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Women: 3/5 the responsibility of other humans!


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So, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2719281/Couple-kept-two-girls-5-10-locked-filthy-trailer-littered-used-condoms-three-years-played-World-Warcraft.html


If women get 3/5 of the responsibility for an identical crime, can we only give them 3/5 of a vote?


Edit: Accidentally posted in the wrong forum, can you please move this to men's issues?

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This reminds me of a tv show I tried watching about a group of socially awkward people who were part of an online video game, who then decided to begin meeting in person. One of the characters was a mom who cared more about the game than her own children. The show was supposed to be funny, and while I was amused by the other characters, I could never feel comfortable laughing about how this woman neglected her children. :/

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Do you mean "The Guild"?


The mother in the show was Clara, and although I found her funny sometimes, the bits with neglecting her children weren't.


In a later episode, she disclosed she got pregnant "by accident" in high school. Her husband was portrayed as a complete idiot pushover / enabler.

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