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Perhaps this is devil's advocate. I would have really liked to link more articles related to Tucker, homesteading, agorism, and various market off the grid arguments. Though in another post in this part, I mentioned some schoolsucksproject episodes about agorism and permaculture. 


Schoolsucksproject and Freedomain really focus on how someone frees their mind and actually becomes self sustaining, so in effect the proactive aspect of an argument, hence examining thought processes, childhood, relationships, self esteem, negotiation, communication etc. 


These articles focus on external control systems, especially, though obviously internalized control systems. I think its all important. I think people need to know how to empower themselves, but they need to know what it is that they are going to be up against too. 





Selected Articles 

What Is Left-Libertarianism? by Kevin A. Carson
The Distinctiveness of Left-Libertarianism by Gary Chartier
Libertarian Left: Free-Market Anti-Capitalism, the Unknown Idealby Sheldon Richman 

The Left-Right Spectrum by Karl Hess 
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Market Anarchism as Stigmergic Socialism by Brad Spangler 
Defining Left-Libertarianism by Wally Conger 
Full Context by Sheldon Richman 
Where Free Market Economists Go Wrong by Sheldon Richman 
Is Capitalism Something Good? by Sheldon Richman 
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Advocates of Freed Markets Should Embrace “Anti-Capitalism” by Gary Chartier 
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New Rules, High Costs, and Big Business by David D’Amato 
Free Market Thinking: Not Applicable by Per Bylund 
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Government Is No Friend of the Poor by Gary Chartier 
Then Who Did Build It, Mr. President? by Anthony Gregory 
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Don’t Leave Me Alone by Steven Horwitz 
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History of an Idea by Roderick T. Long 
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The Left-Rothbardians, Part 2: After Rothbard by Kevin Carson
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Libertarianism: What’s Going Right by Kevin Carson
New Libertarian Manifesto by Samuel E. Konkin III 
A ‘Political’ Program for Anarchists by Kevin Carson 
Platonic Productivity by Roderick T. Long 
Free the Unions by Charles Johnson 
Lazy Linking on Leftist Labor Libertarianism by Charles Johnson 
Libertarian Class Analysis, Organized Labor, Etc. by Kevin Carson 
Liberty and the New Left by Murray Rothbard 
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Where Are the Specifics? by Karl Hess 
Confiscation and the Homestead Principle by Murray Rothbard 
The Problem of Land Theft by Murray Rothbard 
Land Monopoly, Past and Present by Murray Rothbard 
A Geolibertarian FAQ by Todd Altman 
Human Iterations FAQ by William Gillis 
Libertarian Feminism: Can This Marriage Be Saved? by Roderick T. Long and Charles Johnson 
Women and the Invisible Fist by Charles Johnson 
A Syndicalist Paradigm for Our Age by Jack Ross 
The Role of State Monopoly Capitalism in the American Empire by Joseph Stromberg 
Austrian and Marxist Theories of Monopoly Capital: A Mutualist Synthesis by Kevin Carson 
Proletarian Blues by Roderick T. Long 
Government and Microsoft: A Libertarian View on Monopolies by François-René Rideau 
Toward a Theory of State Capitalism by Walter Grinder and John Hagel 
Common Property in Free-Market Anarchism by Carlton Hobbs 
Libertarian Property and Privatization: An Alternative Paradigm by Kevin Carson 
A Plea for Public Property by Roderick T. Long 
Rothbard’s Left and Right: Forty Years Later by Roderick T. Long 
Beyond the Boss by Roderick T. Long 
Beyond Patriarchy by Roderick T. Long 
Is the Name “Capitalism” Worth Keeping? – Part 1 and Part 2 by Steven Horwitz 
More Evidence That the Word “Capitalism” Might Be a Problem by Steven Horwitz 
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Toward a Libertarian Theory of Class by Roderick T. Long 
Understanding the Global Crisis by Chris M. Sciabarra 
Dialectics and Liberty by Chris M. Sciabarra 
Interview with Charles Johnson 
Interview with Charles Johnson and Gary Chartier 
Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against Bosses, Inequality, Corporate Power, and Structural Poverty, eds. Gary Chartier and Charles W. Johnson 
Studies in the Anarchist Theory of Organizational Behavior by Kevin Carson 
Studies in Mutualist Political Economy by Kevin Carson 
The Homebrew Industrial Revolution by Kevin Carson 
The Desktop Regulatory State by Kevin Carson 
Animal Rights: Pro by David Graham 
Animal Rights: Against by Roderick T. Long 







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