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A Psyco who wants the Male Population Reduced by 90% or more..

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Meet the 22 year old Criminology Student who wants to eradicate 90% or more of the male gender supposedly "For Peace".... :blink:


I personally encountered a group like this back in college who's methodology was far more violent and extreme, but this one will give you an idea of just how deep the "Radical Feminism" Rabbit Hole Goes..(I can write about that later if you want to know more)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvEJfN-jiS4also here is an Article about this.http://www.newsforage.com/2014/08/meet-woman-who-wants-to-reduce-male.html


personally I am of the opinion she belongs in a padded room....

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Well, women are just so peaceful, dontcha know!



A lot of people are for population reduction; environmentalists, socialists, nazis... all kinds of people aren't terribly worried about collateral damage as long as it happens to other people. It just so happens those people are poor and don't have friends in high places.


personally I am of the opinion she belongs in a padded room....

I agree completely!

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Goin to throw a wild idea out there. I get the impression that within the feminist industry that much like pop music or the like, the new kid on the block has to come out with something new and shocking. After all, whatever her name is would probably not be known at all if not for this 90% craziness. Although, I have seen where something called the SCUM manifesto called for something similar back in the 60's or thereabouts. I am beginning to think of alot of these characters as grotesque cultural memes vying for attention. I'm just waiting for the feminist with the new book who proposes that women are evil and inherently inferior to men. And yes, it is insane.

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Get the strong impression this is little more than attention seeking on her part,

(Certainly put a lot of effort into looking pretty for the video?)


She says something crazy, loads of guys react by jumping up and down in anger,

Thus ''Clearly what she has to say (and therefore her as a person) is important''


Trolling 101...


'Crazy biches' try and pull this shit all the time.

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But who will build the roads? (for once this question make sense)

I was bicycle touring this weekend and there was a water line break in a neighborhood I was passing through. Early Saturday morning and a river of mud was going down this hill and two guys are knee-deep in it, bent over digging and turning wrenches to fix the problem. Good luck finding a woman to do that.

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I don't believe it is appropriate to speak about this in context to feminism in the same way it is not appropriate to talk about the views of an atheist who advocates putting the religious in insane asylums in context to atheism, or a Christan who says I ought to be put to death in context to people who are Christan.


I don't deny that there are subsets of feminism that believe this, just as I don't deny there are subsets of Christians who believe that homosexuals should be put to death, but I don't believe there is evidence to support that these beliefs are accepted outside the rather small subclass.


Certainly you can find plenty of instances of those with these beliefs, but the question is whether they are representative of the whole, or just a fringe group. Note that the speaker in the video said mainsteam feminists will not stop them this time, meaning that this is a view abhorred by the majority of that group.


With that said, the argument made is an extreme form of sexism What is the difference between her, and a kkk member who wants to reduce black population to create peace, prosperity, and happiness?

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I'd repopulate the male population by 90% with her if ya know what I mean ;)


But seriously...I would like to know what her relationship with her father is like...


You could have them all, cuz your sperms whould be liquid platinium valuable enough for a 11 out of 11.   :P Otherwise I am not quite sure if you wouldn´t be enslaved by the sistahood as human sperm factory.  :ermm:

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I don't believe it is appropriate to speak about this in context to feminism in the same way it is not appropriate to talk about the views of an atheist who advocates putting the religious in insane asylums in context to atheism, or a Christan who says I ought to be put to death in context to people who are Christan.


I don't deny that there are subsets of feminism that believe this, just as I don't deny there are subsets of Christians who believe that homosexuals should be put to death, but I don't believe there is evidence to support that these beliefs are accepted outside the rather small subclass.


Certainly you can find plenty of instances of those with these beliefs, but the question is whether they are representative of the whole, or just a fringe group. Note that the speaker in the video said mainsteam feminists will not stop them this time, meaning that this is a view abhorred by the majority of that group.


With that said, the argument made is an extreme form of sexism What is the difference between her, and a kkk member who wants to reduce black population to create peace, prosperity, and happiness?


Do you honestly believe that we have never seen the NAFALT argument used to white knight feminism? It is sexism at every level, radical and mainstream. Why don't you ever hear mainstream or casual feminists speaking out against this kind of radical nonsense? It's because all forms of feminism rely on the same fundamental argument of female victimization, which is patently false. To argue against one faction of feminism is to reject them all.

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An analogy I like to remember is that of a sports team. On my sports teams growing up, we always had the "hard-edge" of two or three lads who would enforce and be prepared to get sent-off to nullify a threatening opposing player or intervene at a crucial period in the game through violence. This is common across all successful contact-sports teams I believe. The feminist who comes out with this stuff is the equivalent of this "enforcer". She might express her view differently but at the end of the day, all feminists are wearing the same jersey. Unfortunately, the men hearing this stuff are very often hearing it as isolated individuals.

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Apologies for not having participated in this more, I have been incredibly busy lately.


I think that the point of weather or not this nut is simply looking for attention is somewhat moot due to the amount of Radical Feminists this is giving Ideas to.


you can always be sure that their will be some severely brain damaged and evil human out there to take such crap to another level and make at least part of it take place. 

the other group I mentioned I encountered once at a College event, that group was not above openly wanting the total eradication of the Male gender via Biological/Chemical Warfare means, the part that made me take notice was they claimed to have very credible potential to make it happen. (it was Quite Disturbing to be Honest)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anybody looked into her manifesto. She is crazier than you might initially think. Her idea is to actually raise the value of men by making so few of them. she wants to give them a privileged place in society. She really has a firm understanding of supply and demand, right?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anybody looked into her manifesto. She is crazier than you might initially think. Her idea is to actually raise the value of men by making so few of them. she wants to give them a privileged place in society. She really has a firm understanding of supply and demand, right?


You know they're only going to keep the alpha males around for labor intensive purposes (or possibly forced breeding). They won't allow these remaining men to have fulfilling sex lives if that is what she's attempting to sell to us. It will most likely be a slave/rape farm. A zoo for the male human species.


I wanted to revive this thread to provide another insight. Here's a quote from the last feminist I dated.



Rad feminists who think all men should be killed or all PVI is rape are nutty mcnutters and every feminist I've ever met or interacted with in my life would not identify with that BS and would fully reject them and want to make sure they are not associated with true feminism. Their arguments are clearly insane and psychopathic so I don't know why you let crazy people like that get to you so much and it drives me crazy that you let those jerks paint feminism as evil in your eyes.


Notice the man shaming tactic in the last sentence?


Feminists attack men. Men defend themselves. Feminists dole out excuses for other feminists while trying to blame the male outrage on the men. The phrase "clearly insane" doesn't give feminists any moral responsibility as crazy people are not considered to be legally accountable for their actions, which is why when there are feminist bomb threats at MRA conventions, the police don't investigate it. (Apparently, feminist bloggers are calling it a hoax: http://mancheeze.wordpress.com/2014/06/03/paul-elams-sham-scam-there-have-been-no-feminist-threats-regarding-mra-conference/)


This is how you spot a feminist apologist, gentlemen.

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I've heard the exact same things from people I've spoken to as well. But they never like to answer a question like "if these people clearly aren't fit to call themselves feminists, why do you and so many others allow them to continue spoiling your ideals?" or "if these people 'aren't really feminists,' why is it that they teach feminist theory in universities?"

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Stefan Molyneux mentioned in one of his videos, something along the lines that, you can't hold a movement/group/etc. responsible for the actions of its members; however, you can hold them accountable for how they respond to those members and/or explain how they don't/didn't follow their established tenets...


(I think this came up after a men's conference he attended where they received bomb threats and had to relocate the conference?)


It also kinda follows that idea about declaring that north is the correct direction to get to your destination while then proceeding to go south (or in this case, to then begin to dig and dig and dig...).  :huh:

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If you are genuinely interested in fully understanding this point of view, simply place your head directly into your arsehole.

{sorry couldn't resist] :-p




On a serious note: I suspect severe childhood trauma has manifested into displaced anger and an irrational fear of men. Possibly a cluster personality disorder, with Borderline and severe Paranoia. Or she could suffer from Histrionic Personality Disorder and is desperate for attention? Either way, it's a sad situation and hopefully someone in her life will suggest therapy.

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On a serious note: I suspect severe childhood trauma has manifested into displaced anger and an irrational fear of men. Possibly a cluster personality disorder, with Borderline and severe Paranoia. Or she could suffer from Histrionic Personality Disorder and is desperate for attention? Either way, it's a sad situation and hopefully someone in her life will suggest therapy.

Perhaps it's not just childhood victimization that makes for a radical feminist.

Just take a look at this Lena Dunham character, she's telling everyone that she molested her sister and also men are evil exploiters of women.


That's someone who actually victimized a little girl and telling people that all men victimize women... that sounds like projection.


When a man says we need to wipe out huge swaths of humanity we call him an evil Nazi, when a woman does it she has mental problems... I bet you didn't even know you were being a white knight ;-)

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Perhaps it's not just childhood victimization that makes for a radical feminist.

Just take a look at this Lena Dunham character, she's telling everyone that she molested her sister and also men are evil exploiters of women.


That's someone who actually victimized a little girl and telling people that all men victimize women... that sounds like projection.


When a man says we need to wipe out huge swaths of humanity we call him an evil Nazi, when a woman does it she has mental problems... I bet you didn't even know you were being a white knight ;-)

I didn't know that about Lean Durham, that's disgusting. [vomit.] I'm going to Google this.....


I am just as likely to suspect a guy is not mentally well due to childhood trauma when his behaviour warrants it. Brain scans show that the brains of male psychopaths and female Borderline's are very similar. (I personally dislike all of the labels used by psychiatry and big pharma; the only reason these labels exist is to justify selling unnecessary drugs to people who have experienced childhood/adult trauma. I think mental health is fluid and can be helped with self therapy in conjunction with peer support.)


note: white knight correction, it's --White 'delicate flower' Fairy Princess -- ;-)

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I didn't know that about Lean Durham, that's disgusting. [vomit.] I'm going to Google this.....


I am just as likely to suspect a guy is not mentally well due to childhood trauma when his behaviour warrants it. Brain scans show that the brains of male psychopaths and female Borderline's are very similar. (I personally dislike all of the labels used by psychiatry and big pharma; the only reason these labels exist is to justify selling unnecessary drugs to people who have experienced childhood/adult trauma. I think mental health is fluid and can be helped with self therapy in conjunction with peer support.)


note: white knight correction, it's --White 'delicate flower' Fairy Princess -- ;-)


It is irresistible to blame provocative or cruel behavior on mental illness. I recommend reading Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker since it concerns the evolution of psychological diagnosis and the rise of pharmaceuticals in the mental health industry. I bought a copy but I haven't cracked it open yet.


Look at the mainstream media's response to mass shootings. If you aren't hearing the gun control agenda, you are likely hearing the Right Wing appeal to deteriorating mental health in society. While this may be true, what most people in the mainstream media seem to be ignoring is the fact that often the perpetrators of mass killings have a long history of being prescribed pharmaceuticals, such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors.


I was prescribed two SSRIs at different times as a teen, Zoloft and Prozac. I am personally very pissed off about it because it meant that psychologists (and my parents) were more than happy to sweep my problems under the rug to increase drug sales.

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