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I like how women try to shame men by the size of their penis as if it's their problem. In fact it's a female problem because for a man a 1 inch penis gives as much satisfaction as a 10 inch penis.


Wuzzums, not trying to be rude, but where did you find that out from? I know from reading "game" sites (I don't read those too much anymore. They bitch about being exploited by girls, and then they go and exploit girls. I get tired of reading "if you don't fuck them over, they'll fuck you over" win-lose negotiations and the such) that girls can't tell if the condom breaks in her. I find it surprising that they can't tell. Or maybe they can, but they're lying, and they want to deliberately get pregnant for child support money, or they're selfishly bringing another human life into this world just to try and keep him around even though it will likely fail. The girls these guys "game" are not of the highest quality... I'm being very generous with that statement... But do you know if they can genuinely tell or not? It does seem plausible. Because girls have to push out a baby that is roughly the size of a small football out of a tiny hole between their legs, and if their entire vagina had nerve endings instead of just the entrance, I imagine the pain would be absolutely unbearable. 


And Ron Jeremy, someone with a face only a mother could love who is popular for some bizarre reason, said: "Most women I find are not really size queens. There are some out there, but most girls prefer a guy that could give good head. That can move well. They say it's not the boat but the motion of the ocean. Most girls have gotten off with my tongue than ever with the penis." Hmm... makes sense. A 9" guy saying that his tongue pleases more often than his dick. 


And then there's Doug Stanhope:


Doug, I like him except for the anti-baby parts. More good people need to have more children. And the kinds of girls Doug attracts are going to be atrocious. He even said his personality is what will prevent him from having a second date. So, I will assume he's scoring on the first date? Girls who will sleep with you if you're not married to them; let alone sleep with you on the first fucking date, are not girls you really want to be around. So the girls Doug does attract probably have to have foot long dildos because they're too loose. But he does have a point. The majority of dildos are like 8" instead of crooked 3.5". In porn (I'm trying to stop watching porn by the way. Those are real girls with real childhood trauma. I don't like prostitution, I don't want to ban it though; it will never work, I wish those girls would go to therapy, but why do prostitutes exist? Because there are johns who are willing to pay for them. So I want to stop being a john to porn. I know I won't be much of a detriment to the consumption and demand for it, there will always be pornography just like there will always be prostitutes, but if less girls are harmed, even one, it will be worth it. Aannndd I get to smear my moral righteousness in other people's faces, MHUAHAHAHAH. Just kidding, I hate it when other people do that.), but when girls masturbate, they primarily rub their clitoris/the entrance of their vagina instead of sticking tennis ball containers up inside them enough to touch their cervix. When girls do that though, it's usually categorized as extreme, and I imagine they don't enjoy doing it. Pornstars are "actors", albeit terrible ones, after all. 


Hmm... I'll need to ponder this some more. Why do females target the length of the penis instead of the thickness? Is it just for aesthetic reasons? I've heard theories that the reason why humans have larger dicks than other primates is because females chose males with larger dicks. But, that seems odd, since back in the hunter gatherer days when they were fighting sabre-toothed dodos and shit, the dude could just smack her in the face with a club and rape her, so her decision wouldn't really matter. However, another theory is why human males do not have baculums, or bones in our dicks, is because females wanted to determine if males had good genes, and haemodynamics is a pretty good way of finding out if he's healthy. We don't have dicks in our bones, so they may have had a choice after all. Another theory, which I believe to be correct, is this:


The longer and thicker you are, the more you can scoop out, so those who were bigger got to successfully reproduce and their genes were continued on. Makes since, since our females aren't the most loyal... 


And feminist aren't helping by exacerbating our promiscuity predicament. 

However, male's sperm count is decreasing, but I think it's more likely from endocrine disruptors than females being loyal, feminist being a primitive reminder of this...


Fucking pharmaceutical companies... and FUCKING FEMINIST, destroying everything that is magnificent and beautiful in their wake like the grim reaper, killing everything it comes into contact with. If they weren't sluts, and stopped pissing out birth control pills that will go into our water supply, we wouldn't be having this problem. 

You know how feminist blame the patriarchy for everything?
I'm going to start blaming feminist for all of my problems. 

Anyways, perhaps when girls insult your size, they're saying that your genes are not going to continue on. That's actually quite mean... I thought females were supposed to be angelic, benevolent beings who could do no wrong? If only females were in control, there would be no war they say...  


But back on subject, when girls do use large dildos, not only is it long, but it is thick as well. I don't see them using a thin dowel that is really long. But I have heard the insults "needledick" and "pencildick" in movies before... but those insults typically come from other males. I wonder if the shorter your dick is, the thinner it is as well... Back to the porn thing, the pornstars will have sex in uncomfortable positions for the camera angle for the enjoyment of the viewer, not for the performer's own pleasure. So the really long dildos may be for the viewer, not because the girls like them. Hmm...


OK, I'm talking too much, and I'm getting tired of this.  A lot to read, but I think it's important. Moral of the story is: Wuzzums, where did you find that out and can I get a link to the source, please? I'd like to have it as a source. I don't want to sound lazy, but I've searched for a few minutes and I can't find anything decent... And I have to reply to this guy who replied to me about polygamy, but I've been reading wikipedia article after wikipedia article, every article I read there are 5 more I have to read. I think he'll appreciate the wait though. I'm trying to hurry up dude, but I needed a break from that.  

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The weird thing about shaming a man for the size of his penis is that you are shaming him for his supposed inability to pleasure a woman. You would think that the oppressive, woman-hating patriarch that Stef is according to some detractors would mean that he doesn't care whether or not he satisfies, but that he is satisfied.


Honest to god, the 'you have a small penis' insult is one of the best ways to demonstrate what gynocentrism is. Literally, 'You are a loser because you lack the ability to please women'. That feminists will levy this at supposed misogynists demonstrates to me their cognitive dissonance. Then again, what a feminist thinks misogyny is is different than what it actually is.

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Wuzzums, not trying to be rude, but where did you find that out from? I know from reading "game" sites (I don't read those too much anymore. They bitch about being exploited by girls, and then they go and exploit girls. I get tired of reading "if you don't fuck them over, they'll fuck you over" win-lose negotiations and the such) that girls can't tell if the condom breaks in her. I find it surprising that they can't tell. Or maybe they can, but they're lying, and they want to deliberately get pregnant for child support money, or they're selfishly bringing another human life into this world just to try and keep him around even though it will likely fail. The girls these guys "game" are not of the highest quality... I'm being very generous with that statement... But do you know if they can genuinely tell or not? It does seem plausible. Because girls have to push out a baby that is roughly the size of a small football out of a tiny hole between their legs, and if their entire vagina had nerve endings instead of just the entrance, I imagine the pain would be absolutely unbearable. 


And Ron Jeremy, someone with a face only a mother could love who is popular for some bizarre reason, said: "Most women I find are not really size queens. There are some out there, but most girls prefer a guy that could give good head. That can move well. They say it's not the boat but the motion of the ocean. Most girls have gotten off with my tongue than ever with the penis." Hmm... makes sense. A 9" guy saying that his tongue pleases more often than his dick. 


And then there's Doug Stanhope:


Doug, I like him except for the anti-baby parts. More good people need to have more children. And the kinds of girls Doug attracts are going to be atrocious. He even said his personality is what will prevent him from having a second date. So, I will assume he's scoring on the first date? Girls who will sleep with you if you're not married to them; let alone sleep with you on the first fucking date, are not girls you really want to be around. So the girls Doug does attract probably have to have foot long dildos because they're too loose. But he does have a point. The majority of dildos are like 8" instead of crooked 3.5". In porn (I'm trying to stop watching porn by the way. Those are real girls with real childhood trauma. I don't like prostitution, I don't want to ban it though; it will never work, I wish those girls would go to therapy, but why do prostitutes exist? Because there are johns who are willing to pay for them. So I want to stop being a john to porn. I know I won't be much of a detriment to the consumption and demand for it, there will always be pornography just like there will always be prostitutes, but if less girls are harmed, even one, it will be worth it. Aannndd I get to smear my moral righteousness in other people's faces, MHUAHAHAHAH. Just kidding, I hate it when other people do that.), but when girls masturbate, they primarily rub their clitoris/the entrance of their vagina instead of sticking tennis ball containers up inside them enough to touch their cervix. When girls do that though, it's usually categorized as extreme, and I imagine they don't enjoy doing it. Pornstars are "actors", albeit terrible ones, after all. 


Hmm... I'll need to ponder this some more. Why do females target the length of the penis instead of the thickness? Is it just for aesthetic reasons? I've heard theories that the reason why humans have larger dicks than other primates is because females chose males with larger dicks. But, that seems odd, since back in the hunter gatherer days when they were fighting sabre-toothed dodos and shit, the dude could just smack her in the face with a club and rape her, so her decision wouldn't really matter. However, another theory is why human males do not have baculums, or bones in our dicks, is because females wanted to determine if males had good genes, and haemodynamics is a pretty good way of finding out if he's healthy. We don't have dicks in our bones, so they may have had a choice after all. Another theory, which I believe to be correct, is this:


The longer and thicker you are, the more you can scoop out, so those who were bigger got to successfully reproduce and their genes were continued on. Makes since, since our females aren't the most loyal... 


And feminist aren't helping by exacerbating our promiscuity predicament. 

However, male's sperm count is decreasing, but I think it's more likely from endocrine disruptors than females being loyal, feminist being a primitive reminder of this...


Fucking pharmaceutical companies... and FUCKING FEMINIST, destroying everything that is magnificent and beautiful in their wake like the grim reaper, killing everything it comes into contact with. If they weren't sluts, and stopped pissing out birth control pills that will go into our water supply, we wouldn't be having this problem. 

You know how feminist blame the patriarchy for everything?
I'm going to start blaming feminist for all of my problems. 

Anyways, perhaps when girls insult your size, they're saying that your genes are not going to continue on. That's actually quite mean... I thought females were supposed to be angelic, benevolent beings who could do no wrong? If only females were in control, there would be no war they say...  


But back on subject, when girls do use large dildos, not only is it long, but it is thick as well. I don't see them using a thin dowel that is really long. But I have heard the insults "needledick" and "pencildick" in movies before... but those insults typically come from other males. I wonder if the shorter your dick is, the thinner it is as well... Back to the porn thing, the pornstars will have sex in uncomfortable positions for the camera angle for the enjoyment of the viewer, not for the performer's own pleasure. So the really long dildos may be for the viewer, not because the girls like them. Hmm...


OK, I'm talking too much, and I'm getting tired of this.  A lot to read, but I think it's important. Moral of the story is: Wuzzums, where did you find that out and can I get a link to the source, please? I'd like to have it as a source. I don't want to sound lazy, but I've searched for a few minutes and I can't find anything decent... And I have to reply to this guy who replied to me about polygamy, but I've been reading wikipedia article after wikipedia article, every article I read there are 5 more I have to read. I think he'll appreciate the wait though. I'm trying to hurry up dude, but I needed a break from that.  

Wuzzums said that for a man, he the man gets just as much satisfaction from a 1 inch as a man with a 10 inch.  In other words a man with a 1 inch will ejaculate just as much as a 10 inch, thus will gain satisfaction to the same degree as the 10 inch man, its women who do not get satisfaction from smaller sizes, thus making a woman problem.  I am not sure what you are replying to though.

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