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I know I'm about a year late finding this thread, but I'd love to join in on a Skype chat with other FDR women. :) I'm curious how the call last year went. Was it just a one time thing?


Would anyone like to take part in a reprisal of the ladies only Skype call during the first week of January? Might be a fun way to start the new year making new friends. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey ladies!


I am very interested in getting a group of us together for a support group, through messaging, and Skype. It's hard to find quality women for friendships, and I am looking for that in my life. 


You can post here or shoot me a message if you are interested. 



I know this was ages ago... but, is this still a thing?  :D

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I know that this is specifically a thread where the original intent was to create a support network for women, but to any younger ladies (<30) I'm part of a Skype group called the "Young Philosophers" where participants build meaningful, long-lasting friendships based upon virtue and shared values. We have text chats, voice calls, and video calls just about daily, and it's a great opportunity to connect with bright, empathetic, and motivated minds online.


Presently, we only have a few females in the group, but with your participation that can change :)

Okay, end of plug! If the group this thread advertised still exists, more the power to its members! The Young Philosophers have been around for ~10 months, and aren't going anywhere soon





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey ladies. It's International Women's Day, woop woop. (Irony/sarcasm alert.) As good a day as any to get this started, I suppose. Any opinions on whether a facebook group + google hangout would be best, or a skype group/call format? I've never done the latter, so if I don't hear anything to the contrary, I'll probably go ahead and start up a Facebook group that we can coordinate calls/hangouts from. If it's up to me (ie no other contradictory preferences or input given), I will choose two Wednesdays per month from 4-6pm Eastern. Hope to speak to y'all soon!


I was thinking Wednesdays as well! That sounds great! And the facebook group + google hangout sounds perfect. Let me know if I can help with set up at all. :) 

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Awesome! I would appreciate suggestions on cheeky and subtle/obfuscated names for the group. I don't necessarily feel comfortable broadcasting "FDR Women" on facebook, as I try to stay low profile and as private as possible on there. Thoughts?


It could be a "secret" group on Facebook. This would offer the most privacy, so only the members could see who else is in the group. However, this would make the group invite only. So, the only folks who could join would be friends of current members or those who take the initiative to ask for an invitation. I'm sure there are pros and cons to this approach, but this way we could call it what it is ("FDR Women") and be clear about the group's purpose, while also keeping some anonymity. What do you think?  


Here's a rundown of the privacy settings for Facebook groups: https://www.facebook.com/help/220336891328465

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  • 2 months later...

It looks like some of the posts here have disappeared, so just to update everyone, we do have a private group on Facebook! We chat on Google Hangouts every other week or so. It's been wonderful getting to know these lovely philosophical ladies! A very warm and caring group. :) 


If you'd like to join us, PM me with your email address and a little about yourself, and I can add you to the Facebook group. We keep it private for a degree of anonymity, so only members of the group can see who is in the group. 


Let me know if you have any questions! 

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