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Brain quick firing in the mornings.


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I remember about 1-2 years ago I use to wake up to my brain quick firing random thoughts.


I didn't have control over my brain. I remember siting after i awoke and hold myself up in order  to gain control over my thoughts. The thoughts had no connection to each other (I think). The thoughts where random in a literal sense I could be thinking about a banana ,a pillow next to me, something in my past, an interaction i had the day before, my hand...etc


This occurred many times in the past, i remember thinking it was normal for some reason. I didnt look into it at the time.


I have a history of panic attacks in my childhood.

My environment in the past and in the present is shit.



What do you think this could be ?

Have any of you guys/gals had an experience like this before ? 

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yeah I used to be a compulsive thinker too and sometimes still am. Try journaling or audio journaling to slow the thoughts down and see if you can connect them to any logical order.

I used to make myself cry from very serious negative self attack. It took Eckhart Tolle to help me practice present moment living. Just being concious of breath and surrounding. It's very dibilitating and I'm sorry that you're also experiencing this.


Is there anything in your present life situation that may be causing the thoughts? Or are you in a better place that a part of your brain still wants to stress you out?

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In my case it's worse. I wake up, go to the bathroom, and my brain starts playing songs I've heard on the radio the day before xD


Nah that's one of the happy moments, it's worse when I just keep playing back awkward moments without even realizing.

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In my case it's worse. I wake up, go to the bathroom, and my brain starts playing songs I've heard on the radio the day before xD


Nah that's one of the happy moments, it's worse when I just keep playing back awkward moments without even realizing.


do you explore what makes those momenets awkward? and do you ever learn anything from exploring them?

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Yes, and all the time I come up with: I should have done/said this instead. But then again when fight/flight takes over the next time, I am almost paralyzed again, although sometimes I manage to break through. Or sometimes it doesn't happen at all.

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There are many parts to you, and they often act in parallel. I am often thinking about twenty different things at once, though not consciously. With practice, I find that you can tune into different parts.


I actually have a theory which I base off myself, which is that we always have a song stuck in our head, it is just that we aren't always listening to it.


In certain moments, I kind of loose my ability to tune in and out of various parts, which creates a bit of anxiety and confusion. It is like I am hit with a wall of different thoughts, which I have no ability to handle.


I tend to get a lot of random thoughts and ideas when I am trying not to have them, or before bed. I find that sometimes I reach a point where I am not quite asleep, and part of me just goes off thinking about something random. Sometimes it makes sense, and other times it doesn't.


A good exercise to practice is free association. Meditation is also quite helpful, but will likely be frustrating as this behavior will increase 10 fold.


Many people consider me extremely random as my train of thought can often be associative. I can control this, but I don't mind being random as I am able to express myself far better, and it makes me far more interesting. Most people like it a lot, though certain people just get really confused. Honestly, all I aim to be to other people is entertaining and interesting, I don't need to be someone that they want to be friends with, but I do want to be someone that they love interacting with.


This post likely isn't helpful, but I think this is quite normal, it is just that people seem to not realize it.

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There are many parts to you, and they often act in parallel. I am often thinking about twenty different things at once, though not consciously. With practice, I find that you can tune into different parts.


I actually have a theory which I base off myself, which is that we always have a song stuck in our head, it is just that we aren't always listening to it.


In certain moments, I kind of loose my ability to tune in and out of various parts, which creates a bit of anxiety and confusion. It is like I am hit with a wall of different thoughts, which I have no ability to handle.


I tend to get a lot of random thoughts and ideas when I am trying not to have them, or before bed. I find that sometimes I reach a point where I am not quite asleep, and part of me just goes off thinking about something random. Sometimes it makes sense, and other times it doesn't.


A good exercise to practice is free association. Meditation is also quite helpful, but will likely be frustrating as this behavior will increase 10 fold.


Many people consider me extremely random as my train of thought can often be associative. I can control this, but I don't mind being random as I am able to express myself far better, and it makes me far more interesting. Most people like it a lot, though certain people just get really confused. Honestly, all I aim to be to other people is entertaining and interesting, I don't need to be someone that they want to be friends with, but I do want to be someone that they love interacting with.


This post likely isn't helpful, but I think this is quite normal, it is just that people seem to not realize it.



In support of your post, the brain acts as a transmitter and receiver of frequencies. The analogy you used of tuning seems apt.  :thumbsup:

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Yes, and all the time I come up with: I should have done/said this instead. But then again when fight/flight takes over the next time, I am almost paralyzed again, although sometimes I manage to break through. Or sometimes it doesn't happen at all.


So would you say the compulsive thoughts comprise mostly of regrets? Does it take any self talk to convince yourself what is done is done? And can you be happy with it or does it still remain unsatisfactory? 


Check out my thread on regret, I hope it helps if that's the case.

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