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awaiting health news

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Hey all,


I've been having some scary health issues the past couple of weeks (maybe months, not sure). I'm awaiting test results on Monday.Over the past two years or so I've done a lot of reading/researching on the stress-disease connection. This was brought on by another health scare that left me with lingering fatigue/energy issues. While this past issue was very much physical (as I am sure is my current situation) I know that the underlying cause was stress, which compromised my immune system, resulting in myriad issues.A lot of this stress has been brought up by dealing with past issues with my family, and partially de-FOOing. My parents did their best to be supportive with my first scare but at the same time they let me down in several ways (general lack of understanding) which again caused me to push them away.Flash forward to last week: I ran into my dad outside the doctor's office. We got to talking, and now I'm speaking to him and my mom again. They still seem to lack understanding but I realize now that they are the only people in the world who have truly cared about me during the past little while.A lot of things are going through my head now, maybe none more than the regret of pushing my parents away. Being virtually alone the past year or so, with close friends turning their backs on me, and new ones being only out for short term gain, has caused the kind of stress that's made my body not want to go on.I've always taken great care of myself. Now I wonder if I was just trying to muscle through the unhappiness.



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