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Geoengineering -- Stop them before its too late


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It's a bit rude to post links without any description or summary.  An alarmist title only makes it worse, as spam and viruses use such tactics. 


Please reconsider your post.  With a bit more effort I am sure more people would be interested in the contents.

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  • 2 years later...

We need you (Stefan) to do a Geoengineering show.   If he's not educated now, i am certain a bit of research and paying attention and he will be an expert in no time.  This is one of the biggest issues of our time, we need strong, convincing,  and intelligent minds like Stefan to start the conversation, and explain the undeniable facts the so many people are denying.  Please, please Stefan, if anyone can bring awareness, its you.  I haven't come across anyone or  any geoengineering activist who can articulate as well as you can, and could on this topic.  Think about the future of your children, and all children--if we turn a blind eye, who's really going to pay the concequence..

So grateful for your show,


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