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Sam Harris - Religion as Placebo


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I've had similar thoughts. If it is true that religion is a placebo, then I can see value in defining it as such. In other words, fantasy is a drug and so are placebos.




I acknowledge that Sam Harris has distorted views. Telling children terrible stories rather than the truth is something that I oppose. I am using this video to explore the definition. I also don't know for certain what the definition of religion is. I've seen chapels in town with the phrase "God is Love" posted on a message board outside.


Placebo: a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient. Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect. (Wikipedia)


I would also appreciate feedback on my post. I don't know exactly what encompasses an ideal post in this instance. I seem to have this idea that everyone on this forum knows everything.



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 I seem to have this idea that everyone on this forum knows everything.

Speaking only for myself: Yes, yes I do know everything.



But in all seriousness, the question can be boiled down to the basics: Can believing a lie benefit me more than believing the truth?

No, it can't.


In his scenario there is only one outcome. I don't know it's a lie. I value the lie of valuing the truth above all else (otherwise the demons will get me). Valuing truth will lead me to the truth that the demons don't exist.

If I believe the lie then I won't believe in the demons, and if I don't believe the lie then I don't believe in the demons. Catch-22. 


Furthermore teaching the value of truth through religion is self-defeating. Religion is defined through faith, and faith is the absence of evidence. And an absence of evidence is tantamount to an absence of truth. Therefore Sam cannot logically teach truth through religion. Unless he's a hypocrite.

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But in all seriousness, the question can be boiled down to the basics: Can believing a lie benefit me more than believing the truth?

No, it can't.


But choosing to conform to society has huge benefits! Social acceptance, money, and whatever else comes with it.

The truth is that I will have chosen to accept something as true that is or is not a lie. Which is something I still struggle with.

I don't know that I can dismiss someone based off of my anxiety and yet I can't live without trusting what people what people say.

There is simply not enough time for me to run and learn their profession and come to a conclusion about something they said in the past.


It is way more efficient to trust what people are saying... but I wonder if there are any more criteria one can use to determine if someone is looking out for their best interest?

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But choosing to conform to society has huge benefits! Social acceptance, money, and whatever else comes with it.


But compared to what? It's the benefits from accepting the truth vs. the benefits of conforming. For me the former has one every single time and I see nothing of worth in the people that go for the latter.

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But compared to what? It's the benefits from accepting the truth vs. the benefits of conforming. For me the former has one every single time and I see nothing of worth in the people that go for the latter.


Realizing your coworkers and family are lying about something about something as fundamental as what is right is pretty painful. I have a hunch that this is my round about way of saying that my coworkers are religious, child abusing, fuckers. It makes me angry and I am choosing to stay there. I'm afraid that if I express utter disgust that I will lose my job. But, then what? Do I start my own business? I barely have my head above water financially and was not something that was modeled for me. 

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