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NAP: Is the initiation of Force Limited to Physical Force?

Tree Frog

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Lately I have been wondering how to further implement the NAP in my life... 


When most Libertarians talk about the NAP they usually refer to the initiation of force by the government primarily for taxation. This force would include arrest, more theft and in some extremes death. These forces all more or less exist in the physical world (the tangible world).


So... I have been wondering can the initiation of force exist in the physiological world (World of Thought/Consciousness) as well?  


This idea came to me when I over heard a conversation about someone getting defensive. Defensive in this context can be defined as:  


excessively concerned with guarding against the real or imagined threat of criticism, injury to one's ego, or exposure of one's shortcomings.


As we all know, as Newton Theorized; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, if there is a defensive action then their must first be an offensive action. This said, if I where to initiate my offensive thoughts on another person, and they become "injured" it is justifiable by the NAP for them to retaliate in defense, but not a return in offense. 

What I am trying to say is, If I were to call someone a "Lying sack of Shit", they can either offer me an intelligent rebuttal or flip me the bird. To each his own... As long as they don't come up to me the next day and call me a "Lying sack of Shit". That would violate the NAP. Right????


And if someone did in fact initiate physiological force on me, is it justifiable to defend my self with physical force? i.e. Punch them in the face.


I am all new to this and just scratching the top of these subjects. Could someone please help me answer this question? Or perhaps elaborate on an idea? This could be a complete shot in the dark. 



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Such urgency is suspicious... is there someone you need to punch in the face?  ;)


Even if it is justifiable, you might not want to reciprocate force (if it's not life-threatening, severe, etc.).


There might be more to gain in the long term by abstaining, or maybe you might need to vent. How you decide to respond at that point is up to you (the goal is to actively respond as opposed to passively reacting if that makes sense).


As far as the defensiveness goes, it could be that the initiator is not empathetic to the receiver's goals (can't be considered constructive criticism), or perhaps the receiver is not ready/willing to consider the criticism.  :wallbash:


If either side is not open to the mutual give and take necessary, then the result will not likely prove as productive.





I hope that helps.  :)

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Wants to know about the initiation of psychological force...


Ends his post shouting a demand.


If you're interested in learning more about libertarianism, reading something like Murray Rothbard's "The Ethics Of Liberty" will give you a better foundation than asking questions on a forum.


Or maybe read your own signature quote.

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Such urgency is suspicious... is there someone you need to punch in the face?  ;)

Oh, I have a list! JK! I think my urgency comes in enthusiasm. ENTHUSIASM!!!!! Do you ever have those thoughts that keep you up at night and you just need to satisfy your "Hungry Hungry Hippo" which is your brain? I have been trying hard to answer this question by reading texts... Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. So, what better place to ask a question then on the biggest philosophy conversation in the world? With my experience with verbal abusiveness I have found that a return in verbal abuse perpetuates the situation. From violence comes more violence.
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If i steal a chair (example) you made then i stole the time you invested in making this chair.

Maybe i was cunning as to not use a weapon, but you are still agressed against as something was taken from you.


same as having sex with someone who is in a coma,.. no force was used, but it is certainly not NAP

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Wants to know about the initiation of psychological force...Ends his post shouting a demand.If you're interested in learning more about libertarianism, reading something like Murray Rothbard's "The Ethics Of Liberty" will give you a better foundation than asking questions on a forum.Or maybe read your own signature quote.

That's true, it causes severe injury to have neighbours who believe there are more than zero Gods. It picks pockets and breaks legs.
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