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Engineering start-up businesses


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Hey folks. My name is Dan. Aside from being an ardent AnCap and avid supporter of Freedomain Radio, I am also an entrepreneur in the engineering field. I wanted to share my services with the Freedomain Radio community, as I know that many of you are enterpeneurs (and I know that Stef is all about entrepreneurship).


I am a mechanical engineer and will have a degree in mechatronic systems in 6 months. In about 18 months I will have my professional engineering license. I am in the process of gearing up for my start-up engineering business! The concept is quite simple: Prototype engineering services


I want to help individuals, inventors, companies, etc. take their ideas from conception all the way to a physical, working prototype in their hands. That includes refining the idea, engineering/optimizing the design, and manufacturing the physical prototype.


I come to you to offer my services! I guarantee that you won't find better prices than mine. Why is that? I am relatively young (25 years old) and inexperienced (2 years as a full-time mechanical engineer), so I am trying to gain some experience on smaller, low-key jobs before fully opening my doors and quitting my day job. In other words, I am gaining speed down the runway before I "take off".


We've all had awesome ideas, but most of the time they never move beyond that stage.


If you have an idea for a product or gadget but don't know how to take the next step, let me know! I'll engineer it and produce a working prototype for you! Every transaction is agorist, of course. :)


Any idea is welcome. I also work with microcontrollers, so if your idea requires a "brain", that's no problem!


Some sample ideas to get your creative juices flowing:


- Automatic plant watering system

- Any hand tools

- Sun-tracking solar panel

- "Balancing act" vehicle

- Saltwater conversion system

- Tempersture regulated hydraulic system



Here are some pictures of a product I designed with my brother. We are about to 3D print the models and test the design!


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I will have my professional engineering license.


You need a license to be an engineer (in the USA)? So....what happens you  build a bike/engine/whatever without a license,.., they put you in jail?


Can you make this cheaper? its 40k in euros...., thats a price of damn car! 




Or something like this but with a toy dolphin that can swim))



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You need a license to be an engineer (in the USA)? So....what happens you  build a bike/engine/whatever without a license,.., they put you in jail?


Engineering licensees are not necessary to legally practice engineering in the US. The professional certification is done by an engineering society to endorse an engineers abilities. The professional certification is like a CPA in that you do not need the certification to build something, but when you have, people will assume your good at it. 


As a recent graduate in industrial engineering, I have to say congratulations (or almost congratulations) to DSEngere! Personally, I consider a professional engineering certification a bigger accomplishment than a PHD, way to go! 

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Robert: Thanks very much. Don't hesitate to hit me up if you think of anything neat! I can't tell you exactly what it's for, but let's just say it's a "scraper" of sorts ;)


Jacbot: The jet engine is, unfortunately, way out of my league at the moment! That would require quite a lot of capital and money (and staff) to dive into. Maybe in 5 or 10 years! The paper airplane though is genius and way more within my grasp.


Jack: Thanks very much, and congrats to you as well! I should clarify, I will be taking the PE test in about a year, but have already passed the FE test so I don't anticipate much of an issue.

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Very interesting scraper design.


I"m not sure if the gray razor backing piece is connected to the side holders or the the 'big' gray piece but I think you might end up with an issue from the round razor holders on the side.


1. What's keeping them in place? If they're not connected to the other 'big' gray piece, they'll need a slight ridge on the outer side to keep them in place. If they are connected, the rendered version looks like they might be sticking out too far to squeeze them into the main red piece during assembly.


2. What are the side razor holders made of? if they're plastic you might want to make them solid instead, for increased durability. If i'm interpreting the design correctly, all the pressure applied during scraping will be transferred from the razor to these side pieces so you'd need them to resist wear as much as possible.


3. I don't recall seeing a razor blade like that with a hole in the center. Are they an off-the-shelf item?

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so for the saltwater conversion system, have you created one that makes economic sense? that or a water bottle filter system that can filter out freshwater sources to make them drinkable?


i do think the water filter idea is still one of the most important. features that increase survivability can make such a huge difference in the health and survivability of people. sometime with as little maintenance as possible, and something that can be maintained without high expense or a need to take it to a specific place.


just a few brainstorming ideas that might be interesting to pursur


  • toys that children could play with that would teach them engineering concepts and applications
  • 4 wheel vehicle that does not run on fuel but through a persons use of their body
  • a towel that could stay wet for longer, and control how it releases water and control the water temperature.
  • something that converts water from water drain systems to energy or drinking water.
  • product that turns animal waste into other products, such as energy, housing, roads, soil.


what size of idea are we talking about here, maybe something that could be printed out by 3d printers?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Dan! I've already made a semi-functioning prototype for an automated water tester and doser that I'm planning on turning into a real product. How much would it cost for you to critique/help me on my design? Do you have any experience with getting things in to production also?


Feel free to PM me if you want to get into specifics

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