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I thought the number was kind of high, he would have to have at least 40, but he says it's better to come every two weeks, so he could have 80.


How many patients should a psychotherapist see per week? He said studies show it is better to have therapy once every 2 weeks for the patient. Is this true? I can't believe it, because I hardly get anywhere even in one hour once a week.


Thanks for replying

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I'm not surprised that you aren't getting anywhere. This is my opinion but I don't see how you could be emotionally connected and deeply explore someone's personal issues eight times a day with different people. That would be exhausting. Either he is on the verge of burning out or he is not really that involved in each session.  (Are you sure it's really 8/day?)

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It may be the case that they aren't working hard at all. When I was young, I had a therapist who had me play with legos and she would study what I made. Turns out she was just doodling on her note pad as I played with toys.



Even if there is a constant conversation talking from the client, the therapist could just nod their head and occasionally grunting in confirmation. I would not be surprised that they would be able to handle 80 clients every 2 weeks.


I would strongly advise seeing another therapist. You want a therapist who has time for you, not someone who sees you as one of the 80 clients who doesn't necessarily know you without their notes.

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If it is 40 clients and he sees them once every 2 weeks, it would fit the model that LovePrevails described.


Also some practices are driven by corporate requirements for the number of patients they see. In other words, they work for a hospital or practice group that dictates their work schedule. The corporate entity would have them sign a contract to meet a certain level of patient load as an employment condition. 

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it would be better to see 40 clients once a week than 80 clients once a fortnight


if you are not a zen master who can turn his mind off at will and only thinking when he chooses to think, it is inevitable that your mind will wander onto your clients stuff out of hours as your unconscious mobilizes to continue helping them and find approaches.


taking on 80 peoples stuff, in addition to your own, and everyone else in your lifes

can't say I think that is healthy

40 also sounds like too many

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I'm not surprised that you aren't getting anywhere. This is my opinion but I don't see how you could be emotionally connected and deeply explore someone's personal issues eight times a day with different people. That would be exhausting. Either he is on the verge of burning out or he is not really that involved in each session.  (Are you sure it's really 8/day?)

I asked him how many people he is currently seeing, and he responded "about 8 a day". I responded "oh my fucking God! Isn't that hard to do?" And he says "It's manageable". 


40 also sounds like too many

I had assumed he had fewer than he did, which is why I was so surprised. I thought he would say 3 or 4 /day.





I appreciate all of your comments everyone. He's a faking-positive sociopath I learned yesterday anyway. I'll be looking for someone else.

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Just to contrast your experience, marginalist, i told my therapist i may have to reduce my visits to once every two weeks because of financial issues. She said, "how about you still come every week for an hour and just pay me half." And this is coming after she gained a bunch of clients a few months ago and runs a full schedule. 


I've been with this therapist since January of this year. She's amazing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to contrast your experience, marginalist, i told my therapist i may have to reduce my visits to once every two weeks because of financial issues. She said, "how about you still come every week for an hour and just pay me half." And this is coming after she gained a bunch of clients a few months ago and runs a full schedule. 


I've been with this therapist since January of this year. She's amazing.

Hi Nate.. Would you mind providing a recommendation?  I need a good therapist in Houston.  Thx!

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From my estimations, my therapist sees 9-15 clients per week.  They are scheduled as 60 minute appointments, but so far 4 out of 5 of mine have been more like 90-120 minutes, because I book the latest one in the day, and she seems more than willing to just keep going.  I'm loving it.  It is fun.  Thinking about people and relationships and talking about those is so much fun.  I wish I had such a thing 20 years ago. 

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