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Howmuch money earn women thanks to there kids.

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Question is, does these troll in the video vote? With rulers there ain't no rules and if you support a corrupt system and complain about single moms on welfare, better stop voting or you may call yourself a hypocrite.

I think this is the second you post that I completely not understand. How the hell him voting is a hypocrite? You know we adult like when people that talk to us make sense.

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I think this is the second you post that I completely not understand. How the hell him voting is a hypocrite? You know we adult like when people that talk to us make sense.


Better speak for yourself, there is no we, and what has being adult to do with making sense? Does kids love to not understand something? That makes no sense to me. If you don't wanna patronizing me, refrain from unrelated items like being an adult, which makes you look like you'd perceive me as an retard. Does it make you an adult for not understanding something and blaming me instead? I don't think so.


If dude votes, with attending the game, he accepts the rules > Rules are a group of people steal from you at gun point and spend the money to their whims, based on the false argument from morality. That means they intend to bribe single moms with taxpayer money and surfing the system is the consequence. He would accept the rules but not the consequences. His actions - that he supports the system - would contradict his words. 


Where did I pretend that he votes?

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yup, I particularly like the idea that if you don't divorce for just cause you shouldn't get child support


Well, that's just going to make false allegations an even more prominent issue if you force women to find a "just cause".


I think there should be no government mandated or enforced support, but the couple must agree to terms in a contract at the end of the marriage since they are ending the current marriage contract. Child support is a very tricky matter since it can easily be abused.

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Well, that's just going to make false allegations an even more prominent issue if you force women to find a "just cause".


I think there should be no government mandated or enforced support, but the couple must agree to terms in a contract at the end of the marriage since they are ending the current marriage contract. Child support is a very tricky matter since it can easily be abused.


It's pretty easy to avoid all of this non-sense.


1) Don't get legally married; write your own contract if necessary.

2) Don't sign a certificate of birth for any children you have together.

3) Any woman who isn't cool with the first two points probably doesn't have your best interests in mind. If you love and trust each other, you will support your family and children because it is the right thing to do, not because feminists, single moms, and politicians say so.


Now the state is (almost) entirely out of your life, and your children will thank you.

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It's pretty easy to avoid all of this non-sense.


1) Don't get legally married; write your own contract if necessary.


Common law husband/wife still applies. Just thought I'd mention it as in English law countries alot of men(and I'm sure women, though I have no knowledge of this) get screwed through Common law. For instance, in my home of origin country (Ireland), pre-nups are irrelevant in court. They can be taken into account if both parties agree at the grievance stage but the judge has no obligation to do so. A thin veneer of law over middle-age tradition. 

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1) Don't get legally married; write your own contract if necessary. 

If only it were that simple... Unfortunately several different governments (The Canadian BC, several American states, and Australia come to mind) consider couples married/civil partners after living together for between six months to about a year. Even without a contract. Even without consent from either the girlfriend or the boyfriend.

t. Even without consent from either the girlfriend or the boyfriend.

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Common law husband/wife still applies. Just thought I'd mention it as in English law countries alot of men(and I'm sure women, though I have no knowledge of this) get screwed through Common law. For instance, in my home of origin country (Ireland), pre-nups are irrelevant in court. They can be taken into account if both parties agree at the grievance stage but the judge has no obligation to do so. A thin veneer of law over middle-age tradition. 


Absolutely, you need to educate yourself on the local applicable laws, but state law shouldn't be an end run on a valid contract. You can also choose to live in a state that doesn't commonly overturn living contracts. There are other ways to circumvent these laws, the easiest of which is my third point:




Any woman who isn't cool with the first two points probably doesn't have your best interests in mind. If you love and trust each other, you will support your family and children because it is the right thing to do, not because feminists, single moms, and politicians say so.


Choose a woman who doesn't want to rip you off at any cost and the rest of these steps are elementary.

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