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1,400+ Children in Rape/Abuse Sex Scandal [Rotherham UK]

Alan C.

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Revealed: How fear of being seen as racist stopped social workers saving up to 1,400 children from sexual exploitation at the hands of Asian men in just ONE TOWN


The sexual abuse of about 1,400 children at the hands of Asian men went unreported for 16 years because staff feared they would be seen as racist, a report said today.Children as young as 11 were trafficked, beaten, and raped by large numbers of men between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, the council commissioned review into child protection revealed.And shockingly, more than a third of the cases were already know to agencies.But according to the report's author: 'several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist'.


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Britain, and much of Europe in general, has gone crazy, and our authorities and social services seem content to let third-worlder rapists run rampage, and to abuse those most vulnerable members of the native population. Calling the offenders 'Asians' is an insult to most of that continent, by the way, they are mostly Pakistanis. (No Mongolians, Koreans or Japanese people have been implicated.) Somalis, Middle-Easterners and North Africans have also been involved with the gang rape of European girls in Europe. The common factor is not Asianness but Mohamedanism.


A similar rape epidemic has afflicted the Scandinavian countries, with Muslim immigrants having a virtual monopoly on the 'assault rape' category. (There, direct violence, rather than grooming with drugs and alcohol, seems to be the preferred method). I recently heard that 'Muhammad' is the most common male name in Oslo now. Not even baby name, but male name generally, and most of the non-European immigrants there are Pakistanis and Somalis. What are they doing in Scandinavia, (aside from raping the indigenous females?) There have also been a spate of rapes of white girls in Australia by Middle Easterners and Pakistanis. 


The most common baby name in Britain is also Muhammad. Muslims are also parasitic, on the whole, with half the men and 75% of the women being unemployed. Anjem Chaudary quaintly rechristened Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) 'Jihad Seekers Allowance'.


Pakistani gangs have committed racially motivated murders of whites, such as the much under-reported torturing and slaying of 15 year old Kriss Donald in Glasgow. This was the first racially motivated murder ever recorded in Scotland. White children have also been bullied for being white in schools where whites are minorities. One, nine-year old Aaron Dugmore, hanged himself after being bullied by Muslim kids at his school in Birmingham. Such tactics along with general intimidation have encouraged white flight, or ethnic cleansing of whole areas.


Escaping immigrants, ironically, is a common reason Brits give for emigrating. A sense of losing their country is another reason why white Europeans don't want to have many children. My sister has said she doesn't want to have kids since they would likely grow up to become an ethnic minority. My parents are glad they are not going to live to see the future of this country. Many people I speak to privately express similar sentiments. Yet voice these concerns too publically and one can be arrested. (One can also be arrested for quoting Churchill's words on Islam, as Paul Weston discovered. So much for a free society.)


Our countries are now exporting Jihadist terrorists to the Middle East, meanwhile. (These exported Jihadists are also mostly Pakistanis, despite the mainstream media's insistence on calling them 'Britons', 'Beligans' 'Norwegians' etc.) 


The BNP called attention to the phenomenon of Muslim gangs raping mostly white and exclusively non-Muslim girls in England, some years back. For that public service the traitor-authorities treat them as criminals. Granted that Nationalists may have been attempting to capitalise on the situation, but it doesn't mean they weren't telling the truth of the matter, or that it should have been swept under the rug while the 'liberals' bleat about 'racism' and 'Islamophobia'. Pretending that the Muslims were the victims rather than the aggressors and violators in this whole situation is surely no-longer tenable for intellectually honest people. Not that you find many such thinkers among our politicians... 


In an attempt to portray the murder of off-duty soldier Lee Rigby as a betrayal of Islam, Nick Clegg misquoted the Quran, in an egregious way, to make it sound much more peaceful than it really is, failing also to mention that the very next verse to that he cited ordered the slaughter and dismemberment of those who wage war against Allah and his prophet.


Islam has been aggressing against Europe for 1400 years, with little let-up.


The gang rape of vulnerable white girls (who also endued beatings and mutilation) by Muslim 'men' seems to be an epidemic. Other cases, as also witnessed in Oxford, Rochdale, Derby and Telford. Gang rape by 'Asians' was said to be a fact of life in Rotherham. 


The cases surely are reflections of the traditional Islamic attitude to the females of enemy peoples, who were seen as fair game for sexual enslavement. In the Quran such slaves are referred to as 'what your right hand possesses'.


The social services and police knew about all this and kept it quiet - for fear of looking racist, supposedly. Respect for 'diversity' is deemed a higher priority for police recruits than the catching of criminals. One Channel 4 documentary on the subject of 'Asian' gang rape was not aired because the police said it might damage 'community cohesion'. The conspiracy of silence doubtless condemned hundreds of other victims to a similar fate. The police, meanwhile, actually launched a prosecution against Channel 4 for its documentary 'Undercover Mosque' (which exposed Imams preaching Islamic supremacism, sedition and violence), preferring to prosecute honest journalists rather than the actual criminals who were caught on camera. 


Another question with regard to the Rotherham scandal, and the others, meanwhile, is where were the victims' fathers?

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Bad day to be a Brit, that's for sure :(


Our leftist media has become so bad now, and so slowly over time that we just don't realise how bad it has become and how much it affects our thinking. The BBC which is funded through licence fees in the UK which almost everyone pays (anyone with a TV) which I thankfully am not a contributor, constantly pump out leftist sensational media, there's not a week goes by that we see the BBC reporting on how there's not enough women in Job X or not enough women in politics and that we should have equality, they back the SJW and are basically hard left.


A friend showed me this website http://newsdiffs.org/diff/657896/657911/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28939089


It highlights changes made to BBC articles as they're published and then edited, not just for SPAG but for content as well, you'll see comments regarding race being completely erased just moments after being published.


Obviously prejudice is bad, but knowing the facts is paramount, if there's large scale abuse from a small segment of the foreign population then that's an issue and somewhere that resources need to be allocated to in order to drastically reduce the problem as fast as possible.


This is why I've voted for UKIP in the EU election and will again in the general election, we need some serious fucking change in this country, they're the only party that has even remotely libertarian ethics.

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Sounds like some stinky bull feces to me. Clearly, no one wanted to do anything about it. Pulling the "I don't want to be a racist" card is just as bad as throwing the "you're being a racist" card at other people.

The scare of Islamophobia label in my opinion was major reason why they where silent.. Others probably also egzist, But look ad Sweeden. The highest rate of rape in Europe, in 2011 it was 69 per 100 000. Majority done by immigrants on the white women. Check Elin Krantz, but lookout images are quite disturbed. The fear that Political Correctness created is real.

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Deafening silence from the feminists, on this topic, of course, which gives the lie to the notion they care about female welfare. Also notable no one seems to be asking where the fathers of all these victims were. If a daughter of mine were subjected to anything like this I would be doing a Liam-Neeson-out-of-'Taken'. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
. Some of the fathers went to the houses were their daughters were being abused , only to be arrested by the police. Police caught 5 men with one 12 year old girl , and arrested the girl for being drunk underage and deemed the acts consentual. If you point any of this out expect a barrage of white guilt beatin with the racist stick. 'if anyone on my friends list supports UKIP , do me a favour and delete yourself' , people love to publicly pat them selves on the back for definitly not being racist.
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Police caught 5 men with one 12 year old girl , and arrested the girl for being drunk underage and deemed the acts consentual.

Actually, I heard she was 15, not that it makes much of a difference. Still completely disgusting.


When I heard this report on the radio my mum and I were in the car and we both cried at one point. I felt sick the whole time I listened, but couldn't pull myself away. Just unbelievable not only how a group can manage to, both practically and morally, commit such acts and so many of them but also how so many people can keep quiet about it! I can't believe that it wouldn't be down to more than just the R card; maybe they were being paid off, but if it is just the former then wow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Police to Investigate Allegations of Labour-Libdem Rochdale 'Deal' on Paedophiles and Sex Pests 

Following on from the expose that 1400 young, white girls had been abused at the hands of Pakistani gangs in Rotherham, Breitbart London can report new allegations that have come to light about other instances of public sector and government officials colluding to keep information out of the public domain.

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Yeh thats bullshit. Theres a whole bunch of british police that are racist as fuck lol (I live in UK) and since when was this ever a justification?! 'Oh.. they are black/asian/purple so we cant arrest them in case they call us names!' BULLSHIT!!They dont do shit about it because half of them are doing it themselves. Theres loads of evidence that the top brass in the police, political sphere, celebrity world and CPS are involved in paedo rings in this country. Everyone who knows anything knows it. Normally I wouldnt believe in such things but there have been so many cases coming out where people have been caught bang to rights molesting/mistreating children and the police do NOTHING AT ALL about it. -policemen themselves have been caught doing it and the departments have destroyed files to cover their own backs.Stinson Hunter (a paedophile hunter) actually caught a Tory party Councillor grooming children on the internet. Stinson was making a film with channel 4 on what he does, and the guy was like 70 or something coming to meet an 11 year old disabled girl for sex! Funnily enough he was calm as fuck when he got caught.. didnt seem bothered at all.. What did police/CPS do with him? NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING. They let him go without any charge even though other people have been sentenced for lesser degrees of grooming under the exact same circumstances. Since then Stinson has been stalked and harrassed by him.. because he is clearly above the law. Stinson actually had to fight really hard just to get the footage included in the film!!! Its sick!If you have 4oD, go watch the film.. its called 'paedophile hunter' - Here's the video of the tory shithead:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2OciWiW62U

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