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Fat acceptance synonymous with feminism

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At this point feminism is just a hate cult against men.


Men enjoy providing for and spending time with a family: take the kids away from him and make him a slave.

Men enjoy videogames: destroy the hobby by shaming the gamers and accuse them of promoting rape.

Men enjoy courting women: make women believe that flirting is tantamount to rape.

Men enjoy beauty: promote the most unattractive features to be the most attractive and shame anyone who doesn't agree.



Frankly it's hard to find any action a man does that's not offensive to those maniacs. From posture to breathing, from making eye contact to not making eye contact. These people are completely insane.

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I blame the patriarchy. And, to borrow a line from R Gervais: slow metabolism, fast pie-arm. Nom.

It is an interesting survival and success strategy to be obese and proud of it.

As long as they reap the rewards and/or consequences themselves, I say good luck to them. I'm sure they would never externalise the cost of their actions on others or try to force their agenda and personal choices on society at large.......

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Well done vid showing the absurdity and promotion by feminists of fat acceptance.


I am often accused by feminists of being a misogynist, but this was terrible. This guy is not only hugely aggressive, but he generalizes his standards onto the whole planet. For instance, when he compares before/after pictures at 7:14 and 7:21, to me the girl looks a LOT more attractive AND healthy in the first picture than in the second one. I get that he thinks otherwise, and that's fine. But I know a lot of other guys who would agree with me. When watching this video I finally got what the feminists were saying all these years about people trying to aggressively push women into becoming anorexic or fitting their narrow standards of beauty. And since he likes going back to "the good old days", well, if you go back 100 years, or probably even 50, nobody would've thought that a woman with 6 pack abs and weightlifting arms was the ideal standard of beauty.


Also, he missed the point entirely about the criticism of the coach. She wasn't being criticized for the way she looked, but for implying that any woman that doesn't look like her is just making excuses to cover up how lazy and unhealthy they are. Genetics and the environment in the womb and early childhood play a huge role in how a person looks. Also, not every woman has the time or desire to work out several hours a day, 6 days a week just so they can look like her, and that is perfectly fine too, it doesn't mean they are making an "excuse" to cover up something.


I am smarter than almost everybody I know, would it be ok to imply that anyone who isn't as smart as me is just too damn lazy and shallow to pick up a book or think about something in detail? No.

Reposted this video on my facebook, got one person to block me. I even added an inspirational message, complete with Ayn Rand quote to reinforce my thoughts.


Quoting a compulsive chain smoker who herself gained a lot of weight after finally quitting smoking subsequent to her development of lung cancer may not be the best way to convince women about how healthy it is to lose weight.


Let alone the fact that the video is the very opposite of inspirational.


You probably deserved to get blocked. Not that I use FB anyway.

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 to me the girl looks a LOT more attractive AND healthy in the first picture than in the second one.


When watching this video I finally got what the feminist were saying all these years about people trying to aggressively push women into becoming anorexic or fitting their narrow standards of beauty.


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 Genetics and the environment in the womb and early childhood play a huge role in how a person looks. Also, not every woman has the time or desire to work out several hours a day, 6 days a week just so they can look like her, and that is perfectly fine too, it doesn't mean they are making an "excuse" to cover up something.



Your protest here was invalided by the Bernie Fedorowicz example from the video. 


Yes, "Genetics and the environment in the womb and early childhood play a huge role in how a person looks."  BUT you can also extend that to "how hard working a person is", "how much money they currently possess", and "how responsible they are". 


So until the women who preach fat acceptance are willing to date fat, ugly, loser, irresponsible, poor men and raise them into hunks-of-masculine-responsibility, their advocacy of fat acceptance becomes hypocritical. 

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I don't know who Bernie Fedorowicz is. I wasn't talking about fat acceptance, I was talking about the video.


But in any case, how do you know what kind of guys these women date?


The Bernie Fedorowicz example was in the video.  Look in the last 20% of it. 


And I know what types of guys those women DON'T date, because they're never photographed with those types of guys in tow. 

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Also, he missed the point entirely about the criticism of the coach. She wasn't being criticized for the way she looked, but for implying that any woman that doesn't look like her is just making excuses to cover up how lazy and unhealthy they are. Genetics and the environment in the womb and early childhood play a huge role in how a person looks. Also, not every woman has the time or desire to work out several hours a day, 6 days a week just so they can look like her, and that is perfectly fine too, it doesn't mean they are making an "excuse" to cover up something.



Of course there are genetic influences on ease of gaining/loosing weight and how a person looks. But it's also obvious that a huge share of obesity is related to modern living conditions and the choices that people make. If it were true that genetics predestined most people to a certain weight, then we wouldn't see the humongous rises in obesity that come about with industrialised food production and sedentary Western lifestyles.


It really doesn't take "several hours a day" or "6 days a week" for the average person. Most people are amazed at how much weight they lose when they just cut out things like soda and packaged foods from their diet, and if you add some light cardio (or even just getting up and walking for a bit) every day and maybe weight training for 30 minutes three times a week, it's enough for most to remain fit and healthy.


Do people have to do these things? No, but it is an excuse if they forgo them while claiming that how they look must be genetic. That weakness of character is broadcasted to other people, and it can't be wished away as misogyny or the promotion of anorexia.


It's not about the fact that women don't look like her. It's about the fact that people in general want to do the least effort, while expecting others to believe them when they say they did the best they could. People do make excuses, and it's incredibly sad to see them do it. They say: "this is just how things worked out, and there's nothing I could have done to change it". It's the same whether it's a woman who resigns herself to weight after pregnancy, or a person born into poverty who resigns themselves to being poor all their life. The most respectful thing that can be done for them is to not accept their bullshit that they're completely powerless and without agency.

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The Bernie Fedorowicz example was in the video.  Look in the last 20% of it. 


And I know what types of guys those women DON'T date, because they're never photographed with those types of guys in tow. 


I still don't know who it is. I looked, and didn't find anything. But I don't know how it would disprove my point anyway.

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Sorry my response is contained within this box. I am not smart enough to figure out the proper way to parse a reply.

I am often accused by feminists of being a misogynist, but this was terrible.


That's not an argument.


This guy is not only hugely aggressive, but he generalizes his standards onto the whole planet.


"Hugely aggressive" has no philosophical meaning. Generalizing is an effective way to convey a message. Since fat people are everywhere, onto the whole planet is an accurate statement.



For instance, when he compares before/after pictures at 7:14 and 7:21, to me the girl looks a LOT more attractive AND healthy in the first picture than in the second one. I get that he thinks otherwise, and that's fine. But I know a lot of other guys who would agree with me.


Okay, you like chocolate and I like vanilla.


When watching this video I finally got what the feminist were saying all these years about people trying to aggressively push women into becoming anorexic or fitting their narrow standards of beauty.


Straw man 101. Very few straight men think anorexics are a standard of beauty. That fad was put forward by the modeling industry which is largely comprised of women and gay men. Beauty is a sign of health. Anorexic and obese are not healthy.


And since he likes going back to "the good old days", well, if you go back 100 years, or probably even 50, nobody would've thought that a woman with 6 pack abs and weightlifting arms was the ideal standard of beauty.


Argument from history fallacy. Today obese women are relatively unattractive even if that has not always been the case.


Also, he missed the point entirely about the criticism of the coach. She wasn't being criticized for the way she looked, but for implying that any woman that doesn't look like her is just making excuses to cover up how lazy and unhealthy they are. Genetics and the environment in the womb and early childhood play a huge role in how a person looks. Also, not every woman has the time or desire to work out several hours a day, 6 days a week just so they can look like her, and that is perfectly fine too, it doesn't mean they are making an "excuse" to cover up something.

She was being criticized (by other women) for daring to suggest MANY (not all) mothers use pregnancy and young children as an excuse to be overweight or obese.  That proposition is supported by overwhelming empirical evidence. 


I am smarter than almost everybody I know, would it be ok to imply that anyone who isn't as smart as me is just too damn lazy and shallow to pick up a book or think about something in detail? No.


You can imply or not imply whatever you want.


Quoting a compulsive chain smoker who herself gained a lot of weight after finally quitting smoking subsequent to her development of lung cancer may not be the best way to convince women about how healthy it is to lose weight.


Not suggesting anyone has to lose weight. Be obese and be proud of it. There is a whole fat acceptance movement that will welcome you with open arms.


Let alone the fact that the video is the very opposite of inspirational.


Where did you get the idea this was an inspirational video?


You probably deserved to get blocked. Not that I use FB anyway.


Yeah, reality sucks. I think they did a good job by blocking.


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If it were true that genetics predestined most people to a certain weight, then we wouldn't see the humongous rises in obesity that come about with industrialised food production and sedentary Western lifestyles.


No, that doesn't follow, because it could be that certain factors in the environment (more processed and/or GMO foods, more vaccines, more radio waves, or whatever else it is) predisposes some genetic clusters to obesity, and not others. That is, it could be that everybody is living mostly the same way, but in some people this causes obesity, and in others it does not.

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No, that doesn't follow, because it could be that certain factors in the environment (more processed and/or GMO foods, more vaccines, more radio waves, or whatever else it is) predisposes some genetic clusters to obesity, and not others. That is, it could be that everybody is living mostly the same way, but in some people this causes obesity, and in others it does not.

Everyone (bar a couple of percent of people who have actual diseases) gets fat when they eat more calories than they expend. It's easier than ever to consume many calories, and expend very few. But that doesn't remove responsibility for anyone's actions. People still have a choice of what they eat and whether and how they exercise, regardless of the fact that it's easy to eat a lot and exercise little. 


I said predestined. I've acknowledged that there are genetic influences on weight gain, but at the end of the day non diseased people have a basal metabolic rate of within +-300 calories for their height and weight. It's a calculation of calories in calories out, and in order to balance it all you need to do is change your eating and/or exercise habits.

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Everyone (bar a couple of percent of people who have actual diseases) gets fat when they eat more calories than they expend. It's easier than ever to consume many calories, and expend very few. But that doesn't remove responsibility for anyone's actions. People still have a choice of what they eat and whether and how they exercise, regardless of the fact that it's easy to eat a lot and exercise little. 


I said predestined. I've acknowledged that there are genetic influences on weight gain, but at the end of the day non diseased people have a basal metabolic rate of within +-300 calories for their height and weight. It's a calculation of calories in calories out, and in order to balance it all you need to do is change your eating and/or exercise habits.


Except that the calories in, calories out formula doesn't tell you anything. There's no arrow of causality in the equation. http://youtu.be/BNFlbRjOeHA?t=19m46s


And telling people to try to change numbers in the equation doesn't work. (watch the entire 3-part presentation if you're interested, it starts at 4 minutes in part 1, but I linked to the part about calories in > calories out dogma)


People are getting a lot more skin cancer today than they did in the past, yet most people don't get skin cancer. Does that mean that Stef caused himself to get skin cancer by living a particularly unhealthy lifestyle, when compared to the rest of the population? Of course not. He just got unlucky. And some people get unlucky in another way and become obese, whereas their counterparts who live the same type of lifestyles do not.


Am I saying that nothing can be done to solve or mitigate obesity, or cancer? No. But that wasn't the point.

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No, that doesn't follow, because it could be that certain factors in the environment (more processed and/or GMO foods, more vaccines, more radio waves, or whatever else it is) predisposes some genetic clusters to obesity, and not others. That is, it could be that everybody is living mostly the same way, but in some people this causes obesity, and in others it does not.

I am genuinely puzzled by your argument. If a woman or a man is anorexic or obese then they are clearly unhealthy. The health of your heart and other organs does not depend on sentiment or whether your weight should be understood and sympathised with by others. If you prefer women with a bit more meat on them, fair enough, fine. In this manner, beauty is in the eye of the beholder in terms of weight. 

If most men find obese women unattractive or even disgusting in their weight, that is their decision. It also happens to be a decision backed up by reason and scientific evidence. Please don't say "what if they smoke" or some such, we are dealing in generalities and population level in this era.If a woman has a predisposition to obesity then in  a very real way she is of lesser quality than someone who isn't for the purposes of healthy offspring. 

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I still don't know who it is. I looked, and didn't find anything. But I don't know how it would disprove my point anyway.


The timestamp is 10:37, but the point begins maybe a minute before that. 

No, that doesn't follow, because it could be that certain factors in the environment (more processed and/or GMO foods, more vaccines, more radio waves, or whatever else it is) predisposes some genetic clusters to obesity, and not others. That is, it could be that everybody is living mostly the same way, but in some people this causes obesity, and in others it does not.


Right, so if ONE piece of advice doesn't work, does this mean: (1) the process of losing weight is friggin impossible, or (2) that other pieces of advice may work? 

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Just a tid-bit of information that may be relevant. Study on obesity and homosexual females:



We provide rigorous evidence that lesbian women are an at-risk population for overweight and obesity, and thus, for negative health outcomes secondary to obesity. Overweight and obesity are recognized as a cause of preventable deaths,4648 although recent findings link only obesity, not overweight, to excess deaths.49Other negative implications of obesity and overweight are the substantially increased risk of morbidity from hypertension; dyslipidemia; type 2 diabetes; coronary heart disease; stroke; gallbladder disease; osteoarthritis; sleep apnea and respiratory problems; and endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon cancers.3

We conclude from our findings an urgent need for weight-reduction interventions that target the high-risk group of sexual-minority women. At present, the targets of such interventions should be women who identify as lesbian, rather than bisexual women or women who report identifying as “something else.” We prove the need for weight reduction interventions in this population, but do not provide specific information for the development of culturally appropriate interventions for this population. For the time being, one can use published differences between lesbians and other women in social, behavioral, and cultural norms that affect overweight and obesity18,50 to develop a culturally appropriate intervention for lesbians."



Why, I'm shocked.

Who would have thought that heterosexual females were disproportionately predisposed to maintaining a healthy weight? Perhaps lesbianism and obesity are genetically linked? Or could it be that lesbians have been diverted towards lesbianism by the toxins in food they were given in childhood?

Or perhaps, men generally desire and demand a healthy weight in a female partner. No magic get out of jail free cards. After all, you are what you eat.

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It might have something to do with the higher abuse rates for homosexual people. There is still a lot of bigotry around, with the biggest source being from schools. At my high school at least, people talked bad about anyone who was gay. It didn't seem like it was because they were against homosexuality, but rather because it was an easy bullying mechanism. At other schools, it can be far worse.

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A search for material on female obesity reveals two recurring trends: 1) a correlation between obesity and sexual abuse and, 2) obesity as a deterrent against unwanted sexual advances.


Both of these have always been present in human history, arguably moreso in the past than today, yet rates of obesity have skyrocketed in present times, so at least we can say it's not that simple.

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Here's my beef with this video.  Obesity -- actual obesity, not just merely not looking like a fitness model -- is a real problem in our society that impacts women AND men.  There is nothing in this video about men and obesity, other than that they don't like obese women.  Never mind that men are obese, men are discriminated against for not fitting into a healthy weight, and men have their own problems and concerns when it comes to weight.


Nothing about the stigma for men around trying to lose weight, as dieting or watching what you eat is a 'girl' thing.  In fact, the video implies that it is women who need to watch what they eat and what they look like, and men of course never have those issues.  Nothing about men's relationships with their own bodies, their own anxieties and emotional lives.


There is also nothing about how processed food, commercial agriculture and the glut of chemicals in our food supply is contributing to obesity, in addition to increasingly sedentary lifestyles, or how for men who are working a 50-60 hour week easily, plus have household duties and family duties in many cases, do not have the time to work out, nor are they coming home to meals that aren't either take out or easily cooked processed crap anymore.  


Men have far, far bigger issues facing them with the obesity problem in the west than just not having enough hot women to look at, and I find the video incredibly insulting to not bring up the real issues actually facing men.  He's just re-enforcing the (often found in radical feminism) stereotype that men are just boner factories with no concerns of their own or anxieties other than whether they feel they can screw a particular woman.  

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Here's my beef with this video.  Obesity -- actual obesity, not just merely not looking like a fitness model -- is a real problem in our society that impacts women AND men.  There is nothing in this video about men and obesity, other than that they don't like obese women. 


There is nothing about male obesity because there is no men's movement, to my knowledge, endorsing fat acceptance.

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At least it's not fascism. Mooshell O the first bully lady, wife of the bully in chief, must be licking her chops at what the Japanese are doing.

If they don't lose weight, just march them out into the country, strip them of their capitalist ways, and force them to do Jane Fonda workouts Khmer Rouge style. Yay healthy living!


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In this capitalist age, surely some objective, rewardable measure of fitness and form is necessary.

I would like to highlight this highly objectionable assessment of the bovine community in this respect: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EUROP_grid

This surely is pure Bullarchy. I call for Heiferism to combat lean bias and valuable priveldge!!!

Then, all heifers can graze in peace and safe in the knowledge that they will never be judged objectively or deliver a return.......

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Beauty is a sign of health. Anorexic and obese are not healthy.


Since beauty is also a subjective standard, a preference, e. g. of people who desire fattys, this statement is wrong.


Personally, I prefer people to call me out on my behaviour, rather than enable me in my dysfunction. Being fat or covered in tattoos, I would hope there were some righteous folk to give me a heads up.


Not anything that is perceived as dysfunction is really a dysfunction. Covered in tattoos is a good example in this case. Enabling something means you would have an obligation to intefer otherwise it would be just inaction.

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