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Female Support Group


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Hey ladies!


I am very interested in getting a group of us together for a support group, through messaging, and Skype. It's hard to find quality women for friendships, and I am looking for that in my life. 


You can post here or shoot me a message if you are interested. 



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Oh, it probably is a conspirative gathering of women who want to start conquering the shoe industry :cool: to produce shoes more cheaply in order to achive that every woman can afford 20 pair of shoes. It could be also the case that it is just a gathering of women who want to become strong and independend.


It is easy gals, a woman who can lift me (95kg) up is a strong woman  :yes:  - no one could denial it and a independend woman is a woman who does anything but mooching off husbands, lovers or parents. :thumbsup:

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gee 'skirtilator", what qualities have you exerted in life to attract those types of women if that is your honest view of them?  Clearly if that is your view of women or the first place you go, then that is all you have seem to surround yourself with, what does that say? Do you surround yourself with those types of women in order to feel superior and thus be constantly critical of them to compensate for something lacking in you?  doesn't look well for you equally as much as you try to shoehorn all women into that stereotype. 

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Oh, it probably is a conspirative gathering of women who want to start conquering the shoe industry :cool: to produce shoes more cheaply in order to achive that every woman can afford 20 pair of shoes. It could be also the case that it is just a gathering of women who want to become strong and independend.


It is easy gals, a woman who can lift me (95kg) up is a strong woman  :yes:  - no one could denial it and a independend woman is a woman who does anything but mooching off husbands, lovers or parents. :thumbsup:


I really wonder what the hell is wrong with you sometimes...eh not sometimes. Often.

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...  doesn't look well for you equally as much as you try to shoehorn all women into that stereotype. 


I see what you did there ;)



Also, on topic, if I didn't have such anxieties about talking over the phone or on Skype with people I've never met before this would be fun

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Also, on topic, if I didn't have such anxieties about talking over the phone or on Skype with people I've never met before this would be fun

I kind of agree, I get a little anxious about it too...although this does look like it'd be kinda fun. I'm super busy right now, so I don't know if I'd be able to talk a lot except maybe on weekends, but I'd still be interested in the group :)

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I really wonder what the hell is wrong with you sometimes...eh not sometimes. Often.


Downvotes are meaningless in the current setting, since there is no objective standard. Nothing is wrong, it is just projection on your part, I guess. :thumbsup:


gee 'skirtilator", what qualities have you exerted in life to attract those types of women if that is your honest view of them?  Clearly if that is your view of women or the first place you go, then that is all you have seem to surround yourself with, what does that say? Do you surround yourself with those types of women in order to feel superior and thus be constantly critical of them to compensate for something lacking in you?  doesn't look well for you equally as much as you try to shoehorn all women into that stereotype.


I´d suggest to get off your stick and spare your conjecture based on implicit questions or I´ll ask you if somebody told you too many rape jokes and drowned your kitty in the bathtub in order to make you to come up with such nonesense. :P


I wonder what this female herd mentality will lead to or whether it is the basis for the special snowflake movement - those who say that you cannot understand them because of privelege etc. Maybe I sound like an early feminist who bitched about mens´ clubs but AFAIK men´s clubs weren´t based on genitalia and/or special snowflakery but almost exclusively on general interests. To not criticise someone for the wrong reasons. ;)

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Right now the tentative start of the Female FDR group is next week, Friday Oct. 24th at 6PM or so.


I know a lot of women at FDR would have anxiety at being a part of this group. Perhaps that would be a great topic for the first meeting. Remember, if you want to listen but not speak during the conversation that is perfectly fine.


I think the way it will work (for now) is that my girlfriend will somewhat host. I will participate in a tech support manner.  I can help anyone with their setup if necessary. (This will be an audio-only meetup).


Below is a link to a decent skype beginners guide:


The one thing I will add to the guide is that you want your microphone to be within an inch of your mouth and point towards it. You want it just below or to the side of your breath (such that when you exhale the air doesn't go into the mic.)

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I'd like to lend some weight and encouragement behind such a group project. I've been involved in an FDR men's group for some years now and I can say it's been a very satisfying and productive interaction with those men. Of course the issues that men face compared to women are often quite different at times, but no less important for the philosophically minded lady.

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I think the way it will work (for now) is that my girlfriend will somewhat host. I will participate in a tech support manner.  I can help anyone with their setup if necessary. (This will be an audio-only meetup).

Isn't the whole point of a men's or women's group that it's strictly for members of that sex? If there was a woman listening in in the background to a men's group call I was in, I would hesitate to generalize, and I would filter what I was saying.

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I only want to be as present as necessary. I will be physically around my "Skype Workstation" to help my GF if there are any issues but I will try not to be involved in the actual group discussion unless they want me there for some reason. I'll be in another room watching Star Trek!


I wonder, though, if women are actually more nervous with talking when there is a man present or if they are more intimidated by the fact that it is a women's group. What I mean is that (I think) in the general public a woman is more likely to receive flak if she is of the "freedomain" persuasion than a male is. I think a lot of women on this forum may experience more fear of criticism from their fellow females (in public) than from men.


BTW, the only reason that it is me (and not my GF) who is doing all of this arranging is that she is super-busy with school since it is midterms.

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Right now the tentative start of the Female FDR group is next week, Friday Oct. 24th at 6PM or so.


I might want to listen in at least. What time zone are you in? 6PM doesn't tell me much :)

Being in the Netherlands it'll probably start at some ungodly hour for me :D

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I'm so sorry, I meant to post that it is 6PM Eastern Time.  This doesn't have to be a permanent time. I would like to tailor the time to involve as many participants as possible but first we have to see who will participate to begin with. Perhaps we'll keep this Friday's time for now and change it to the weekend so that we can use an earlier time.


Of course, my GF (her forum name is Alshar04 but it has not been approved yet which is why she hasn't posted here) is at home most of the day and may be able to do an earlier time.

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Hello everyone!

I'm Amanda, "Boohickey's" girlfriend. :)

I know I've been in the background thus far, but school has been crazy lately with tons of midterm assignments (just to note, I'm a second year Masters student in English concentrating in Rhetoric and Composition). Now that I have those somewhat behind me, I can now be more active in this formation of a women's group! I have to say that I am really excited about this; through my pursuit of self-knowledge, I no longer have many lady friends that I can connect with on a deeper level. Hence, I'm hoping this group will not only provide a personal space for women to discuss matters than concern them, but also stimulate the growth of healthy friendships.

If anyone wants to message me, please feel free to do! :Welcome:



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Hope there is another time for this. I cannot join anything on Friday after 2:00 pm as I travel home on the weekends but would love to join. Perhaps there can be two or three call times scheduled on a regular basis. Everyone would not join every call, but it would open it up for more ladies. I'd be happy to host a call on the weekend perhaps every other week or once a month. 

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Hi ladies!


I've started another thread that seems to have lots of views, but no responses yet, regarding the days and times of the meetings. The title is FreeDomain.women meet time.

If anyone is interested please post there for discussion.




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