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Are We Raising An Ungrateful Generation?


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Where is the father? Why did she have four children?


Were they given the choice to attend choir and church?


Disrespect for authoritative figures is being reinforced by popular television programs that degrade adults.




Authority figures are disrespected because they haven't earned it.

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Well, I just read her writing for free which might have something to do with the not-earning-money thing.  And it could be summarized as "you damn kids get off my lawn!" which I'd pay even less to read.


I am not exactly sure how to produce genuine, involuntarily-felt gratitude in people, but whatever she's doing is not it.  I think it has to do with knowing both what it was like before and after the nice thing.  If you always do X for your kids then that's normal, it's not special.  Why would either person expect praise for doing what they've always done?


It seems far easier to experience gratitude in strangersfriends than it is with internal family relationships.  At work there's boatloads of gratitude all the time, but at home it's all about guilt and obligation and forced thanks kinda stuff.  Hmmm.

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The first step is empathizing with him. Somewhere in that hurtful question is a real emotion he is having. and maybe he has a hard time understanding it and the only thing he knows to do is lash out. Why is he lashing out? Who's behavior is he modeling? Don't let your ego and hurt feelings get in the way of connecting with your son.


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You made me read Huffpo, you bastard.  


But then surprisingly it wasn't a bunch of self-pitying claptrap designed to gather clicks from those who want to justify their views rather than examine them, but a serious examination of an important issue.


Nahhh.... just kidding it was the usual Huffpo garbage.

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I find it hilarious that she doesn't waste one word mentioning the father or fathers of her four children, and what his role might have been. We're led to believe that women can spontaneously reproduce, and raise families while simultaneously working out of the home.


I did it all on my own, ladies!

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