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Gender hypocrisy in the porn debate

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The ubiquity of male porn use has become the current battleground of a huge cultural war. People are afraid of the consequences of porn use and fear that it damages men, their brains, their sexual performance, their attitudes towards women, intimacy, and sex. The dialogue has changed, since the days of Take Back The Night, when Andrea Dworkin declared that pornography was rape, and should be restricted. Today, feminist values and perspectives still permeate the anti-porn debate, but they serve as a backdrop for the argument that porn is an addictive stimulus that overrides our natural evolutionary responses, changing our brains and bodies. Porn is presented as scary, insidious and deceptive. We are told to “be afraid, be very afraid” of what porn is doing to men.





I think this article really nailed the truth abut porn in a way I haven't seen before.

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The porn industry is perpetuated by feminist values. Looking at the industry objectively, you will see that the female actors are the real stars and beneficiaries of the demand for pornography. Males are largely disposable with regard to straight porn. One penis is as good as another all things being equal.


Meanwhile, men are increasingly becoming frustrated with dating, marriage, and sexual encounters with women, which creates a negative feedback loop for money moving into the porn industry. As the porn industry grows in success, it receives a backlash from feminists in the media, which further exacerbates sexual relations between men and women.


Not all pornography is for men, but I recognize that men are the foremost consumers of it. Women benefit indirectly from pornography consumption. With the increasing pressures of raising children in the age of the double income family, women and men have less time and energy to stay intimate. If it weren't for the easy outlet of pornography, many more men would be stepping out on their wives and having dangerous sex with prostitutes instead of their laptops to cope with their sexless marriages, which affects one in five married couples.

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I think the rise of porn will turn out to be a good thing personally.  I think there has been way too much focus on the sexual aspect of relationships.  And as a result way too much pressure on people in that respect.


I mean, trying to find someone who is both mentally interesting to you as a person AND sexually stimulating AND has a similar sex drive AND remains sexually stimulating as the years pass by seems close to an impossibility to me.   As pointed out, it is a lot better than going out to prostitutes or having illicit affairs.  I would personally prefer to be with someone who fulfilled the position of good friend, confidante, good conversationalist etc, but who may not be the most sexually stimulating to me all the time, but that we understood each other and had other options available in the sexual realm.  And porn is the safest of all.  It's not a perfect industry and most stuff that gets pushed out is crap, but it's no different from any other entertainment  industry in that regard.

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What you guys think of these misleading article? 1. It was a questionaire not a study. 2. A sample of 64 people can hardly be called representative. 3. You cannot tell for sure that the subjects understated or overstated their consumption.


Yeah, a porn addict might have been susceptable to porn because of childhood trauma. What about the non-addicts? What about other addicts?


Here it is, the result of the so called study:https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mpib-berlin.mpg.de%2Fde%2Fpresse%2F2014%2F06%2Fwer-viele-pornos-schaut-hat-ein-kleineres-belohnungssystem&edit-text=

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What you guys think of these misleading article? 1. It was a questionaire not a study. 2. A sample of 64 people can hardly be called representative. 3. You cannot tell for sure that the subjects understated or overstated their consumption.


"The female leading author of the study Simone Kühn...."


I'm already suspicious. I mean seriously, imagine it was a Simon Kuhn making the same paper regarding female intelligence who wear large amounts of makeup. Wait, didn't that just happen somewhere else?  :P 

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it is more ore less a click-bait who doesn't provide any evidence for the claim "Porn makes men stupid." If you look at the so called study, there is a sample of 64 males in the age bracket 21 to 45 whos center for gratification has shrunken for some reason, which are ostensible - according to their own information - heavy porn users. The results are likely to be skewed - because it was a questionaire with a small sample in addition to a MRI test.

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Check this video out.



I'm ambivalent about pornography. I don't believe it's a good thing, but I also believe it is ubiquitous because of dysfunctions in gender relations.


Here's another article (i'm going to edit some of this quote):




[A] barely legal blonde screams into the typical high school sophomore's earbuds. He's tuning out his health teacher's anatomy PowerPoint in favor of a more dynamic form of sex-ed—his favorite porn star's latest gangbang on his iPhone.The video is interrupted, pausing on her gaping mouth, as a text message comes in from a girl across the room, a fellow fully clothed student. "Hey :)" she writes.




He's known this girl since preschool, but he's been masturbating to the porn star since he was 11. He finishes the video, excuses himself to the bathroom and returns to class to scroll the porn star's social media for any behind-the-scenes footage. Hardcore porn trumps flirty peers every time.


If I can offer a bit of defense for the student; the girl that texted him was what is socially defined as "jail bait." There are a number of ways that interaction can end badly for him, with no assumed or given protections for him if it does not work out. At least none that are made aware to him as often as the dangers of male sexuality are made to the girls in his class.


His porn star sexual outlet, on the other hand, for sure isn't nearly as satisfying as the girl texting him. However, porn carries substantially less risk and effort on his part.



Shaking him from his porn-addled isolation is necessary not just for his own well-being, but for the well-being of millennial women like myself who are left with three less-than-ideal choices: no sex, bad sex or sex with older men. At the risk of sounding dramatic, the situation is dire.

A supposed picture of the author.

Posted Image


I don't mean to post this picture as shaming, but I guess to point out a glaring problem in her sex life she is unwilling to address in this article (if this in fact her).

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Logically the "real" or "true" feminism should have nothing to say about porn because there's no issue of equality with regards to porn.


However you often find in reality that feminists and a lot of women in general do have something against porn, and it's easy to understand why. Traditionally womens sexuality gave rise to an imbalance in sexual market value (SMV) which more often than not put women at the advantage in the realm of personal relationships, this is why traditionally men chase women and ask women out, and women pick from the plethora of offers they have from men.


Porn diminishes this power for women by giving males alternate options for satisfactory sexual relief, it diminishes the amount of effort men are willing to go through to achieve sex, so it diminishes the value men represent to women as a utility or access to resources. It also diminishes capacity for women to punish men in relationships by withhold sex.


There's a reason gay men are on average way more promiscuous than any other type of partner combination, neither person is using sex as a power play, both want it and enjoy it and engage in it as often as desired, it's not drip fed and artificially withheld under normal circumstances in order to maintain a power disparity.


Even before porn was mainstream and free you could still see the female desire to regulate easy access to sexual relief by the way women slut shame other women, which has always traditionally been a female on female issue, men on average tend to admire women who are more relaxed when it come to sex and don't use it for manipulation, rather enjoy it as mutually beneficial shared experience. Women who give up sex easily devalue the sexual market value of all other women and this is unacceptable so it's only natural for women to attempt to shame and limit this behaviour.

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