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A Psyco who wants the Male Population Reduced by 90% or more..

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It is irresistible to blame provocative or cruel behavior on mental illness.


I totally agree. We are absolutely aligned on this issue. I try to never use the words' the mentally ill," i prefer Mental Wellness, Mental Health, or Mental health challenges. I obviously did a crap job conveying that if you thought I was excusing her behavior b/c she's 'mental.' -- ugh.


I am sickened that you were manipulated into taking brain poison as a teen. Unfortunately, I can relate.  


I am a 'Certified Peer Specialist' counselor which means I have been a consumer of mental health services, "diagnosed," and prescribed psychotropic drugs. I have also been involuntarily committed and was forced to take antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and antipsychotics in order to get my sadistic Psychiatric Doctor to agree to my release. All CPS's self identify as someone in recovery due to childhood/adult trauma. CPS's offer support and information to other consumers who are interested in alternatives to psychiatry, psychotropic drugs, and/or alternatives to traditional mental health services provided by the state, for example mental institutions.


When i lived in Atlanta, I worked in a wellness center/respite for people struggling with emotional challenges. The center is peer run, with an emphasis on self directed recovery. I never use labels when I'm offering support to a peer. I use 'Human Experience Language.' Instead of saying, I have suffered from depression." i will say, "there was a time in my life I stopped socializing, I started isolating, i stopped leaving my house, I lost my job, and I was crying a lot." When we subtract these labels from our language, suddenly everyone can relate to these universal experiences/feelings. And if someone can relate to our feelings, then we remove this false illusion of separation between us.


The only reason I use these bullshit labels is because it's just a lot faster to communicate with people who are familiar with these well known psychological characteristics. Not many people outside of alternative counseling circles are familiar with 'Human Experience Language.'


And thank you for the book recommendation, this is exactly the type of reading I enjoy! :-)

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"Children should be raised communally and by the state. The nuclear family model is a breeding ground of deceptions, mediocrities, treacheries, hypocrisy, and violence. It needs to be abolished. Bigotry, prejudice, and antiquated convictions are passed down through each generation. The conventional family unit indoctrinates our youth and drains them of their potential. My solution would be to assign children caretakers whose task would simply be to provide shelter, food, clothing, and protection for each child—all of which would be yielded by the state. Perfect girls will be conceived, developed, and engineered in state-owned breeding centers. They will be bound together in a communal venue under the instruction and control of female savants."

Well that about says it all, huh?

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She's just a patriarch. They've been doing that forever, they were just smart enough to realize that reducing the male population is a logistical nightmare. Instead what you do is standardize or impress uniformity on the male population. This removes the male threat. If you're an alpha male what you want is a pack of beta males. You don't go and kill them all because that is just stupid. What you do is remove their choice of mates and capacity to contest your leadership.

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