and loyalty to the oppressed."


The last paragraph completely self-destructs, but the first two paragraphs are Marxist.

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Yep, that's definitely how crazy people talk. It's called a word salad, and it can be a symptom of schizophrenia or other mental disorders. It's characterized by seemingly correct phrases that lack any logical meaning. Kinda like postmodernism (he he), except in a word salad certain words are repeated over and over again. For instance different iterations of the word "nation" are repeated 16 times, at about 3 times per phrase.


On a side note, in the Wikipedia entry for "word salad" in the "See also" section they put a link Deepak Chopra's wikipage. Made my day.


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The FB statement becomes more interesting if you strip out all instances of nationalism and internationalism since both concepts are imaginary.


"The oppressed against the oppressor; making this equivalency is false. Truth is being a traitor to the oppressor, and the first to raise the flag of the oppressed. The path to destroying all begins with treason to the dominant and loyalty to the oppressed."


The last paragraph completely self-destructs, but the first two paragraphs are Marxist.


Thanks for this, like, really fucking thanks.


Yep, that's definitely how crazy people talk. It's called a word salad, and it can be a symptom of schizophrenia or other mental disorders. It's characterized by seemingly correct phrases that lack any logical meaning. Kinda like postmodernism (he he), except in a word salad certain words are repeated over and over again. For instance different iterations of the word "nation" are repeated 16 times, at about 3 times per phrase.


On a side note, in the Wikipedia entry for "word salad" in the "See also" section they put a link Deepak Chopra's wikipage. Made my day.



THAT SHIT FUNNY AS FUCK!Omg I fucking love you guys <3



Edit: I want to upvote you guys so hard but somehow I am still not able. Someone explained to me once where the supposed arrows aught to be, but they are simply not there - in any of browsers tried. 


Edit 2: Someone PM'd me and cleared the issue. 

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The last paragraph completely self-destructs, but the first two paragraphs are Marxist.


Btw, you fucking nailed this part. He is not as retarded as a full blown commie, but he's clearly someone molded trough ''those kind'' of ideas.

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You definitely have to *feel* the comment. If you try to understand it logically, your goddamn brain will either explode or go on strike.


It feels like he's saying that the masses have a different view of patriotism than the elites. He places no trust in the laziness of non-thinkers who essentially (paraphrasing) say, "[All politicians/nationalist rhetoric are/is the same].


Sounds like he's actually saying that true nationalism requires introspection of what an individual is contributing to the culture of a nation...not what they are told/fed by the elites.



Gotta be honest. That shit took me about an hour and a half and some serious drinking to kill enough brain cells to feel out. I could be dead wrong and look forward to reading other peoples' interpretations of whatever the hell he was talking about. Being a life-long socialist turned anarcho-capitalist, he sounds like someone going through the motions I went though.


He'll either figure it out or remain lost.

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If you rely on feelings to convey a message, it is bound to be misunderstood. I couldn't make much of it until I stripped the -ism words out. It still doesn't express any significant amount of sense, but I am a FDR listener so I've got that going for me.


I wouldn't characterize the writer as a communist, though. I can at least have a conversation with a communist as long as they understand that I only accept their ideology on a voluntary, small-scale basis. This writer is just spouting pretentious nonsense.

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Yep, that's definitely how crazy people talk. It's called a word salad, and it can be a symptom of schizophrenia or other mental disorders. It's characterized by seemingly correct phrases that lack any logical meaning. Kinda like postmodernism (he he), except in a word salad certain words are repeated over and over again. For instance different iterations of the word "nation" are repeated 16 times, at about 3 times per phrase.


On a side note, in the Wikipedia entry for "word salad" in the "See also" section they put a link Deepak Chopra's wikipage. Made my day.



Crazy people, and to a lesser extent communists (and continental philosophers in general), and academics.

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If you rely on feelings to convey a message, it is bound to be misunderstood. I couldn't make much of it until I stripped the -ism words out. It still doesn't express any significant amount of sense, but I am a FDR listener so I've got that going for me.


I wouldn't characterize the writer as a communist, though. I can at least have a conversation with a communist as long as they understand that I only accept their ideology on a voluntary, small-scale basis. This writer is just spouting pretentious nonsense.

I agree, it sounds like nationalistic propaganda. (pro collective/state)"Whether you are oppressed or the oppressor, you must believe in nationalism" (Hegelian Dialectic/Artificial choice)"But actually true internationalism" (don't be part of the small state, supporting world government is the way to go) = Agenda 21that's about all I got out of it

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**scratching head**  Basically what I understood is this person is encouraging you choose sides of the oppressed version of nationalism to combat the oppressor version of nationalism and thus making the oppressed the oppressors and giving you another frog to jump over (leap frog analogy lol) and always feel you are 'fighting for the little guy'.  This person is bascially describing the current state of affairs (and international affairs) but I think they think they are exposing something new and profound.  :-/  I am 'proud' to be American but I am not nationalist.  My 'pride' comes from the fellow citizens within the imaginary borders called The United States where I was born and raised.  the pride of the positive interactions I had with those people, of the inventions and creations, etc...nothing to do with the gvt or members of gvt (the oppressors).  I could say the same of the people of the world.  those who have invented things from other tax farms that advance humans as a whole.  I am equally proud for them but if they are part of an oppressed tax farm, I should support that tax farm so they can become the oppressors?  mmmmm...not so much.  

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