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Crafting a Character Series

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Hey everybody, I would like to share with you my most important work up to date: the Crafting a Character Series from my website Your Write to Live. If you haven't seen the numerous advertisements around the boards, Your Write to Live is a blog dedicated to transmuting writing tips toward the purpose of self knowledge. And what better way is there than delving into what it takes to develop realistic characters, and detailing aspects of them that can easily be turned inward for introspection?


So check em out, the 3 parter series I posted 3 days in a row:


Crafting a Character


Part 1: In the Now

Part 2: It's All in the Past

Part 3: A Better Tomorrow


I would be honored to receive any of your feedback or criticism as I'm always looking to improve my content. A few caveats: please only criticize if you've actually read the content, and yes I know my posts are very lengthy (1000 words each, I'm working on concision at the moment lol). All other criticisms are welcome!

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