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Hot Topic: Facebook users comments on spanking <- sickening!


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Damn.. i just read this... so sickening and fucked up.




There are literally hundrets of comments just like these:


was whipped with a switch when I acted out as a child at times (mostly by grandparents)...But in todays society, punishing your children is pretty much a felony. Which is why our country is falling apart



Parents should be able to discipline there children without going to jail. If most parents could discipline their kids most of these kids wouldn't be so damn bad now.



Ecerybody trying bash whoopings/spanking if more parents did that it would be less murders/ less inmates/ less disrespect



I was actually raised on a switch as well and I wouldn't be the person that I am today with out the discipline I recieved growing up as a child. You know? It's crazy now a days how you can't even spank your child without the authorities getting involved. My children don't act out like that though. They know better then to mess with mamma! Lol.



Children of this generation need all the whoopings in the world



My East Texas Aunt (Dad's sister) whipped the snot out of me and my cousin with a willow switch for getting into things we weren't supposed to when I was 8. Still have scars on my butt and I'm 37. I turned out fine.



I was switched my brothers were switched I'm fine and so are my brothers and my sisters. I had whelp marks still bear some of the marks . Grateful for the switching. That mom mmmmm . Stand on the word I am sorry some of our children talking to time out do not work. Switching works



thanks for the switch, it kept me out of trouble and away from jail and the police, its the most effective way to make your point because you love your child and wish them the best.



You know what  I don't know what area you grew up in, but I am 44 years old and I got a spanking with a switch, belt, a rubber shoe and a paddle in school. Between school and home I am a better person because of the spanking!!! The Bible says that we are to spank our children and yes you can talk but you still have to discipline them too!!!



My mom would talk to us then if needed to that's when she would start grabbing stuff. Pots, pans, tables, benches, phone receivers ... Not one if her six kids has ever been a ward if the state. A good old fashioned whipping never hurt us.





and specificly the post with the comments:



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Complete masochists. Let them enjoy pain and defending abusers. You need not argue. I feel the urge to, but I rather not. The degree to which they speak of their own abuse this way...already speaks volumes of how horribly they suffer in their personal lives already. If that's the kind of treatment they can praise and excuse, then I'm pretty sure they get shat on elsewhere in other areas of life.

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These responses are truly sad. People are screaming out loud about how helpless they are to assert their own preferences by praising their abusers. In my mind, this is more empirical evidence that I made the right decision to leave Facebook behind. Why would you want this type of despair in your mind on a daily basis? Looking at the responses, I am curious if we will ever see a National Spank a Child Day.


Here is a disturbing article from this summer: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/383414/victory-parents-great-spanking-war-christine-sisto




It does not seem as if those of the Swedish mindset will win the American spanking debate anytime soon. After all, some of the states mentioned above, that have stood up for parents’ right to spank are traditionally Democratic states, such as New York and California. Roughly 80 percent of American parents admit to hitting their children. But the day may not be far off when giving a child a quick slap on the rear for misbehavior will get a parent labeled a child abuser.
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It's remarkable how sadistic victims of child abuse can become when they decide to give up. They proudly commit to public frenzies of child desecration, hoping to kill the carrier of their trauma. They do this, just after trying to convince an audience that they've turned out to be well-adjusted and empathetic individuals. Every victim of child abuse has to be mercilessly tortured and disassembled in their quest for peace of mind. They've experienced the horrors of child abuse, but decide that every child should suffer the same fate, so they can reinvent their cowardice as virtue. "I didn't escape, so no one can escape." I gain some relief knowing that the people who decide to join the ranks of child abusers will only prolong their own suffering indefinitely and seal their own fate.


I don't think these people deserve any sympathy. They're certainly no victims any more.

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Stef again does a great job for spreading the word on spanking = child abuse. Besides the huge personal value I get out of Stef's show these vids are the reason why I donate to the show. Our best shot to achieve a better society is to get society to condemn spanking. 


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These facebook comments are nothing. I remember I ran across a christian youtube video that was wholly focused on how most of the ills of the US stemmed from the decline in child abu- I mean spanking. I can't find it now though.This sort of stuff makes me sick. I won't feel bad at all if a child abuser gets abused in turn by his grown-up child when the latter is old and senile, after all, in that old age people get forgetful and need to be 'disciplined' from time to time to remind them how things are done. This is when the importance of forgiveness comes in. It's so pathetic and immature. If you manage to point the mugger's gun against him it's all about forgiveness and about turning the other cheek. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

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These facebook comments are nothing. I remember I ran across a christian youtube video that was wholly focused on how most of the ills of the US stemmed from the decline in child abu- I mean spanking. I can't find it now though.

Youtube comments will be seen as obvious examples of child abuse and poor education when future generations read them.


Stef's Adrian Peterson video has really brought out the bible and child thumpers... it's a wonderful thing, I hope they share the video with everyone in their social circles.


That guy talking about choosing which stick he got hit with reminds me of a fine quote.


Will: He used to just put a belt, a stick, and a wrench on the table. Just say, "Choose."

Sean: Well I gotta go with the belt there.

Will: I used to go with the wrench.

Sean: Why the wrench?

Will: Cause fuck him, that's why.

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They've experienced the horrors of child abuse, but decide that every child should suffer the same fate, so they can reinvent their cowardice as virtue. "I didn't escape, so no one can escape."

Indeed, one of the problems with trying to argue with these people, especially with the argument from morality, is that they were never taught that language of living by principles and abiding by them for the sake of being consistent. Instead, they learnt to adhere only to what didn't get them hit. Where they made and continue to make mistakes, they won't necessarily be worried about the fact that they've erred but instead the possibility that someone will find out. It's external discipline rather than internal discipline, at the core.


Why go with 'non-aggression' if no one is going to punish me for not abiding by it?


They might not think this consciously of course but it's gonna be a subtext, based on their 'jilted' understanding of the world.



Also, I always get the strong urge to reply to these sorts of idiots, at least in the hope that someone a little more impartial will see the comments and be influenced by the arguments I am making or for the sake of boosting the morale of anyone reading the comments who happens to agree. Showing our faces sorta thing. That, and I can feel self righteous in condemning abusers :P. However, it looks as if some here do not advise that (Berlin and Rainbow Jamz specifically), can I ask what your reasoning is?

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Taking on FB strangers in regards to hitting children is usually not productive. However, taking a stand against hitting children to your own circle of friends requires bravery, courage, and can lead to productive conversation. You at least have a chance to bring some moral clarity to the issue even if you can't persuade someone to change their stance. You then get to decide how much you want to engage someone you are close to if they continue to argue for hitting kids.

The world changes by changing that which we have some control/influence over. That is why I grimace a bit when I hear folks bash the FB platform.

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These facebook comments are nothing. I remember I ran across a christian youtube video that was wholly focused on how most of the ills of the US stemmed from the decline in child abu- I mean spanking. I can't find it now though.This sort of stuff makes me sick. I won't feel bad at all if a child abuser gets abused in turn by his grown-up child when the latter is old and senile, after all, in that old age people get forgetful and need to be 'disciplined' from time to time to remind them how things are done. This is when the importance of forgiveness comes in. It's so pathetic and immature. If you manage to point the mugger's gun against him it's all about forgiveness and about turning the other cheek. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

I hate feeling this way, but I agreee. You only get what you give.

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