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If you cannot force people to vaccinate in a Free Society, how do you keep a group of people healthy?


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A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link (Excuse the cliché), and the same goes for immunity of certain diseases like Whooping Cough. Without people being forced to take vaccines, you will have the people who believe vaccines are bad, they won't take them and will compromise the safety of everyone else.

What could be done in a free society to potentially solve this dilemma? Thanks!

My apologies, I just realised this has been asked before:



I would delete this thread but I don't know how.

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Can you imagine health insurance providers giving reasonable rates for people who go without vaccinations?


Maybe you get them free when you buy health insurance.


Who needs force when practically everyone will look at anti-vax folks sideways.

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Making information accessible about the real dangers of vaccination, as opposed to the fake ones, the benefits of herd immunity, etc. Also, it could be a contractual sort of thing...like it's okay to not vaccinate, but other people may not want their children to be around unvaccinated children, and it sounds like they shouldn't be forced to be around unvaccinated children either.

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