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What I think about it can't really be expressed adequately in words (it would have to be performed), but Doh! was one I thought of.  It goes along with the category of Sometimes It's Better To Not Know Much About the MusiciansCelebrities You Like.

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Probably.  I know for myself there are a certain very specific group of public figures that were pushed into my peripheral vision at some point and I just blindly accepted their goodness.  You didn't actually know jack squat about them, but you just had this generic feeling of goodness about them.  Mandela, Mother Theresa, any Pope, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Dali Lama etc..  It wasn't a you-better-buy-into-this-kid-or-else kind of thing like Jesus, but it was just this set of political dolls they issued you that you had to play with at least once.  They might as well be mythical figures, though.


This video is only wince-worthy after having watched Stef's presentation on Mandela.  Before that I would not have noticed.  I guess it's an invitation to always be skeptical of anyone They've tried to sell you on.  You never know when the Innocuous Smiling Foreign Man Who Does Good Things For His People has a wife who is down with necklacing.  As a kid I could plead ignorance, but then when you dig up even a little dirt on these figures you find it's smelly enough to knock a buzzard off a shitwagon and it's like, 'why in the hell did any of the adults telling us this stuff back in the day not know this?  Doesn't take much, any one of those things mentioned immediately knocks these people off the pedestal.

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