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Define Alpha Male

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The term "Alpha Male" often comes up in many threads, particularly here. At first, it seems obvious to me what an alpha male is... but then I realize I can't come up with any real life examples to help me build a solid definition. Additionally, it seems to me that everyone is using the term differently... sometimes it's to describe a jerk of a man, or a meat head, or an aggressive man and sometimes an assertive man, or just a physically attractive man. These all are very different, so I was wondering, how do you define alpha male?


It would also help to define beta male, as I've heard lots of claims about beta males on the forum as well. Again, it seems to carry many different definitions. How do you define beta male?

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There's no actual definition of alpha male or female. It's an erroneously used biology term that was once used to describe wolf packs. As to how people use the term in conversations, the alpha is the male (or female) that has most of the desired traits by the female population.

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Is it not true that in wolf packs the Alpha is actually the father and the Betas are the young wolves? And that Alpha and Beta are not issues of competing wolves but rather different authority due to difference in age and roles?


Meaning that the way people use "Alpha" and "Beta" are incorrect in their connection to the real life meaning?

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The alpha is the guy who impregnates the woman and the beta is the guy who pays the bills afterwards.


It's more complicated of course, but in a nutshell fairly accurate I think. But it's at the instinctive level. A goal of self-knowledge and philosophy in relationships is to rise above the animal motivations for choosing a partner.

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I had this discussion on the chat and on Skype with some fdr members. 


I don't like the word because to me it has a relation to a hierarchy in primitive societies. (or animal kingdom) 

Its usually the dominate male who impregnates all the females and rules by using intimidation or alliances . 





But some people on the boards think that in the future the alfa male would be the most virtuous and intelligent male... 


My response was why use the word ? Why can't we just describe what that person is. 

Why can't we say that person is our leader or that person is sexually desired by all females. 


Also in the current definition there has to be force or intimidation; intimidation by forming alliances. 


Also I think the word Alfa is different than the word Alfa Male because Alfa is also used to describe when something is first or in the top. Since its the first letter in the greek alphabet. 

I heard stef say that he wants to be the Alfa philosopher and i think that is a good use of the word because he wants to be the best, in my mind he is. 

You don't hear him saying i want to be an alfa male. Usually people who say that are really primitive and violent. 

Read about a post that i created, an MMA fighter who almost killed his ex girlfriend (porn star), has a shirt brand that says "I do alfa male shit" .... 



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That's easy bro, an Alpha male is some dude who can think for himself and doesn't live to the approval from others, especially from women, which incorporates the opposition to gynocentrism and gynonormativism. He is nice, kind, tender and affectionate if he wants to and aggressive and assertive if it is due.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can a man just be a man without a derogatory label? Alpha, beta, omega are all descriptors that pretend to categorize men and have meaning, but they don't actually succeed to describe any man accurately or reliably.

there is still weak people and strong effective people , doesnt that validate the term and categories? Isnt the definition relative to current values? Upper body strength isnt all that in a civil world , if a ghengis khan made made a come back I dont think he would be regarded as great today ha. I like it because I like the existence of great people with leadership qualities. I consider steff an alpha , and a few others , by my own definition of the word.
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there is still weak people and strong effective people , doesnt that validate the term and categories?Isnt the definition relative to current values? Upper body strength isnt all that in a civil world , if a ghengis khan made made a come back I dont think he would be regarded as great today ha. I like it because I like the existence of great people with leadership qualities. I consider steff an alpha , and a few others , by my own definition of the word.


I bolded the relevant statements in your post. Herein lies the problem. What is the point of using a term to describe people when the definition is entirely relative based on the time, place and of whom you are asking it?


For example, instead of calling Stefan an alpha male, why don't you call him a strong, effective leader since that is your definition?


Someone else might think an alpha male is a Pick Up Artist who sleeps with thousands of women using mind tricks instead of taking them out to a lavish dinner first (thereby saving himself a lot of coin). By that definition, would Stefan be an alpha male?

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Well there are certainly some bigots who believe all Black people are stupid, lazy and prone to crime

others that us whiteys are all evil, conniving devils involved in a conspiracy to keep a brother down  

...does this mean that race is a 'social construct' i,e meaningless?

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The terma "alpha male" is misuesed just like "capitalism"


capitalism was first defined by Karl Marx as a economic system with private property over the means of production. Modern day leftists dont use this term properly, for example Michael Moore just asociates bad things with capitalism.


Same thing with alpha male, people never research the first definition and this definition comes from biology and is not limited to wolf packs. So even if is not true in wolf packs it still could be true for other animals, like for example apes or humans.


Alpha male is a term part of a concept. The concept of the "pecking order". The aplha animal is the animal in a group, which agresses the most, while gets agressed on the least.


If you look at a school class with 50% female and 50% male pupils, you will see that the sexual choice of the females corelates with the rank in the male Pecking_order.

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