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Cuba’s Anarcho-Capitalist Club

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Cuba’s Anarcho-Capitalist Club Plants the Seed, Defies State Oppression


Nelson Chartrand and Joisy García run the Anarcho-Capitalist Club of Cuba. With eight other members, they are focused on promoting the radical ideas of the philosophy on the island — a place where, as they describe, “everything is illegal.”This is no easy task. Capitalism could not be further from the Cuban reality — private property is expressly forbidden as an individual right — and the totalitarian nature of the Fidelista state means anarchism is even more distant.The Cuban regime’s decades of economic confinement have been bad enough, but repression of thought is also ever present, and it is only getting worse. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has blacklisted Cuba for “the level of threats, harassment, and acts of repudiation against human rights defenders in Cuba … particularly those involved in the defense of the rights of persons who have been deprived of liberty for political reasons,” among many other crimes.However, the anarcho-capitalists haven’t given up after facing threats and aggression.Chartrand can only access the internet once per week, through a connection provided by an embassy in Havana, but he graciously shared some of his precious online time with the PanAm Post and our readers.. . .In Cuba, there is no private property. Self-employed workers are not private but quasi-private. The only private property that exists in Cuba is in hands of the ruling elite.


A worthwhile interview to read. It's nice to see these ideas penetrating into oppressive societies.

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Man, that's a real feel good story.


I wish them all the best. With any luck Cuba will reach anarcho-capitalism before the US. I mean if there's eight of them they probably make up a higher proportion of the Cuban population than anarcho-capitalists in the US.



I wish them luck with their being public strategy. It's cold comfort to publicly sit in a jail-cell for doing something right. Just ask Chelsea/Bradley Manning.

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