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Peter Schiff


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I see this as good news. I'm happy to hear him say he will be able to focus on his target audience more as he will be less concerned over expanding his audience into "big markets." I trust he will find a better use for his time. Maybe he will take a page out of Stefan's book in building an online community.

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Damn. I hope he focuses on the Online Community angle. His information would be more readily accessible by people who a) understand it, b) appreciate it, and c) are willing to donate to support it.


I respect his decision, though. I hope to see more of him in one form or another in the future. His voice would be sorely missed in advocating reason in such a crazy time.

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Maybe if he didn't charge for his podcasts he may break into the "major markets". The guy is already a millionaire (or billionaire?) from his other businesses he doesn't need to make money off of it.

I can understand that. On the other hand, Schiff believes wholeheartedly in capitalism. If his show is not breaking into major markets, he likely views that as a shortcoming on his part in some way. Sure, greed and ego may play their roles in it. But for Schiff, my educated guess is that, in addition, there's a part of him that believes that if people aren't willing to pay, what he's doing is not perceieved as valuable enough.
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Maybe if he didn't charge for his podcasts he may break into the "major markets". The guy is already a millionaire (or billionaire?) from his other businesses he doesn't need to make money off of it.


I think he simply wants to make the show worth his time and effort, just like everyone else. If it is losing money or even breaking even, he has to consider the other things he could do instead.


I consider his "volunteer" opportunity was when he ran for office.

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I can understand that. On the other hand, Schiff believes wholeheartedly in capitalism. If his show is not breaking into major markets, he likely views that as a shortcoming on his part in some way. Sure, greed and ego may play their roles in it. But for Schiff, my educated guess is that, in addition, there's a part of him that believes that if people aren't willing to pay, what he's doing is not perceieved as valuable enough.


I think he should be greedy and selfish by releasing his information for free or for donations like FDR. 


I think he simply wants to make the show worth his time and effort, just like everyone else. If it is losing money or even breaking even, he has to consider the other things he could do instead.


I consider his "volunteer" opportunity was when he ran for office.


Has he ever entertained the idea of releasing his podcasts for free to see if that would attract more listeners? If he feels subjective value in spreading the message and monetary costs aren't a problem then why not.

The audio recordings of his last 5 shows were always free on his website, and without commercials.


Also, he said he would do a 2 hour podcast every week, so he's not quitting completely.


Oh didn't know that. I thought it was the most recent one only.

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It stands to reason. The media hates him and most people follow drooling after the media. There is no market for him until we start to gain more ground.


On a related note, I've been concerned about Schiff's health due to his purple head which could be the result of heart trouble.

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Has he ever entertained the idea of releasing his podcasts for free to see if that would attract more listeners? If he feels subjective value in spreading the message and monetary costs aren't a problem then why not.


He posts a lot of his material for free on Youtube and his website, but the radio show in its entirety without commercials is what you get for the premium membership (plus separate cuts of just the interviews, and the Tom Woods show). Since the premium membership is only $7/mo, it was pretty much worth it to cut out the commercials.

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It's sad that he's going.  I had found Stef as a guest host on his show, started listening to FDR and never went back to Schiff Radio but rarely.  I continued to pay for my premium membership anyways just to support his effort.


I think he also recently had a new baby with his wife, so that would be a reason to cut his work down too.  It's not like he's going to shut down EuroPac

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I really like PS as an economic analyst.  I used to listen to him back 2006-09.  


I am pretty sure he does not agree with Stef about the NAP and no government but I think it is cool that he allows Stef to spread his anarchist message on his show.  PS actually ran for senate, for a place in the belly of the beast.  He is like a mini Ron Paul as far as I can tell.  


the general sense I get from FDR is that there is no tolerance for 'almost' there.  He still wants you shot, just for less stuff.  So are people hitting their families with the 'against me' thing but still willing to support Schiff and Ron Paul?  

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Maybe if he didn't charge for his podcasts he may break into the "major markets". The guy is already a millionaire (or billionaire?) from his other businesses he doesn't need to make money off of it.


He didn't charge for his podcasts, they were free, he only charged for premium content. And he never made any money off it, it was always a hobby for him and it always costed him money, the fees for premium membership simply helped to reduce some of the costs of producing the show.


Also, what's wrong with making more money if you are a billionaire?


Do you realize that by making money through voluntary interactions, entrepreneurs are often providing more value to their customers than charities provide for their recipients?

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He didn't charge for his podcasts, they were free, he only charged for premium content. And he never made any money off it, it was always a hobby for him and it always costed him money, the fees for premium membership simply helped to reduce some of the costs of producing the show.


Also, what's wrong with making more money if you are a billionaire?


Do you realize that by making money through voluntary interactions, entrepreneurs are often providing more value to their customers than charities provide for their recipients?


Only the last 5 days are free. If you go to his podcast feed all you get are samples http://www.SchiffRadio.com/podcast . Running a radio show isn't that expensive. Just a couple of grand of initial equipment and 50 dollars a month for hosting and running a Shoutcast server. But if you're getting insane amount of podcast downloads like FDR it'd be up to 10K a month for hosting. Which isn't much to a billionaire who is just doing something as a hobby.


There's nothing morally wrong it.


In this case I think he has the wrong business model, I think a better one would to do what FDR does and release everything (on the main feed) for free. Post them to Youtube too, etc. People expect podcasts to be free. I don't  thinkI have ever come across someone posting his podcast on ancap sites like L.me, /r/Anarcho_capitalism, probably because they are only accessible for 5 days. It seems like he has a marketing problem because of that.

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OnBut if you're getting insane amount of podcast downloads like FDR it'd be up to 10K a month for hosting. Which isn't much to a billionaire who is just doing something as a hobby.



Peter Schiff is not a billionaire, he has more like $70M. http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/wall-street/peter-schiff-net-worth/


If he is not getting what he wants from running the radio show, or if there is something else he can do that he wants more, than I don't understand why anyone would criticize that. He's free to experiment with business models for what he does to his heart's content, and we'll let him know what works for us by how we react to it.


I appreciate Peter's show because he talked about timely things and introduced me to others that I found interesting. I especially like all the interviews he has done. Sure, his interviewing style sometimes turns into talking over people sometimes, but at least he has interesting people on.


Even if he doesn't post his old radio show episodes for free, he does a lot of cuts from them on Youtube for free. It's usually good stuff.

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Interesting that you see no cost for the 2-3+ hours he spent on the show every weekday. He runs/manages multiple companies and has family with a new baby.


JonnyD, since you have a vastly superior business model in mind. When can we expect a daily show from you?


What is your argument? Why is this your first post?


We were talking about the cost of a radio show in terms of money and that's the reason why he charges for his podcasts.


Whether he releases the podcasts for free or for payment doesn't take away the fact that he has to work a couple of hours a day, run multiple companies, have a family and a new baby.


If he is quitting because of his family and baby then fine, but that wasn't brought up. If he is quitting because he can't get into bigger markets then obviously his current business model is not working. My argument is that if this message is important to him and money is not a problem then just release them for free and see if that helps him break into bigger markets.


Peter Schiff is not a billionaire, he has more like $70M. http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/wall-street/peter-schiff-net-worth/


If he is not getting what he wants from running the radio show, or if there is something else he can do that he wants more, than I don't understand why anyone would criticize that. He's free to experiment with business models for what he does to his heart's content, and we'll let him know what works for us by how we react to it.


I appreciate Peter's show because he talked about timely things and introduced me to others that I found interesting. I especially like all the interviews he has done. Sure, his interviewing style sometimes turns into talking over people sometimes, but at least he has interesting people on.


Even if he doesn't post his old radio show episodes for free, he does a lot of cuts from them on Youtube for free. It's usually good stuff.


I'm not criticising him either. He's a good guy, it's great what he does. He can charge a 1000 dollars for his podcast and I'd still applaud the guy. I'm just suggesting that another business model such as FDR's is the way to go if he wants to break into bigger markets (and I could be wrong about that but that's what having a discussion is for).

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What is your argument? Why is this your first post?


We were talking about the cost of a radio show in terms of money and that's the reason why he charges for his podcasts.


Whether he releases the podcasts for free or for payment doesn't take away the fact that he has to work a couple of hours a day, run multiple companies, have a family and a new baby.


If he is quitting because of his family and baby then fine, but that wasn't brought up. If he is quitting because he can't get into bigger markets then obviously his current business model is not working. My argument is that if this message is important to him and money is not a problem then just release them for free and see if that helps him break into bigger markets.


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I guess I misunderstood what you were getting at, my bad.Why is this your 48th post? It's my first because after I donated $ I was informed I would get some forum bonus prizes! So I made an account  :D  hi


Hey welcome to the forum then! :D What got you into FDR?

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