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What do you think of the police?


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 record. I put the knife down and wait for the police. They come and hand cuff me and ask me if i am crazy, what drugs am i on, they tell me its not abuse he was just disciplining his child. They were talking about me going to jail, and im just thinking what the fuck is wrong with this world. They told me grabbing a knife is serious business. I told them he is taller and stronger than me ,but they didnt care, i said it was for only self-defense. My mom started telling them how crazy i was and that my little cousin is just acting up and needs to be beaten, and the cops agree with her. They said if my cousin was here he could press charges. For defending a helpless child I get potential jail time.
I hate the police, they only defend the state and the profits of the state.
What are some of your experiences with the police?


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I was arrested by the TSA.  There was some kind of system error in which I could not get my boarding pass.  I was frantically attempting to contact someone that could help me, but the customer service person at the luggage counter just said, "I don't have time for this," and walked away.  It was late at night, so the customer service counter was closed.  I went to the security gate to see if there was anything they could do to help me.  After failing to understand what had happened, and repeatedly asking to see my boarding pass, and telling me I need a boarding pass, I asked to speak to their superior.  I was questioned about my luggage (which I had left about twenty feet behind me at the luggage counter), and whether I had left it unattended.  The officer, apparently bored with me, began to escort me toward the doors.  Then, without warning, slammed me into the ground hard enough to split my ear open on the tile.  Before letting me know I was under arrest, he kept yelling at me, "stop resisting!" to which I responded, "resisting what? Am I under arrest?"  After much hemming and hawing, he did tell me I was under arrest, but wouldn't tell me why.  I demanded to know why I was being arrested, until they threatened to use their taser if I continued "resisting."  He said he smelled alcohol on my breath, which was not possible.  He then told his cohorts I was "on meth or something."  I told them to conduct a blood test, or use a breathalyzer, but they declined.  They came up with some charges: trespassing, drunk and disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest.  He cuffed me so tight that I had severe bruising and nerve damage in both wrists.  I didn't regain feeling in parts of my hands for about six months.  There was evidence that I was a victim of discrimination, but we all know how that goes when you're white.


I spent a night in jail, and had a court hearing the next morning, in which the charges were dismissed, except the trespassing.  There was no way to fight it, except to file a complaint that I'm sure would be promptly ignored.  I paid a fine of a few hundred dollars.


I also had an unsavory experience with the school cop when I was in high school.  Not really worth going into detail, but the gist of it was that he was a short, bald man with incredible insecurity, and he took great pleasure in bullying me because I didn't have my school i.d. at the football game.


Cops are generally pathetic; sad, stupid creatures with no greater pleasure in their lives than wielding their unearned authority. My hope is that one day it is so dangerous to be a cop that nobody dares to become one.  Then private security options will receive greater attention, as they have in Detroit.

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Your experience sounds terrible, AJ! That's a hard core abuse of power. I've been harassed, questioned, searched and detained for a short while by cops before but never arrested (well, arrested but not handcuffed, jailed or thrown into a wagon) - probably because I have always deferred to their authority. Are there any details you are leaving out of the TSA encounter or did the supervisor truly wrestle you to the ground without provocation?


I would have tried to lodge a formal complaint with the TSA, if there is a process for it. At the very least, I would have gotten this brute's name and number so I could out him on the internet for physical abuse.

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Yeah cops hate the idea of someone defending themselves with a knife.  They arrested me for doing that, even though they must have known my assailants were thugs who attacked first.  It turned out alright for me though, by the time of my committal all of the three thugs who were witnesses against me were wanted for violent crimes.  So the cops knew that they were vicious criminals and liars, but they still went ahead with the prosecution until the judge said "Well you've got no evidence because the witnesses didn't turn up.".  Even then they "discharged me", rather than dismissed the charges.  So theoretically I could be charged again. 


The thing to understand about cops is, their job is to make it look like you need cops to protect you and that they do that.  If they can push a problem under the rug, they'll do it, because they don't get paid to actually solve problems, but to make it look like they're solved.

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My experience with cops is being incredibly annoyed at their wasting of my time. Was caught with friends on campus smoking dope and the cop wouldn't stop with the lecture. I was mostly bored and extremely high. The fact that he didn't go away or stop talking was what frustrated me. I had stuff on me, and managed to empty out my pockets without him noticing it. I was far too calm and apathetic, but that is how I generally am, though not so apathetic now.


The other times with cops were because they were over suspicious. Similar feeling. One cop asked my birth date and I them, and they repeated it back the sort numerical way, to which I repeated back the longer way. I knew he was trying to trip me up, and I didn't know if it was day/month/year or month/day/year where I live, so we went back and forth for a bit and he didn't seem to understand why I couldn't confirm it with numbers.

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IMO this should be required viewing by all. Just be aware that in several states now you have to explicitly state that you are invoking your right to remain silent or they'll use your silence as an admission of guilt. 




I usually call them revenue agents, but they're thugs in blue. So many people have been conditioned that police are wholesome and benevolent and they refuse to even think that they're bad in any way, instead they'll come to their defense with such logical fallacies as "They have a hard job" or "You try being a cop for a day". In Ferguson they want it to be about a thug black man; an uppity nigger as he would have been called in days gone by. We've removed the words, but the imagery still remains. The truth is that the magic blue costumes somehow managed to generate $150 in revenue for every man, woman and child living in Ferguson every year and 3 arrest warrants per adult. So was it about an aggressive teen that simply had no respect for authority or was it about a teen who was simply fed up with being a target? BTW, the only way the balistics work is if he was already on his knees, stopped when the final shots were fired - so it was an execution IMO based on the evidence so far. What likely happened was the teen shoved the door into the officer and fled. The office fired hitting him in the hand at which point he turned and got down on his knees to surrender when the final shots were fired. 


There are numerous stories about them killing family pets - all justified. A mother called police to remove some feral kittens and the officer blasted them with his shotgun as her children watched - the officer was cleared of any wrong doing. Asset forfeiture has made no-knock raids a cottage industry and when children are shot or stun grenades explode the chest of a 2yr old it's all ok because of their magic blue costumes. Wrong address? No problem. The person who approved the raid along with everyone involved should face felony charges for assault. When officers are actually charged or police departments sued fines are usually paid out of taxpayer money. It's exceptionally rare that an officer uses his own money or has his pension forfeited no matter how egregious the crime. An officer recently ran over the former CEO of napster while typing in his computer. If the average tax chattel did that while texting they'd be up on manslaughter charges. The officer wasn't charged. 


Two years ago I was run off the road on my motorcycle. I avoided a collision but still lowsided. Reports from witnesses said that an officer in a marked car saw the whole thing and simply drove by without stopping. Later attempts to get police to show up were ineffective. I severely sprained my thumb and had medics show up just to check me out and they got an officer out to make an incident report. As I was describing what happened every time I used the word "accident" he responded with ever increasing force "No Sir, you simply fell over." After a while the medic called me over to "sign some paperwork" and informed me that if I kept pushing it I'd probably end up in jail. The officer was simply not going to call it an accident report because the accident report involves more paperwork - take what I can get... Multiple people had gotten the license plate, description of the car, and description of the driver who fled the scene of the accident. Upon following up I found that the license plate was suspended due to lack of insurance and the police were ending their investigation there. In talking to my insurance carrier they said that police are usually uncooperative in these cases unless there is major injury or a death. This was Philadelphia police and I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Their retirement is based on their highest two grossing years so it's not uncommon for them to go through their career doing the minimum and then in the last few years they take every holiday, every overtime hour, every special event, everything they can just to make as much money as they can over a two year period so they can retire fat and happy. 


I'm sure there are good officer out there, but seeing as they won't stand up for the wrongs and they simply protect the other thugs in blue I have no sympathy for them. I understand it can be hard to stand up against them but no one is forcing you to be there. If you feel you can't stand up and you consider yourself to be moral and just then you have to simply walk away. I'm fortunate to be moving to a small town that doesn't have a police force. That wasn't by accident. Given my feeling about them I want to do the least I can to support the behavior. The area is patrolled by the state police but they're usually not interested in the small petty revenue games and harassment that many municipal forces are involved with. 


There's a song by NWA that sums up my feelings pretty well... :)

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