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[YouTube] The Truth About Israel and Palestine

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Let me expand by saying: Just because everyone else on the internet / in the news media is giving his 2 Cents worth of BS to it, doesn't mean Stef should as well.


Ever since he went on the JRE (which I was enthusiastic about at first) / started the 'blame-the-pussy' rants (gets a bit tiring now), Stef got a bit carried away with his vanity / narcissism / grandiosity.


Sometimes it's ok to not tackle a topic.


Just because you have 2 research guys ... who ... frankly ... only use Wikipedia and Google as their main sources ... doesn't mean you have anything of substance to contribute. Let alone call it 'The Truth'.


This also applies to the Ukraine situation.


IMHO Stef should stick to promoting Breastfeeding, Quality-Time with Kids, Homeschooling/AlternativeSchooling in small groups, Non-Spanking, Non-Verbal Agression(but even here he starts to fail, since his anger a lot of the times poisons his language), Developmental Psychological Findings, etc.


Maybe he should abandon the rest. Yes, all political stuff, BitCoin, call in shows, celebrity presentations, etc..


Making basically a Palestine/Hamas/Islam apologetic propaganda video about the formation of the State of Israel is like making a video about the Treaty of Versailles, supported by quotes from extremist war-mongering Polish, English, Frech, American officials, therefore, while not openly stating, indirecting implying that violence from one side of the disaster (the supposed former moral victim) is justified.


Seeing such inconsistency is disappointing. I don't know if Stef is too caught up in the Alex Jones / RT / conspiracy world, but it certainly appears that way to me now.


I am very thankful and greatful to him for making some basic connections for me about family dynamics / hypocrisy / moral inconsistency, benefits of attachment parenting. Yet none of these things were invented by him, as he sometimes makes it appear to be.



He also has become increasingly inconsistent in his own arguments.

(I could go own a full list at the back of head of my head collected over call in shows, premium podcasts and so.

Examples include:


-stating how expensive children are vs. stating how cheap children are (current Robin Williams presentation)

-shaming a caller for his lack of sexual experience vs. shaming a caller for 'betraying his virginity'

-making fun of women who expect non-broke guys (holding his unemployed self up as a role model able to attract a good woman) vs. making fun of guys who have nothing material to offer

-getting easily offended with minor comments vs. clearly stating that hyperbole and being offensive has a lot of value

-condeming verbal aggression vs. deliberately using verbal aggression to make his points

-shaming callers for dating religious / statist people vs. dating Christina who was both of that

-telling people to cut off contact with statists, when the only practical thing one can do in this life time is supposedly parent and use BitCoin? vs. 'not drawing the sword of truth at all times' (how very convenient)

-going on Joe Rogan and suddenly being a little appeaser, not really challenging Joe on the 'MMA helps people deal with aggression' paradigm vs. clearly and resolutely challenging an MMA caller on the exact very issue

-being critical of fear- and warmongering vs. actively participating in fearmongering (and therefore creating a warlusting atmosphere)

-saying 'don't use your parents money' vs. having moved back in with his mom in his 20s

-being the first one to drop nonobjective debate language bomb like 'Bullshit' in the Peter Joseph debate vs. then endlessly complaining like a sissy about how unfair and mean Peter Joseph treated him afterwards

-denouncing humour and cynicism vs. actively embracing humour and cynicism

-complaining deeply about 'friends' not being there for him during cancer vs. making podcasts how overrated friendship is anyway

-accusing Robin Williams of only dating women who 'are around' vs. meeting Christina at Volleyball




This video was essentially more than pointless. It was quite dumb for playing to the Anti-Jewish audience of the conspiracy spectrum.

Maybe it was also motivated by his mom being half(?)-Jewish, dunno.


I mean, Stef fails to adress Islamic extremists and their rhetoric, this video has the words 'confirmation bias' leaking out of it every second.


Maybe I am just getting tired of his lazy research / presentation style, the same unfunny whimsical remarks, the same 'greatest convo in the universe' 'they are gonna look back on us so hundreds of years from now' yadda yadda yadda.

Maybe places like RT and Alex Jones are the only spots he is good enough for, sometimes Bill O'Reilly comes off more sympathetic and less ranting that Stef.


Look, I am just another guy on the web. Y'all gonna downvote this post to the hundreds anyway, so I might as well go for it.


I just wanna say, if FDR was a rock band, I was one of the biggest fans during the last two years, at least in my own perception.

But now, after months of declining quality, I think this video was rock bottom. And as Stef always likes to say, you have to put in 80-90 percent good stuff in the relationship account. For me, it is now below 50, maybe if I wouldn't have stopped listening to the call in shows quite a while ago (because of the bullying nature in a lot of them caused by Stef) it would even be below 30.


Then again y'all gonna say 'whatever', 'no argument', 'emotional triggers', yadda yadda, and that is all fine and dandy.

It's like me saying Stef made this video because of his mom :D because, guess what, just like placebo, emotional triggers, and moms are always working right, but still that doesn't mean making a very very very VERY one sided video about a topic that has been done before like that a gazillion times, especially by left anti-jewish intellectuals, is ok.


This video could have been made by your typical Che Guevara-Marxist, yet both of whom Stef ironically made critical examinations about.


Sometimes I wish Stef would make a video about his humility, his pain while watching the 'news' or 'propaganda' coming out of the area, not knowing what is true, what can be measured, especially since he was a history major,

instead of having the arrogance of presenting something by using Google and Wikipedia and passing it off as something 'true'.

You don't know what's going on during the fog of war, both Israeli and Hamas propagandists are masters at hand, only sucking up to the Hamas department of lies is disappointing, coming from someone who can't spit enough 1984 references.


So yeah, when I was writing :



I don't really understand why this presentation was made. I think Stef lost a lot of credibility with this one.


I don't want to pick sides, I just wish everyone living in the area can one day live in peace/or move out of there. :(


This is the definition of inter-generational lose-lose. And I feel engaging in it made Stef and FDR lose too.


I really wanted to say all of the things in this post.



In a way I am thankful for this video. I never thought I would become one of those people.

Then again, I am at least not leaving over Prostitution, Tattoos, MMA or other dumb shit.



P.S. I will start sharing the optimism about BitCoin ending the state when Doctors, Farmers and Landowners will accept it on an international critical mass level. But yeah of course, you're probably gonna scream 'Fuck you, we're ending war!' at me.

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killing Palestinians because of Hamas is like killing Americans because of obama.


Actually Hamas were able to form with Fatah a unity government probably for no other reason than to negotiate. This was welcomed by the international community, but rejected by Netanyahu obstinately. After all Netanyahu is an extremist right-winger, a proven liar (he lied to the mothers of the kidnapped teenagers who he knew to be dead, he lied in accusing Hamas of their deaths, he lied about Iraq's WMDs and now Iran's) and an admitted colonialist (he admits on video to sabotaging the Oslo accords). All of this is verfiable fact.


Hamas, on the other hand, doesn't want all the jews killed as the liars and apologists of dehumanising coloniasm keep saying; the most prominent of Hamas' lawyers and advisors is an American Jew and as far as I know is still alive with his head attached to his body even though he met them several times.


Furthermore, and unlike the Israeli army, Hamas has killed no one neither military nor civilian at least since the beginning of 2014 and until the offensive on Gaza, and they have since killed according to Israeli numbers 65 soldiers and 3 civilians, which means 95% of their targets are military. Although it is important to note Hamas and their armed groups have only been able to target as many soldiers because there was an attempt at a ground invasion. If there were only naval and air strikes but no ground invasion then military targets would be out of reach for the modest weaponry of Hamas.


Nevertheless, 95% is a lot more than Israel's 20% of armed targets, and that is when being generous in applying the term "military" to colonised and impoverished people who decided to raise arms against their colonialist aggressors who -- do not fool yourselves -- do not want peace but more stolen land. One only needs to see the chronological and ongoing transformation of the map of Israel and Palestinian territories to know that.


Also, by comparing 95% of military casualties caused by Hamas to Obama's kill score as he authorises his drone strikes around the world that despite of being reputed to be of surgical precision have killed hundreds if not thousands of civilians, one would realise Obama and the forces behind him are on a completely different league from Hamas.


If Hamas were terrorists for shooting homemade rockets that are mostly intercepted and landing in unpopulated areas (which is why they have not killed more Israelis since they were first shot in 2001 than the IDF would kill of Palestinians in a single bloody day) then what can be said of Obama and Israel? The term terrorist falls short of any accurate description.


Therefore, although probably well-meant, saying "killing Palestinians because of Hamas is like killing Americans because of obama" is still by any realistic standard an injustice to Hamas and the Palestinians.


And to those who want to make this conflict so complicated that it would be beyond understanding and any subsequent critique (apparently mostly of Israeli policy) irrelevant, I say, unless a bit of history is understood and an accurate description of the facts on the ground are known to us, we will not be able to identify the problematic sides and the aggressors. I think Stef's video does a good job in that regard.

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Not Israel, people in Israel.  You have to stop talking about a country like it's an actuall thing.  In these videos, we aim to address people, not made up concepts like "country."  People in Israel are intelligent and educated, they can understand the NAP. 




So it's a quantum leap to understand the NAP but not a quantum leap to understand Jewish and Palestinian history for the past 500 years?




This is the quote that lands closest to what I think is most relevant for philosophy, and what I have appreciated about FDR.  


The world and its problems really came into focus for me when Stef talked about the 911 situation and on another occasion I heard him respond to a caller who was challenging the Holocaust information - he basically said "so what?"  Its not about facts, you can never know for sure what is the absolute truth about such things - you have to rely on principles.  I am reinterpreting/paraphasing based on what I got out of it.  It was so good for me, so freeing - all that time researching and reading to learn as much as I could to be informed about all the different perspectives (esp 'alternative') of all this stuff.  FDR's contribution to my world view has helped me see that philosophy cuts through all the politics, debate and propaganda.  


I have not listened to this video but I have read a lot about the history and conflicts in the area over the years and I am sure that Stef and his staff have done a decent job of summarizing the situation.  I just have to say:  "So what?"  

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Let me expand 



Wow, that was a hot pile of insults to Stef and everyone around... I am positively befuddled as to why you donated and kept listening if you have such low regard for Stef and the people he associates with.


You are aware that he is perfectly willing to talk to people, especially those that disagree with him, yet you choose to insult Stef and misconstrue his arguments... Seriously, if you have something worth contributing it's kinda dickish behavior not calling in to contribute.


Anyhow, contemplating why people don't know better when they probably should isn't terribly productive.


If the Israeli response to the killing of the teens was to launch a police investigation to find who did it instead of an invasion, and Palestinians were firing rockets at the israeli population that was hunkering down in bomb shelters every time an alarm went off, and if there was no Gaza blockade that strangles the population economically...


If all that was the case then I think most people around the world would be telling the Palestinians firing rockets to lay off... regardless of the history of Israeli aggression since 1948.


The only reason that Israeli history of aggression matters in this conflict is that it shows a clear pattern that is not broken or repudiated in the current conflict.

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The only reason that Israeli history of aggression matters in this conflict is that it shows a clear pattern that is not broken or repudiated in the current conflict.



And that people portray Israel (as a nation) as the battered victim.

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Let me expand by saying: Just because everyone else on the internet / in the news media is giving his 2 Cents worth of BS to it, doesn't mean Stef should as well.


Ever since he went on the JRE (which I was enthusiastic about at first) / started the 'blame-the-pussy' rants (gets a bit tiring now), Stef got a bit carried away with his vanity / narcissism / grandiosity.


Sometimes it's ok to not tackle a topic.


Just because you have 2 research guys ... who ... frankly ... only use Wikipedia and Google as their main sources ... doesn't mean you have anything of substance to contribute. Let alone call it 'The Truth'.


This also applies to the Ukraine situation.


IMHO Stef should stick to promoting Breastfeeding, Quality-Time with Kids, Homeschooling/AlternativeSchooling in small groups, Non-Spanking, Non-Verbal Agression(but even here he starts to fail, since his anger a lot of the times poisons his language), Developmental Psychological Findings, etc.


Maybe he should abandon the rest. Yes, all political stuff, BitCoin, call in shows, celebrity presentations, etc..


Making basically a Palestine/Hamas/Islam apologetic propaganda video about the formation of the State of Israel is like making a video about the Treaty of Versailles, supported by quotes from extremist war-mongering Polish, English, Frech, American officials, therefore, while not openly stating, indirecting implying that violence from one side of the disaster (the supposed former moral victim) is justified.


Seeing such inconsistency is disappointing. I don't know if Stef is too caught up in the Alex Jones / RT / conspiracy world, but it certainly appears that way to me now.


I am very thankful and greatful to him for making some basic connections for me about family dynamics / hypocrisy / moral inconsistency, benefits of attachment parenting. Yet none of these things were invented by him, as he sometimes makes it appear to be.



He also has become increasingly inconsistent in his own arguments.

(I could go own a full list at the back of head of my head collected over call in shows, premium podcasts and so.

Examples include:


-stating how expensive children are vs. stating how cheap children are (current Robin Williams presentation)

-shaming a caller for his lack of sexual experience vs. shaming a caller for 'betraying his virginity'

-making fun of women who expect non-broke guys (holding his unemployed self up as a role model able to attract a good woman) vs. making fun of guys who have nothing material to offer

-getting easily offended with minor comments vs. clearly stating that hyperbole and being offensive has a lot of value

-condeming verbal aggression vs. deliberately using verbal aggression to make his points

-shaming callers for dating religious / statist people vs. dating Christina who was both of that

-telling people to cut off contact with statists, when the only practical thing one can do in this life time is supposedly parent and use BitCoin? vs. 'not drawing the sword of truth at all times' (how very convenient)

-going on Joe Rogan and suddenly being a little appeaser, not really challenging Joe on the 'MMA helps people deal with aggression' paradigm vs. clearly and resolutely challenging an MMA caller on the exact very issue

-being critical of fear- and warmongering vs. actively participating in fearmongering (and therefore creating a warlusting atmosphere)

-saying 'don't use your parents money' vs. having moved back in with his mom in his 20s

-being the first one to drop nonobjective debate language bomb like 'Bullshit' in the Peter Joseph debate vs. then endlessly complaining like a sissy about how unfair and mean Peter Joseph treated him afterwards

-denouncing humour and cynicism vs. actively embracing humour and cynicism

-complaining deeply about 'friends' not being there for him during cancer vs. making podcasts how overrated friendship is anyway

-accusing Robin Williams of only dating women who 'are around' vs. meeting Christina at Volleyball




This video was essentially more than pointless. It was quite dumb for playing to the Anti-Jewish audience of the conspiracy spectrum.

Maybe it was also motivated by his mom being half(?)-Jewish, dunno.


I mean, Stef fails to adress Islamic extremists and their rhetoric, this video has the words 'confirmation bias' leaking out of it every second.


Maybe I am just getting tired of his lazy research / presentation style, the same unfunny whimsical remarks, the same 'greatest convo in the universe' 'they are gonna look back on us so hundreds of years from now' yadda yadda yadda.

Maybe places like RT and Alex Jones are the only spots he is good enough for, sometimes Bill O'Reilly comes off more sympathetic and less ranting that Stef.


Look, I am just another guy on the web. Y'all gonna downvote this post to the hundreds anyway, so I might as well go for it.


I just wanna say, if FDR was a rock band, I was one of the biggest fans during the last two years, at least in my own perception.

But now, after months of declining quality, I think this video was rock bottom. And as Stef always likes to say, you have to put in 80-90 percent good stuff in the relationship account. For me, it is now below 50, maybe if I wouldn't have stopped listening to the call in shows quite a while ago (because of the bullying nature in a lot of them caused by Stef) it would even be below 30.


Then again y'all gonna say 'whatever', 'no argument', 'emotional triggers', yadda yadda, and that is all fine and dandy.

It's like me saying Stef made this video because of his mom :D because, guess what, just like placebo, emotional triggers, and moms are always working right, but still that doesn't mean making a very very very VERY one sided video about a topic that has been done before like that a gazillion times, especially by left anti-jewish intellectuals, is ok.


This video could have been made by your typical Che Guevara-Marxist, yet both of whom Stef ironically made critical examinations about.


Sometimes I wish Stef would make a video about his humility, his pain while watching the 'news' or 'propaganda' coming out of the area, not knowing what is true, what can be measured, especially since he was a history major,

instead of having the arrogance of presenting something by using Google and Wikipedia and passing it off as something 'true'.

You don't know what's going on during the fog of war, both Israeli and Hamas propagandists are masters at hand, only sucking up to the Hamas department of lies is disappointing, coming from someone who can't spit enough 1984 references.


So yeah, when I was writing :



I really wanted to say all of the things in this post.



In a way I am thankful for this video. I never thought I would become one of those people.

Then again, I am at least not leaving over Prostitution, Tattoos, MMA or other dumb shit.



P.S. I will start sharing the optimism about BitCoin ending the state when Doctors, Farmers and Landowners will accept it on an international critical mass level. But yeah of course, you're probably gonna scream 'Fuck you, we're ending war!' at me.

Do you have any referenced facts that contradict what was said in the video? If so, I would like you to share them with me.

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As someone who doesn't have any emotional attachment to either side, I found the video to be extremely informative. I did not know about the entire history of this situation, learned many new important facts, and feel I am much more informed about this whole situation. Thanks for making this video.

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I did take time to watch most of the video and it was well done and at the end Stef did get into the philosophical side of it to emphasize the bigger truth behind such conflicts.  Which I think is the essential message.  


Like I said, I have spent a lot of time reading about this stuff and the history of the area going back thousands of years.  I am aware of the impact of the Balfour Declaration and so on.  Perhaps I am missing an important point but I think FDR should stick to the philosophical side of things, the NAP type stuff, and beware of taking on such debates with facts and quotes.  The alternative media has been all over this stuff for years.  Do you want to go down that road?  


I spent years trying to show how the government, the financial system, the military industrial complex, was corrupt and inefficient and wicked with facts and information.  Then I came across the idea (mostly here) of looking at it from the perspective of principles.  boom, done.  Nothing left to prove. Everyone knows that the NAP is right.  


If you start taking on stuff like Israel, 911, Afghanistan, Lybia, the Halocaust, and so on, I think you risk getting caught in the battles and people lose sight of the bigger picture and what the 'war' is really all about.  Each side in these kinds of debates will find the stats and facts to support their own perspectives, but you can't argue with UPB and NAP stuff.  


I think it is a good idea to use the example of the middle east conflicts to demonstrate the importance of philosophy and the NAP, and I think the video could have been 7 minutes long.  


There is no Israel!  

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What is the argument you present here?

If it's to say that irrational believes drives people to do horrific things, that is not new and not specific to Islam.

As long as we keep throwing facts and stories in the endless discussions about this subject we won't get very far.

Peace comes from within each one of us with self knowledge, self growth and personal commitment to none aggression.

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