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Making the most of time


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Does anyone here have any tips around productivity?


I find that I spend most of my days doing nothing of value. It's hard for me to motivate myself to do anything productive. Even if I manage to start, I don't last very long.


I really want to spend more of my time on my health (self knowledge, excercising, eating right), and being productive (writing, reading, honing skills, etc.)

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maybe there is something that you would enjoy doing, like.....mechanics or something like that.

For intellectual persuits..., try a good math book. It can change your life.


Sorry if I wasn't clear, it's not that there aren't things I like doing, it's that I don't have the motivation to do them. I waste my time doing unimportant things.

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Sorry if I wasn't clear, it's not that there aren't things I like doing, it's that I don't have the motivation to do them. I waste my time doing unimportant things.


you should try a therapist maybe. I think this is the place for you to start

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What are you going to be satisfied with? Are you going to be satisfied with your current line of work in 5 years? Are you going to be satisfied with your current relationships in 5 years? Would you be satisfied with your parents lives? How about the lives of the most successful people in your neighborhood?


The answer is no, isn't it? That's why you want to explore it despite a lack of motivation, right?


It's almost as if your future self is coming back through time to tell you to get on it, to work harder toward your goals. That fear is good. That fear can motivate you.


I find envy is a good motivator for me. I hate that this one dork I know is more skilled and accomplished a web developer than I am. I want to be so good at web development that I crush him under the weight of my awesomeness.


Is there someone who you don't like who is better than you at what you want to be good at? Good! Crush him! :D


Also, these are some good videos on this subject:



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I find envy is a good motivator for me.


Does anyone here have any tips around productivity?


I find that I spend most of my days doing nothing of value. It's hard for me to motivate myself to do anything productive. Even if I manage to start, I don't last very long.


I really want to spend more of my time on my health (self knowledge, excercising, eating right), and being productive (writing, reading, honing skills, etc.)

What were chores like for you growing up? Did you go to public school? What about sports, theater, clubs? Were you raised with religion?

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What are the things you classify as unimportant?


Playing video games, watching TV, browsing the internet, "alone time"... I mean, none of those things are completely terrible, but the degree to which I spend time on them is wasteful to me.



record a scedule of your activity for a week, then it can be reviewed.


Good idea.



What are you going to be satisfied with? Are you going to be satisfied with your current line of work in 5 years? Are you going to be satisfied with your current relationships in 5 years? Would you be satisfied with your parents lives? How about the lives of the most successful people in your neighborhood?


The answer is no, isn't it? That's why you want to explore it despite a lack of motivation, right?


It's almost as if your future self is coming back through time to tell you to get on it, to work harder toward your goals. That fear is good. That fear can motivate you.


I find envy is a good motivator for me. I hate that this one dork I know is more skilled and accomplished a web developer than I am. I want to be so good at web development that I crush him under the weight of my awesomeness.


Is there someone who you don't like who is better than you at what you want to be good at? Good! Crush him! :D


Thanks for the advice. That sounds like a pretty accurate description.




What were chores like for you growing up? Did you go to public school? What about sports, theater, clubs? Were you raised with religion?


Didn't have much chores, if any at all. Went to public school, it was terrible. No theater or clubs, but played sports a little when I was very young. Stopped doing that in middle school, though. I was raised Catholic, went to sunday school up until confirmation but it was more of a tradition thing than anything. My parents never really brought me to church. I should mention I'm (still?) a Christian, though I don't have anything to do with the Catholic tradition any more.

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What kinds of thoughts run through your mind during alone time? Do you self attack and say that you shouldn't be doing it and continue anyway? Or are you at least content with engaging in them, and it's only after you're done you feel like you've wasted your time?


I would also like to ask how your parents viewed your time management as a child. Would they criticize you for playing too much video games, urged you too hard to do your homework instead--or anything else like that?

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What kinds of thoughts run through your mind during alone time? Do you self attack and say that you shouldn't be doing it and continue anyway? Or are you at least content with engaging in them, and it's only after you're done you feel like you've wasted your time?


I would also like to ask how your parents viewed your time management as a child. Would they criticize you for playing too much video games, urged you too hard to do your homework instead--or anything else like that?


It's like, I just feel constantly tired and exhausted. I think it has a lot to do with my crappy diet and bad sleep schedule. I mean, it has something to do with my psyche as well, but I think I would have more energy if I ate well, excercised and woke up earlier. But those are some of the things I'm having difficulty getting around to, because of the lack of energy. So it's a vicious cycle.


My mom would not really critisize my schedule. She would let me do whatever I wanted, more or less, as long as I completed my homework. My dad was much more strict but he was at work usually. Overall though my life wasn't very structured. I sort of just did what I want, much like I do now. I do the bare minimum in terms of things I need to get done, but I don't have much ambition, empirically.

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It's like, I just feel constantly tired and exhausted. I think it has a lot to do with my crappy diet and bad sleep schedule. I mean, it has something to do with my psyche as well, but I think I would have more energy if I ate well, excercised and woke up earlier. But those are some of the things I'm having difficulty getting around to, because of the lack of energy. So it's a vicious cycle.


My mom would not really critisize my schedule. She would let me do whatever I wanted, more or less, as long as I completed my homework. My dad was much more strict but he was at work usually. Overall though my life wasn't very structured. I sort of just did what I want, much like I do now. I do the bare minimum in terms of things I need to get done, but I don't have much ambition, empirically.


Oh man I am so sorry Otie...I totally empathize with this because I am just breaking out of a cycle of eating less than 3 meals a day and sleeping in til noon. 


I have something I hope that can help structure your life a little bit. I'll send it to you in a personal message, it's called a Well Being Checklist. I use it to track if I've given to myself during the week. I'll explain more in the PM but anyways. I'll leave the floor open for anyone else's input.

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It's like, I just feel constantly tired and exhausted. I think it has a lot to do with my crappy diet and bad sleep schedule. I mean, it has something to do with my psyche as well, but I think I would have more energy if I ate well, excercised and woke up earlier. But those are some of the things I'm having difficulty getting around to, because of the lack of energy. So it's a vicious cycle.

I am skeptical it's lack of energy keeping you from these things. I have gone through several phases of up and downs in doing healthy things and doing unhealthy things. Every time I started doing healthy activities, my energy very quickly caught back up. There's a part of myself that very much doesn't like when I do get back into healthy behaviors though and tries to sabotage the healthy stuff.How old are you? Do you live with your parents? What do your parents do for a living? What would you like to do with your life?



I just listened to this podcast this morning, I think you might find it relevant to your situation. :)http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/1326/ambition-success-terror-stagnation-convo

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