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By a strange twist the biblical deity who claims to have created the natural world forbids humanity to adore his handiwork. For an artist to demand personal adoration for himself instead of, and in exclusion of, his work, is rather perverse considered in human terms, but with this arrogant god it is perfectly normal.


Page 227 - 'Not In His Image' - John Lamb Lash

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  • 2 months later...

Just adding my experience with Gnosticism;

At the time I came across it I was in a very scattered place with cycles of euphoria and dysphoria, everything was in question and doubt including every aspect of myself. Gnosticism was a comfortable transition from my still un-escaped chains of Christianity and the perils of Agnosticism to ultimate atheism. I had to feel like I knew something, like I was certain of something.  I loved that the word Gnostic itself was an assertion of knowledge and that all the writing or teachings relative to it were called and considered myths, only echoes of the truth. This helped me break myself from a "world of words" and instead focus on my behaviors and introspection.

Gnosticism was of course a half measure but also a welcome methadone to the heroin of living lies I was coming off of.

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Ive heard about the gnostics before - and listened to most of this podcast, but on looking into the guy he seems to be running with some very questionable themes other than gnosticism, makes me go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


but yes, the ecstatic religious experience is a very interesting subject


I saw one documentary that showed some cultures who lost access to the drugs that would induce these states coming up with all kinds of crazy ceremonies and traditions to try to re-produce it putting themselves in great pain or at great risk in the process. Some people just dance in a group for 12 hours straight too. Seems like a lot of work, payoff must make it worth it? 


The whole demi-urge story and all that is pretty cool too, can see similar themes in the more ancient religions of a god being unaware of its own creation (by some particular other gods who thought it would be interesting to keep it from it) thinking it was the cause of everything including itself and running wild with its creation


good thread :)

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I find that a very difficult question, let's keep it simple --->


Do you find it logical that the reason why we are alive and kickin' on this beautiful planet is probably because there was a big bang a couple of years ago?

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I find that a very difficult question, let's keep it simple --->


Do you find it logical that the reason why we are alive and kickin' on this beautiful planet is probably because there was a big bang a couple of years ago?


Trouble in the first volley. I perceive you are using reason with the implication of "justification" instead of "explanation" in the above, because you contrast a "cold" form of logic versus a "warm" phase, "alive and kickin'".


The well is poisoned before we sip the first drops.

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Jimbo, I've done a fair amount of research into Gnosticism, and can I understand, on one level, why these ideas may be appealing to some -- in particular that the biblical character YHWH is really the "bad guy" forever beguiling humanity through illusion (maybe one reason that the Wachowski siblings used so many Gnostic references in the Matrix series).  


But Gnosticism itself is still an illusory fable that is based on unsubstantiated texts, and presents no evidence as to why Gnostic beliefs are actually valid or true -- no different than any other spiritual belief system.

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I dont get it. If you dont have any arguments how do you expect to convince anyone here. It's would be one thing if you said follow this religion because it's good for the earth but I dont think you are saying that. And if you are then you really just have an opinion about the best methodology for helping earth. If you are not saying that then you need to give us an answer as to why believing in this religion makes sense. Can you give us that answer? At least tell us why it makes sense to you personally.

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I dont get it. If you dont have any arguments how do you expect to convince anyone here. It's would be one thing if you said follow this religion because it's good for the earth but I dont think you are saying that. And if you are then you really just have an opinion about the best methodology for helping earth. If you are not saying that then you need to give us an answer as to why believing in this religion makes sense. Can you give us that answer? At least tell us why it makes sense to you personally.


My firm position is the Earth couldn't care at all about human welfare, so we should probably operate on our own self-interests. Mother Earth can fend for herself barring another planetary collision, then times will get a little rough for everyone.

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@mister capitalism

[Devil modus on]

No my friend, being extremely humble to mother nature looks like; (I insist you use your imagination) After being fucked by Stefan M while giving Stephen H a blowjob, fall on your knees (after being universally helpful to pull S.H. out of his wheelchair first) and thank Gaia for the feeling of ecstacy during your orgasms.


In your terms that would be a true philosophy-show in virtual reality.


--- run for the forest Gump or you will be determined by ignorant atheists ---


[Devil modus off]

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@mister capitalism

[Devil modus on]

No my friend, being extremely humble to mother nature looks like; (I insist you use your imagination) After being fucked by Stefan M while giving Stephen H a blowjob, fall on your knees (after being universally helpful to pull S.H. out of his wheelchair first) and thank Gaia for the feeling of ecstacy during your orgasms.


In your terms that would be a true philosophy-show in virtual reality.


--- run for the forest Gump or you will be determined by ignorant atheists ---


[Devil modus off]

Dude what? Are you going to give any arguments or not? You are just saying random things that arent convincing anyone of anything. Tell us why you think what you believe is true. If you are going to come to this forum of thinkers you need to make a solid case which you have yet to do. If you aren't willing or able to do so then good luck convincing anyone of anything.

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Big Bang + Alive = Weird  is not an argument.



Try something like this:




Belief in ___X____ is true


Belief in ___Y____ is false



Belief in  ____X_____ is rational because of ______ABC______ reasons, and ______DEF_______ evidence.


Belief in ____X_____ is valuable because of ______ABC______ reasons, and ______DEF_______ evidence.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I believe and know the XX - divinity



Do you really think that I would expect a piece of understanding from an ignorant atheïst by sharing my mystical-divine-mindblowing-really tough to comprehend experiences?.....and..... am I not THE only authorithy of those experiences....[true news on] you son of a bitch![true news off] 


....and don't get me wrong...I reckoned myself being an atheist for many many years...

Check out stargods' latest youtube-movie; 'You can't handle the truth...or can you' ................and you might get a feel of where I'm at.

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@ Jimbo, if you want to push your mystical hokus pokus claptrap while providing no evidence, that's one thing (just don't ask people to respect you intellectually for it) -- but to do it in a mean-spirited and insulting way (calling someone an s.o.b.) is not okay on these boards (that kind of messaging is to be actively disrespected and repudiated, in my opinion).


It's for those reasons that I reported your most recent post (on 12/13/14).  

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You can report what ever you like sergeant TheAuger...


In the course of my life I am gaining and losing respect for matters...It's kind of my business, don't you think?


It's more or less passé for me to feel insultated when you are messaging 'hokus pokus claptrap' to me...

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I believe and know the XX - divinity



Do you really think that I would expect a piece of understanding from an ignorant atheïst by sharing my mystical-divine-mindblowing-really tough to comprehend experiences?.....and..... am I not THE only authorithy of those experiences....[true news on] you son of a bitch![true news off] 


....and don't get me wrong...I reckoned myself being an atheist for many many years...

Check out stargods' latest youtube-movie; 'You can't handle the truth...or can you' ................and you might get a feel of where I'm at

You seriously need to grow up kid. Maybe we can have a conversation when you learn how to speak like an adult.

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You can report what ever you like sergeant TheAuger...


In the course of my life I am gaining and losing respect for matters...It's kind of my business, don't you think?


It's more or less passé for me to feel insultated when you are messaging 'hokus pokus claptrap' to me...

Jimbo, please don't feel "insultated" when someone criticizes your beliefs -- especially when you seem to have so little regard for your beliefs (and your audience) that you fail to provide any evidence to support your extraordinary claim.  


There is a big difference between "insultating" an individual and/or their character by calling them an s.o.b., and insultatatin' someone else's extraordinary and unsubstantiated beliefs.


At least people care enough about your beliefs to critique them and hold them to the same high standard of reason and evidence as they would for any other extraordinary claim!

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I believe and know the XX - divinity



Do you really think that I would expect a piece of understanding from an ignorant atheïst by sharing my mystical-divine-mindblowing-really tough to comprehend experiences?.....and..... am I not THE only authorithy of those experiences....[true news on] you son of a bitch![true news off] 


....and don't get me wrong...I reckoned myself being an atheist for many many years...

Check out stargods' latest youtube-movie; 'You can't handle the truth...or can you' ................and you might get a feel of where I'm at.


How did that stargod guy get so fat? i dont think you are really loving mother nature when you take so much from her that you make yourself sick an more reliant on others...


a side note - people wanting proof or good arguments are just as crazy as the OP


I like Crazy!

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