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Female drivers and female passengers. Men thrown under bus, again

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They opened a female friendly auto-repair shop here in Uruguay recently.  You can get your hair done while you wait for your car (no joke).  I don't mind, I think this is an excellent way market forces can combat threatening situations for women.  Guns and mace are pretty good too.  


As for a gov run feminist bus, lets be honest.... it would be like jim crow but men are the black people.  Its not that its a bus for women, since women would be able to use any bus... it would just be a bus forbidden to men.  Probably would have wifi and all sorts of cool shit.

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Interesting final few lines:

"Mateo told the Times she wished there were women-only taxis available when her children were young and needed to be ferried around the city to various activities"

Struck me as odd to entrust care of young children to a stranger.

Secondly, it seems implied that stranger women would be safer to entrust children to than stranger men. 

Thirdly, I have no idea what the law is in this locality but is it not discrimination in terms of both customers and employees? I understand fully that an ancap would be for free association and interaction but this is a financial transaction with employment implications that fall under existing laws. Perhaps the branding and business model allows circumvention of such legalities?

I would have no issue with this at all if it was the case that men could have exclusively male organisations aswell, but from notional experience over the years male-only organisations have been largely forced into admitting women.


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