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Private Parking Ticket??


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Hey guys! I got a parking ticket, or at least I think I did. Idk, I was driving home and then suddenly made the windshield wiper go up on a whim. Suddenly this piece of paper came flying out on the street and I just kept on driving. I spent an hour at Starbucks, but I didn't park so well. I checked and I was very close to the line, but my car was not on the parking line or anything. 


If it so happens that I got a "private" parking ticket from Starbucks, can I just ignore it? 

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Was this downtown in some really busy area where parking is very limited? Otherwise I don't know I can imagine getting a ticket for a sloppy parking job unless you went sideways across 3 spaces or something ridiculous like that.


I think probably 1 in 4 cars in any parking lot have their tires on the line, it's not peoples' strong suit very often.

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As far as I know you can not get a parking ticket from the violent gang (govt) while on private property. You could get a counterfeit ticket from a parking management company who has been contracted by the business to manage parking. It has zero legal power. But if you fail to pay they will double or triple the fine. You still don't have to pay but if you are on their parking lot, they might have your car towed. That is not likely given you are a customer of Starbucks and they want to keep you coming back.   Like Ace mentioned, these tickets are primarily to discourage drivers from camping in a spot. Next time (if there is a next time), look around and see if there are any signs about parking rules. If there is and you are worried, call the number on the sign and inquire about your situation.Is it possible it was an advertisement/flyer on your windshield?

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It depends where you go though. I don't know about parking tickets. But in Ontario if you have an outstanding bill from the 407 which is the private toll highway, they won't let you renew your license or plates until you've paid it. And there may be credit implications - for everything these days, I had $21 in library fines and they sent me a letter saying I have 60 days to pay or they'll forward it to a collections agency lol.


But lots run by private companies I have seen are always very well marked with signs.


It was probably an ad for something.

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