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Cancer in Men an Afterthought with Medical Research

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I stumbled across an article about a young woman, Brittany Wenger, researching breast cancer that bothered me a little bit. Do I have a right to feel slighted by her message? At the end of the video, she points out the caveat that she is currently only focusing on diagnosing breast cancer, but her technical solution could be extended to "many, or all forms of cancer."


Why is she just focusing on breast cancer with Cloud4Cancer? She relates a story of how her cousin got breast cancer, but the odds are she also has a male relative that was diagnosed or will be in the future. In her family picture, she clearly has a father and possibly a younger brother. She makes a point to say that medical research is male dominated field. If that is so, then why are men often considered as an afterthought when it comes to medical funding and research? Why is Brittany's story being used to promote the hash tag, #WomenInspire?









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Well you're not having much empathy for her whilst making a case as to why she should have more empathy for males (such as yourself). She's doing breast cancer research because she's a woman... with breasts... which might get cancerous at some point... and has a relative with breast cancer (i.e. has a genetic proclivity in her family gene pool).


It's simple as that.


If you're worried about cancer that can affect you directly, I don't think it's fair to ask Brittany to do the research for you.

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Well you're not having much empathy for her whilst making a case as to why she should have more empathy for males (such as yourself). She's doing breast cancer research because she's a woman... with breasts... which might get cancerous at some point... and has a relative with breast cancer (i.e. has a genetic proclivity in her family gene pool).




He simply points out that cancer is not a womens' problem only, nothing else. It is not about as to why she is doing breast cancer research after all, it is about the one sided focus for no good reason. You don't become a researcher to research in favour of only one group of people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For every man that dies from testicular cancer, 1000 women die from breast cancer. Breast cancer is a more pressing problem right now.

So we need no fire departments because tsnunamis are causing more harm or genocide is more urgent than regular mass murder. Communism is more dangerous than national Socialism, cuz communism killed more people. How about developing a treatment for both types of cancer and stop the victim olympics, since it is likely that this treatment might work for other types of cancer as well?

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So we need no fire departments because tsnunamis are causing more harm or genocide is more urgent than regular mass murder. Communism is more dangerous than national Socialism, cuz communism killed more people.


This is an army of strawmen. 

How about developing a treatment for both types of cancer and stop the victim olympics, since it is likely that this treatment might work for other types of cancer as well?



Any evidence of that? Companies search for profitable treatments, public funded science looks for high numbers of patients to cure.

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This is an army of strawmen. 


Any evidence of that? Companies search for profitable treatments, public funded science looks for high numbers of patients to cure.


Well, specifically, in the video I linked, it is stated that Cloud4Cancer could be developed for use in diagnosing "many, or all forms of cancer" but for an unspecified reason, it is only focusing on breast cancer for now. That, and the inspirtional hash tag, irks me. It's as if the whole point of the story is to casually regard the health and well-being of men as an afterthought. Perhaps I am biased, because I am a man.


Also, I understand that breast cancer is very prevalent in women (but did you know men can get breast cancer?), and causes many deaths due to misdiagnosis, but the fact still remains that, overall, men die at a higher rate from cancer than women.

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