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Unfortunately this type of incident is on the increase. All you have to do is search youtube and it's all too easy to find similar examples of police using fear, intimidation and strong arm tactics to exert their power over average people in trouble.


Rather than help and become a hero, this one choose to behave in this sociopathic manor. I'm certain the policies of many jurisdictions are created with the intent to strengthen the power of police irrespective of what is best, and regardless if their are other means to facilitate a peaceful remedy or help people in need.


Policies and power hungry politicians aside, it still comes down to the individual police person's choice and willingness to defer to authority under the excuse s/he is therefore not responsible for their own actions. This is the reason Larken Rose and Josie "The Outlaw" work to reverse the indoctrination and fallacy of authority.


For those who have not heard of Larken Rose or Josie The Outlaw I encourage you to look them up on youtube. Larken also has written several books, one specifically about authority is "The Most Dangerous Superstition" available online as a PDF.


Welcome to the real world. Is that blunt enough for ya coinflip? There are plenty of positive human interest stories out there too, many right here on FDR. 


Despite the "think positive" mindset which is out of balance the other way, what we choose to see is a matter of focus. I myself find it hard at times to feel much positivity in the midst of the massive bombardment of the tyranny, irrationality and negative press I face daily. 


I'm not even sure sometimes what drives me to continue striving for a better life, the search for kindred spirits and authenticity, but I know it needs to start first in myself before I expect it in others. It's always a great feeling though when you find those who have managed to overcome their inner demons and set an example worth emulating. That feels very positive to me, and gives me hope.


I try to strike a balance as best I can. Whenever I see something like this i'll put some effort into finding something inspiring so that I know for all the terrible people out there, there are those trying to fix the world and help people.

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