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Capitalism for beginners!

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Stefan, you really need to make a video that explains what capitalism is. A truth about capitalism or some introduction to capitalism like your introduction to anarchy and clarify laissez-faire free market from this pseudo-capitalist monstrosity of the government that people seem to get tangled in whenever they hear this distasteful word that's been stolen and spit on by statists. 


*sorry if there's another spot where requests like this should be made


Does anyone else agree? I find really just constant Q and A when trying to explain this to people. I can do it, but I'm sure you can do it better Stef.

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I just listened to the podcast entitled 'mercantilism' today and I think it is worth listening to again and applies somewhat to what you are talking about, I was compelled to share it with a few people in my family earlier today. I agree that a new video on this topic would be great also.

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Yup this suggestion has been long coming.


Since if properly explained all the propaganda examined and washed away and shown trough facts of history and present, no dout it will cause pause to those who have simply been misinformed.


Anarchy = Chaos and lawlessness and no rules.


Truth about Anarchy = No ruleRS!


Capitalism = Rich CEOs and banks! And exploitation!


Truth about Capitalism = Invest and save your profits from capital accumiliation. AKA invest in slightly irksome dendistry to get profit known as "NO NEED FOR ROOT CANAL OPERATION AND INFECTION AVOIDANCE!" :D

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The Truth About Capitalism - he can distinguish between the peaceful market and crony capitalism.  He can give examples how voluntary exchange is win/win.  He can show how enforcing property rights and contracts, increases the wealth of all participants.

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Right, I'd love something like that. I know there is already an introduction to anarchy and several books, but not on capitalism.

Oh, Koth, I could not find that mercantilism video, but I did stumble upon Ana's response to Stef's in defense of adam corolla. 


Do you guys think he knows about this?

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Agreed, I imagine a "Truth About Capitalism" video will help enlighten the aforementioned nescience.  :yes:


I wonder, however, if we can't help Stefan Molyneux and Michael (Freedomain Radio in general) by providing preliminary research, image/video/audio assets, etc. along with the video request?


(I've volunteered audio design services as my specialty.)  :whistling:


I've already encountered individuals here with knowledge and sources on the subject, participating in a discussion about a potential way to communicate capital forms via diagram (similar to the color wheel or circle of fifths as mnemonic devices).


A link to this discussion can be found here: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/40952-capital-theory-20-work-in-progress/


I do hope they make the video, but if they are too busy, maybe we can?  ;)

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