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sometimes I'm confused...

Good man

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I'm so sorry for the crap you have experienced and I appreciate your sharing. You need therapy. There is nothing you can do here to help yourself or your children IMO. If I were you, I would begin immediately looking for a therapist if you have not already. Look and keep looking until you find someone who can help you. The issues you are talking about are deep and multiple. You need professional help. 

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You should tell your wife how you feel about public school, and the savage treatment you received there. Wouldn't you feel terrible subjecting your child to the same? School is different now, too. Teachers will identify kids who have trouble learning or behaving and manufacture excuses to get them on pharmaceuticals. One of my friends got child services on his family's case because someone at school thought his son had cigarette burns on his arm. It was actually a scab from a bug bite. Needless to say, he and his wife were interviewed and recommended for family counselling where their son (but not their daughter) was prescribed Ritalin. Case closed, all better!


I don't know if you realize this, but you are painting yourself as an economic prisoner (a slave) to your wife and children. Do you feel this way? If so, why?

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just a few things that stand out to a stranger on the internet:


you say you believe in homeschooling, but that your wife is too lazy.  Is this a fair depiction of the situation?  you portray yourself as someone who goes along to get along, instead of really being yourself.  maybe your wife is part of that crowd that you are going along with?  maybe you believe in homeschooling but didn't want to turn over the apple cart and never bothered to really engage her on this topic, or others of importance?  maybe she isn't lazy for not homeschooling, maybe you are too lazy to do the work to give her the evidence that would convince her?  sorry if any of that sounds accusatory, i don't mean to draw conclusions.  i just find it hard to believe that your wife is "too lazy" to do the right thing for her children, and that perhaps you are not representing the situation fairly and honestly.


I remember a similar response to saddam hussein being captured.  i was in the car with my aunt listening to the AM radio for traffic updates while i was travelling with her to a family get-together (me, a broke student needing the ride from my local relative).  I remember being upset that he was captured.  I also had to hide this of course, because it is obviously a politically incorrect response to a tyrant's capture.  i wasn't a fan of hussein, rather i was upset with the US military machine and society as a whole and the fact that they had achieved one of their stated objectives hurt me.  Like, these fucking guys go over and kill innocent people and start unnecessary wars and fuck up the region beyond it's already fucked up state, and now they get to play heroes for the rest of their lives and have parades and wear medals, etc.  It's like, in childhood, you only receive attention when you do wrong, even if the wrong isn't severe enough to warrant attention in the first place.  The whole fucking society is committing severe, catastrophic wrongs, one after another after another, and they are ignored and rationalized, then they succeed at something that should never have been so difficult for them in the first place and they get the spotlight for it.  It just isn't fair, right?


Do you talk to your wife about her childhood?  You describe her like someone who was looking for the type of guy she could control.  What virtues would draw you to her today as a man with some understanding of self-knowledge?  What virtues do you possess that should draw her, or any other woman, to you?

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