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You guys I'm so disgusted right now....


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So I'm not sure if many of you have heard; a 14 year-old girl was found dead in the woods in St.Clair county Michigan.

Don't worry though because they're doin a drug bust! Apparently someone linked to the murder turned out to be growing cannabis in a corn field... So now they're doing a drug investigation!

Say how long do you suppose the murder investigation is gonna last?! I really hope I'm wrong here but based on what I'm hearing; (or the little bits everyone is hearing; just sounds f**king bizarre); I expect this more to be some huge excuse to do drug raids... That's disgusting... If this murder is solved at all will shock the sh** out of me, if they just keep raiding people. I really really hope I'm wrong...

Meanwhile if you're in St.Clair county Michigan don't get caught with weed or who knows what!

Also can anyone tell me anything else about this??

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Well they were growing illegally...

I do not know her. Though I live in the county so it's unsettling. Also I use from time to time and think it's rather ridiculous that someone told me about it like I better watch out or I could be somehow at risk of becoming suspect! I shouldn't have to worry about getting in trouble because some horrific "person" gave the police another reason to hassle drug users...

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Notice how a lot of really bad people get away with horrific shit but the guy who just self medicates with any drug (really it doesn't matter what drug you pick... all chemicals are relative to the person on them..)

The police keep tossing people in need of help away and meanwhile I know SOOO many people who've been emotionally, psychologically, physically, and/ sexually abused as children who have to wander around thinking about how so many people are all wrapped up putting people away for trying not to hurt when so many of them are using because of their abuse... It's absolutely insane!!!! It's disgustingly offensive.

If you're wondering I was raped when I was 16; I wrote about it in my " I need to talk about these things" piece I believe...

Seriously only like two people helped me fill out forns ones not done though.. Also this is fuckin terrifying because IDK how to handle this at all considering it's been years. If you're wondering why it's been years it's because I was pretty terrified. My alcoholic/ abusive father wasn't informed until I recently told him; keep in mind this happened when I was 17, I'm now 22.

My mother who actually would drive me to his apartment because guess what I was dating a 31 Year-old man! Apparently my mom couldn't remember anything about it!!! So she obviously didn't help me fill out a report... Even she absolutely knew about that before and of things like physical assault when it happened..

My point is the important stuff always gets shoved to the back burner. It makes me really mad. *angry noises*

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