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Alien Schools


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This album is hilarious.  But, strangely poignant.  And the Alien Schools track packs punch.








Alien schools are very cool
Where schools is games and games are school
Alien schools are very cool
Where school is games and games are school
In alien school we develop super brains
Cuz in every alien school everything is taught with games
The most important thing
Is to find the things that we love the best
And we find these magic things
By following our interests
In alien schools we keep real good balance
Because the things we focus on
Is the developing our talents
The things interest you
Are the first things they find out
Cuz much of the rest is something you are better of without
Who needs to know some facts and dates from books upon the shelves
If they don't know the talents that lie within themselves
Once we find an interest we meet about that thing
And just made for that interest are games to play and songs to sing
They don't fill the kids heads with a lot of useless knowlege
And they don't put off finding out what they want to be until they go to college
Everybody has a special destiny a special magic goal that only they can see
Everyone is born with a special job to do, 
A special job for me and a special job for you
At alien schools each kid is treated differently
It all depends on naturally what their talents and interests may be
Since alien school make sense, they don't need a lot of rules
And the kids are never tense, cuz they love their alien schools
Because don't fill our kids heads with boring useless facts
We don't have to complain about the way our young folks act
Alien kids are great, and alien kids are smart
And because their schools are happy they have a loving heart
The reason they are bright, and the reason they are smart
Is because they find their talents right from the very start
Alien school treat every kid as an individual
And to every single alien kid, learning things is quite a thrill
Alien schools are the best because they're based on interest
If you find interest, attention will then grow
And you will want to learn the things you want to know
Learning lots of information before you find your goal
Is like a long vacation from you very own soul
No alien teacher has to mention "kids you have to pay attention"
When you find the things you want to be you pay attention naturally
We never have to study anything that's boring
Because the alien teachers know it will only get us snoring
Then that is the beginning of a good kid going bad
Alien schools, alien schools
Their is no boredom and interest rules
The things that really interest you
Are the things that you should do
When you find the things you love
learning becomes naturally
And that's why alien schools are good for you and me
When you find the things you love learning comes naturally
And thats why alien schools
Are good for you and me
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