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This may not seem that important, but where I live, a citizen was fined for backyard chickens


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People are criminals for trying to feed themselves. This shows the extent to which government power has gotten out of hand. Do they have nothing better to do than criminalize people for having a bird?


I was looking to get some chickens lately and I live near this guy. 


Anyways, this was just a bit of a rant, what are your thoughts?

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I remember back a few years ago when the economy nose dived people were talking about going back to the barter system and someone mentioned that if you want to be on the barter system that you better find out who you can trust because one day someone you have never seen before will come to the door and want to trade with you and when you agree they will arrest you for breaking some ridiculous law.

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in my city you're allowed to have half a dozen chickens, no roosters. I can understand the no roosters thing, I'd voluntarily join a community that had that rule... 

I know it's a tautology, but, arbitrary rules are arbitrary.

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Like SamuelS stated: it's rule by fiat which means without reason or principle.If the the city operated as a DRO, they could negotiate and or mitigate any unpleasant effects the chickens might have on neighbors. But since the city has no incentive to be customer service friendly, they just swing the bat of fiat power knocking down anyone they feel like knocking down.

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People are criminals for trying to feed themselves. This shows the extent to which government power has gotten out of hand. Do they have nothing better to do than criminalize people for having a bird?


I was looking to get some chickens lately and I live near this guy. 


Anyways, this was just a bit of a rant, what are your thoughts?

People are the frog, slowly boiling in the heat of the arbitrary tyranny. I wouldnt say this isnt that important.  When some complicated things are regulated (its bad as it is) but when such small things are regulated, we are in serious trouble.

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The city of Denver allows up to eight hens (no roosters) or ducks, and two pygmy goats in the backyard only. You have to pay a permit fee and ask permission of your immediate neighbors before building a chicken coop, but I think most people just pay the fee and assume the neighbors won't care. If you have a dick for a neighbor they can probably get the city to take your chickens away if they protest loud enough. Hens, ducks and goats can be loud at times, but you get used to the sound.



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If you have a dick for a neighbor they can probably get the city to take your chickens away if they protest loud enough.


So basically the neighbour has to make more noise and squacking than the birds in order to remove your birds


Makes sense

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So basically the neighbour has to make more noise and squacking than the birds in order to remove your birds


Makes sense


Indeed, the violation of consistency is palpable to me.


The argument against urban homesteading usually contends that it decreases property values, so if there is a new development that goes up and buyers move in to find out that there are dozens of chickens next door, they are going to feel like that have been cheated and protest to the city council to force you to give up your chickens. Or they could just complain about the noise. The tragedy is that self-sufficiency is a desirable trait to promote among the constituents of your local community, so more people would voluntarily practice urban homesteading if the entitled squeaky wheels of the neighborhood didn't have a city authority to which they can appeal.

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