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Considering online public school...


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I've been homeschooling for the past 4 years and am considering switching to an online public school. However, being anti-state, as most of us on here are, I have my reservations.

As a single-working-homeschooling parent I am interested in the tuition free aspect as well as the structure and input from others who are more knowledgeable in certain areas where I am lacking. Additionally, through the public school option the kids have access to all public school extra curricular activities in my area. However, like I said, I have reservations regarding enrolling in a "public school" even if it's done at home. Am I just being paranoid? I've read many reviews that are across the spectrum. Does anyone here have any experience in either Connections Academy or K12.com? I appreciate any help.

I am happy to answer any questions that you may have.  

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As someone who was stuck in K12(GCA) for several years, I'll give you my two cents on the system and why you should avoid it like the plague(this doesn't apply to other online systems although some things will most likely overlap). 


First and foremost the best way to describe the educational/teaching 'methods' is that it's completely impersonal. You're almost completely cut off from teachers outside of optional online class sessions known as Elluminates. Trying to get any real degree of connection going with the teachers is frustrating and feels pointless a lot of the time. 

Secondly the only way I can really describe the curriculum and the way lessons and quizzes are set up is utterly broken. For lots of classes the lessons don't contain everything that will be included on the tests/quizzes that are scattered throughout each block(Unit) of the Semester. The quizzes themselves are probably one of the most frustrating things about the system as a whole, the tests feel sloppy and many of the questions feel vague so it's easy to feel like you could have easily scored better on a test if the questions hadn't been worded so poorly. Finally the most dangerous part about it is how little the teachers actually care, with no firm deadlines for tests,papers, or projects outside of the end of each semester it's very easy for younger kids/young teens to fall into the habit of not wanting to do any of the work at all and then gliding through it all at once in a couple of weeks towards the end of the semester. For the most part kids don't have the proper restraint to avoid working their way into this groove, because of this you have to constantly be working with your kid to keep them on track. That won't be easy if you're single and working day shifts.

In short K-12 has amplified all the negative aspects of public schooling with few to none of the benefits you get from homeschooling. Avoid it if at all possible.


That's just my two cents though, feel free to prod me with questions if you would like more in-depth details about parts of the system. 

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this may sound like a bit of a rant.., but maybe someone can explain to me why anyone needs ..."would spoonfeeding be an accurate description?" while everyone is basicly tzunamizied in massive amounts of information.  I am just not getting it.


This basicly means that if you have mature career  (as in ex student), it will be totally impossible to selfstudy  and adapt to the market changes,..,because...well, one never did any form of self-whatever in the past.


I dont understand this overly  dependence on tutors, from public school system or otherwise, sure, you can get stuck when analyzing a problem, but the web can help more then any tutor can.


in my opinion Ancaps should try to  be more seflactualized when it comes to acquiring skills and knowledge.

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