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Whitewashing Colorful Language

Mr. Wrong

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So while I've been a member for a while this is my first time actually interacting with you lovely people. The first thing I read in the forum was that Stef, in 2009, had closed the topic of Determinism.


I don't think it was his fault...


Now my question: I've read through the Guidelines and I don't find anything objectionable save for the vagueness (or perhaps not) of "No Swearing". Is this specific to the words themselves or their use? I have a broad verbal palette but understand that not all language fits everyone's taste. Please let me know.



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I've never seen anyone warned for language unless they were being abusive, so I think it's more about use.  The vagueness is purposeful, as the moderators are more able to use their judgment on what is considered "swearing."  I think the point is to keep the conversation reasonable, tasteful, and emotionally safe.

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This may not be accurate, but my impression of the rule is, "If you're talking about yourself, use whatever words you want.  But if you're talking to someone else (or about someone else), be really careful." 


Whether you're abusive to yourself, or others, abuse is abuse.  I understand your intent, but I don't think this is a correct manifestation of the principle.

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I don't know, right? But I think it's an issue of internet courage, in line with some of the other guidelines. If someone is swearing at someone else on the boards, there's no reason to continue engaging them. It's safe to assume they are acting out their own aggression in a way that benefits no one.


With that in place, a person can't reasonably complain about being asked to leave when things escalate that much. (They had to agree to the guidelines in order to post.)

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Whether you're abusive to yourself, or others, abuse is abuse.  I understand your intent, but I don't think this is a correct manifestation of the principle.


You're right about that.  I can't even think of a re-phrasing to improve what I posted.  I'm stuck.  :(

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