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Online History/Reputation Search

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Let say you run a service like this and make a mistake , you list some one as a criminal and he looses his job because of this?

:laugh: , or maybe doesnt get to date that girl he always wanted to date, or...whatever...


Then your service gets a reputation (UPB) for being unreliable.


And if you can prove libel/slander, a free society would encourage reparations for such a mistake.

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Then your service gets a reputation (UPB) for being unreliable.


And if you can prove libel/slander, a free society would encourage reparations for such a mistake.


My point is from cost benefit analysis it doesnt really make a lot of sense,...,  because the downside has huge cost (in damages).


In the current day real world you only have positive references (employer for example) or NO references. An employer never gives out negative references  because of legal trouble.

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Have you ever had a mistake on your credit record?


Thats not the point, this not about credit (bank)


For general open records,..sorry this doesnt exist for us here, and we do quite fine thank you.


people can ask for references (job application), thats normal,., most do not...as big companies have a tendency to give you an IQ or psychological test (personality).., these are quite accurate.


There is also company filings at the "chamber of commerce" to see if your company is financially solvable


Germany and Switzerland have written references (when you leave your job)..., and for some positions they ask for criminal record (or lack thereof) especially for financial institutions.

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