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Teenager suicidality intervention


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Hi everyone,


I met a woman and we had a meaningful conversation about psychology and child abuse. She mentioned that her daughter's teenage friend tried to commit a suicide recently. That girl is on psychotropic drugs, she is seeing a therapist, but it doesn't seem to help. I barely know the woman, but she said she has a good relationship with the girl. We talked about that girl's parents, but the woman doesn't know much about what happens at her home. I told her about FDR. I know I can't do much in this situation, but maybe I can send a podcast or a video to that girl through the woman that will resonate with her? If you think this is a good idea, what podcast would you recommend? I'm thinking a listener conversation about suicidality may help.

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This is an issue for a professional counselor, I think.


Suicide is a triage emergency, FDR is more akin to nutrition.


I agree, but this in this case the suicide attempt happened some time in the past. Plus what parents do is drugging the poor kid with psychotropic drugs, which could be the primary reason for the suicidal thoughts. Even if there is a tiny chance that the girl will listen to the podcast and it will click with her, I want to try.

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