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The Switch, the "soft" invisable addiction


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So recently is discoverd somethign about myself that i wanted to share here on the forums.


And i think this is somethign that applies to many whom strugglte with such thigns as procrastination, lack of motivation and other related problems for example feeling that "you" are unable to want something more than mere short term satisfactions.


The switch which this title is:


- An object, activity or service of the sort whcih you use in your everydsay life which has become so saturated with being part of your life that it not only seems normal but in questioning your issues, problems and emotional issues (depression, sadness, frustrations ect.) your sub-chounchessness will actively block.


- This "switch" is more subtle than for example cocaine since it hides in your very presence as normal: In other words cocaine users can SEE the negative effects of drugs but get benefits which addict them and also feels good but the bad effects can atleast be seen as bad.


- The switch is something which will circle around you when you try to use theraphy and conversations about these thigns with your friend and family and it actively is that something which is ALWAYS out of question not knowingly, becaus ethen it would be too obvious.


- The switch becomes feeding mechanism for you like addictive drug but is more sublte and some object, avtivity and "service" (hobby service you buys and use). You get short term gain from it and long term procrastination since your body and mind are "sated" by it cosntantly and thus it prevents you moving on.


In my case it was sexual fetishes and computer screen "switch" thus i named it that.


Now i realize it may have been researched better and called by other names. And its m,echanism explained by scientists better elsewhere.


How it works:


For example, computer switch can never be turned off and every time it comes up youll ignore it and your emotions take strong hold and try to sway you away from being critical of it.


And most strongly, when you finally DO find out it and dont use it for while, you realize that since this "happy good" feed has been cut off you can start doing other thigns.


Now OBVIOUSLY, self knowledge understanding your childhood and past is essential. Usually this is just detrction mechanism.


Is there any object, item, service or actvity that you seem to "like and use", try not doing it for while and see if you suddently feel motivated to do things in more productive manner that wont make you feel liek youre stuck. I am writing this naturall with my monitor on. But since i now understand this switch of mine i dont feel as strong urge to jsut aly about in its feed. And i feel doing other things. And this applies to the OTHER switch i mentioned.


Ideas and critism and "DUUHness" is appriciated if this simply feels like or IS just a different type of addiction. :)

Or way of descriving addiction.

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it's allowed, this isn't a video game forum lol.


Can you elaborate a bit more on this topic? At first I thought you were talking about tree banches, that kind of switch, do so you mean the transition period between new patterns and behaviours?


Well in my case it was computers monitor switch thus i named it that but i can be anything. I related to the soft addiction concerning somehting which grows around your life (liek using computer and bright screen but can be seomthing esle like i mentioned in the text). It remains invisable to you because it is not so extreme such as cocaine or harder drugs or habits.


It is partially GOOD aka it can have good or neutral use in your life, but when you use it regardless whether it brings you fun/productivity or not then its such soft addiction.

And it can be stronger than drugs since it becomes "normal" daily habit that is surrounded by normal habits that are good, like on computer you do your work related stuff you watch videos, get entertained or leanr soemthing.


As for "transition" well ummm... it has none since it wont go away until one really realizes that it is an addiction AND strong keeps his/her mind on it being addiction for else it slips from your mind really easily and nothing chances. :)

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Is there any object, item, service or actvity that you seem to "like and use", try not doing it for while and see if you suddently feel motivated to do things in more productive manner that wont make you feel liek youre stuck.


If you suffer from it then it is not productive in any shape or form. If actually other things are more immportant to you have slit into an adiction. Addiction is an continuum.

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