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Making new friends


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Hello everyone, every now and then i get the strong urge to talk to some logical, rational and philosophical people.


​I live in a very sparsely populated area in Wales, UK and although this will be changing in the near future, i would very much like to make some new friends on here, people i can a proper conversation with and chat about Freedomain.

The forum is a bit difficult for me to chat on, with the ease and accessibility being so much better with other applications like Facebook or Whatsapp. A long while ago Stef mentioned that it might be a good idea to have a look on the forum if any of the listeners had interest in relationships with people that have a bit of self knowledge. So i guess this is where i am starting.

I would like to welcome anyone to start a conversation whether its something like a pen-pal or just a quick chat, it would just be great to get to know some new people, i have my future in mind.


Maybe after an introduction we could chat on facebook or some other app.

Kind regards

Duncan Russell

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