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Career Turning Point Anxiety


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Recently I've been feeling anxious about a potential career change that could lead to something quite exciting for me.


I joined this company three months ago for a particular position. After spending some time learning the ropes of that role I've become interested in a more customer based role that is quite scarce. It would be more along the lines of what I went to college for and would allow me to develop the set of skills that I have only scratched the surface of.


I am wanting the change because I am no longer interested in my role compared to this opportunity. It's in line with my already developed skill set and is very viable for contract work should I chose to start a business.


Starting my own business and being customer focused is something I think I can do well because I am driven given how much I've overcome just to get a steady job. (Something that is not common in my family.)


I haven't met a lot of resistance when asking questions at work about it, in fact they pointed me in the direction of that department manager and said to ask.


I know that I am insecurely attached. A large part of my life I've been worried about making people uncomfortable, but this is something that I think I could really enjoy.


When I think of saying that I want the change I think that something bad will happen.


How can I ask in a way that creates that best chance for success?



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It just occurred to me that I have another thread open about vulnerability.


You know what I am going to go for it and if they dislike me for it, screw them. If I get fired I can find another job.


Sorry for wasting your time guys.

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