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Good Will Hunting

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This has got to be one of the best movies ever. I really do wish as Stef said, that Matt Damon and Ben Asslick continued to write together about more hard hitting real life stuff instead of getting wrapped up in shoot 'em up action flicks. 


Will Hunting is a brilliant kid with a serious problem. He is naturally gifted and intelligent, and has a ton of potential, but settles for physical labour instead of tapping into his intelligence. It doesn't help that he's been shipped around numerous foster homes, had a physically abusive father, and having thus developed a very closed off attitude that cuts him off from real connection. 


Robin Williams role as his therapist also shows a great deal of his serious and darker side while also being able to connect with him, instead of being creeped out like in One Hour Photo lol. But seriously, as Sean Maguire, he plays the only therapist who doesn't lose their shit over Will's assholery, and in fact connects with him in a way no one else can because they share similar histories.


Check this gem out if you haven't, it's one of the best stories about living up to your potential and the people around you who either force you to or allow you tap ito that potential...

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I always thought Affleck got a hard time. I really liked some of his films. However, in one of the few clips I watched of Bill Maher show, Affleck had absolutely no doubt that Iran should be attacked by the US. It was after he made Argo (I think). I just wish I was in the room at that point to hand him the flak jacket and the rifle and send him on his merry way. 

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